辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:2198e).docx

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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:2198e).docx_第1页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:2198e).docx_第2页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:2198e).docx_第3页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:2198e).docx_第5页
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1、Teaching design Title UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy fatherfather isis great.great. 课型/课时 New/The second Period Teaching aims 1.Ss can master the new phrases“make toys”and the new words “player”, “worker” by making situation . 2.Ss can act the new dialogue of “Listen and act” freely with partners by working in g

2、roups. Ss can sing a song“My Father is A doctor”happily. 3. EducatetheSs to lovetheirparentsand express their love in English. Important point Ss can know the jobs and the new song“My Father is Great.” Difficult point Ss can talk about the jobs correctly in daily life. 教 学 过 程 教学内容及教师指导学生活动及设计意图 Ste

3、p1.Step1. WarmingWarming upup andand Revision.Revision. 1T says “Hello”to Ss. 2 .T shows PPT. Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentation andand DrillDrill. . Ss say “Hello”to T. Ss chant and do the actions together. 看,做, 既活跃了 课堂气 氛,又把 学生轻松 1.Present the sentence pattern. T shows CAI. T: Listen and rememb

4、er. T show the pictures and introduce the jobs of some persons. T shows a picture: Guess : “Whats his job?” Present the sentence pattern “Is he/she a?” “Yes, he/she is.” “No, he/she isnt” T shows the picture of “ Listen and act”. T presents the title Unit 5. T: Today we are going to learn Unit 5. T

5、asks the questions. a. Whats Liu Gang mothers Job? b. What can she do? 2.Present the word “ping pong Ss look at the pictures ,listen and remember their jobs. Ss use the sentence pattern to guess their jobs. Look at the picture and talk about the picture. Ss read the title. 地带入英 语课堂。 旧知的复 习,为新 知的呈现 起

6、到了很 好的铺垫 作用。 采用语篇 教学模 式,首先 让学生初 步感知文 本,然后 带着任务 体验文 本,学生 根据所听 的内容, 回答问 题,提高 了学生听 音理解、 player” T asks “Is she a ping pang player?” Using pictures to drill: He is a _ player. 3.Present the new word “worker”. T asks “Whats her job?” T directs Ss to read the word. Using pictures to dill: My _ is a worker

7、. 4.Present the phrase “make toys” T asks “What can she do ?” T directs Ss to use the phrase. 5.Practise “Lovely toys” “May I have a look?” “Sure!” T: I can make toys. Do you want to see? T: If you want to see, what will Look and say loudly Ss listen to the tape and talk about the questions in group

8、s. Ss answer “No, she isn t” and learn the new words. Try to make the sentences. Ss answer “She is a worker.” Ss try to make sentences. Ss answer “She can make toys” 捕捉重要 信息的能 力,从而 完成任 务。 利用多媒 体课件创 设情境, 学生能积 极主动地 进行学 习。真实 的情境可 以更好地 帮助学生 理解、感 知短语和 句型,教 学中词不 离句,句 不离目 标,目标 与实际紧 密结合, 便于学生 you say?” T: S

9、ure! StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1.T plays the recorder. 2.T directs Ss to read and act. 3.Drill: Fill in the blanks. Direct Ss to finish “Try to do.” StepStep 4 4 ConsolidationConsolidation andand ExtensionExtension 1.Singing a song. 2.T: Maybe your father is a worker, your father is a policemanW

10、hen you are ill they can help you. Sometimes they help you study. So lets speak the words from the bottom of our heart “Daddy,Mommy,I love you. 3.T directs Ss to sum up. 4.Homework (1)Read the text. (2)Make a puzzle. Ss say “Lovely toys!” Ss ask “May I have a look?” Ss listen and repeat. Ss read and

11、 act. Ss try to fill in the blanks. Ss finish this part. Ss sing the song together. Ss look at the CAI and listen to the teacher. 更好地掌 握. 学生在自 由、愉快 的氛围中 与同伴儿 展开会话 练习,使 所学语言 得到了灵 活实际应 用。 各种形式 的练习全 方位有效 地提高学 生的听、 说、读的 技能,小 组合作更 好地提高 了综合语 言运用能 力。 Ss say“Father, mother I love you!” Ss summarize the new

12、lesson. 唱歌调动 学生学习 的积极性 和兴趣, 提高了语 言的应用 能力 有效的作 业可以帮 助学生更 好地掌握 和巩固重 点,强化 记忆,使 课堂教学 得以延伸 和补充。 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 Unit 5 My father is great. IsIs he/shehe/she a a pingping pongpong player?player? Yes,Yes, he/shehe/she is.is. No,No, he/shehe/she isnisnt.t. 本节课设计合理,过程流畅,各环节紧密衔接。旧知的复习也 为新知的呈现打下了良好的铺垫。我采用语篇教学模式,让学生听 录音初步感知文本,然后带着问题再次听录音去真实体验文本,小 组合作共同解决问题。真实的情境既帮助了学生更好地理解教学重 点,又使语言得到了实际灵活应用。采用提示性训练方法帮助学生 操练新。帮助学生了解从事各行各业父母的伟大与艰辛,是学生的 情感有所升华。但是部分环节仍有不足,小组合作中应更好地发挥 优等生的作用,以优带差,以达到共同提高的目的。


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