辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 10 Can you sing and dance -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c00dc).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 10 Can you sing and dance _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:c00dc)
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Unit 10 Can you sing and dance? 一、 将陈述句变成一般疑问句,并写出答句。 1、I can read and write. ? Yes, . 2、I can speak English. ? Yes, . 3、I can sing and dance. ? Yes, . 二、写写说说 Hello, boys and girls. My name is . I can do a lot of things. I can . I can . I can and . I am great. Can you sing and dance? Unit 10 Can you sing and dance? Can you fly a kite? Can you play the piano? Can you ride a bike? I can sing and dance. I can fly a kite. I can play the piano. I can ride a bike. Sha la la, sha la la, sha la la la la. I can do a lot of things. What can you do? Sha la la, sha la la, sha la la la la. I can do a lot of things. What can you do? Can You Sing and Dance? Lets sing Can you sing and dance? Can you fly a kite? Can you play the piano? Can you ride a bike? I can sing and dance. I can fly a kite. I can play the piano. I can ride a bike. Sha la la, sha la la, sha la la la la. I can do a lot of things. What can you do? Sha la la, sha la la, sha la la la la. I can do a lot of things. What can you do? Can You Sing and Dance? Lets sing Hello, Robot! Hello! What can you do? I can do a lot of things. Can you walk?Yes, I can. Can you jump? Yes, I can. Can you swim? No, I cant. Can you read?Yes, I can. Tips: walk, jump, swim, run, read Hello, Robot! Can you _? read ea r di: beat bean cream eat lead sea meat peach speak Can you read? Can you write? write wr r i ai bike kite write Can you read and write? Can you read and write like this? No, I cant. Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Practice read write run walk swim jump play football play the pinao fly a kite ride a bike speak English . (对话练习对话练习 ) speaki: b Can you speak English? Listen and answer -Can you speak English? Listen and answer -Can you speak English? -Yes, I can. In different countries (在不同国家), people speak different languages (人们说不同的语言). Chinese Japanese English French 英语语是使用范围围最 广泛的语语言;汉语汉语 是 使用人数最多的语语 言。 In China, we speak Chinese. We can speak Chinese and English. What can Tom Cat do? He can sing and dance. Can you sing? Can you dance ? Lu Han can _ and _.sing danc e TFboys can sing and dance. Can you sing and dance? Yes, I can. Hello, Robot! Can you speak English? Can you sing and dance? No, I cant. Can you swim? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Listen and say Back Hello, Robot! Can you English? . Can you and ? . . Can you ? Back Robot is great. He can do a lot of things. He can _. He can _and _ . speak English sing dance Hello,boys and girls. My name is _. I can do a lot of things. I can_.I can_. I can _ and _. I am great. sing dance write swim run read play football speak English 介绍绍自己,写在练习练习 本上 刘伟 Can he sing? Can he swim? Can he write? Can he play the piano? Maybe you cant do anything well at first, but if you study hard, you can be great. Believe yourself! 也许有的事最初你做不好,但是只要努力,你 会做得很棒。 相信自己! Yes, I can. Summary: What have you learned?这节课你学会了什么? Ive learned 我学会了 Homework:Homework:Homework:Homework: 朗读并与同学合作表演Listen and say部分的对话。 Unit10 Can you sing and dance?教学设计 一、教学内容:辽师大版快乐英语四年级下册第十单元 二、设计思路: 英语新课标中明确指出,学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。所以我从激发和保 持学生的学习兴趣入手,注重培养和激发学生的积极性和自信心。同时,新课标提倡任务 型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知体验、实践、参与和合作等方式实现任务 的目标,感受成功。本着这一思想与理念,我在设计教学时结合本课的教学目标和四年级 学生的特点,主要以“情景教学为主,活动教学为辅导”,充分利用多媒体教学手段创设情 境,让学生觉得说英语并不难,从而体验到用英语交流的兴趣和愉悦感。 三、教学目标: (一)知识目标 1、能够正确书写单词 sing, dance, read, write, speak,句子 Can you sing and dance? Yes, I can. 2、能听懂、会读 Listen and say 的内容,并能在实际情景中运用。 (二)能力目标 1、能够利用本单元单词核心语言介绍自己并询问他人的有关能力,并能对他人的询问 做出回答。 2、能积极主动与同学合作,敢于开口说英语。 (三)情感目标 1、培养学生与他人合作的意识。 2、使学生相信通过自己的努力可以做好很多事情,增强学习和生活的自信心。 四、教学重点: 运用本单元核心语言 Can you ?询问他人的技能,并会用 Yes,I can./No, I cant.做出相 应回答。 教学难点:四会句子的书写。 五、教学用具:四线格贴、多媒体课件等. 六、教学过程: Step1、Warming up 1.Greetings 2.Lets sing: Can you sing and dance? 3.Review: What can you do? I can 设计意图:通过与学生互致问候、旋律优美的歌曲实现师生互动,创造一种宽松、和谐的 氛围,以达到情感交流的目的。复习上一单元的重点句型,为本节课教学做好铺垫 Step2 、Presentation 1Today we have a new friend, Robot. What can he do? Can he sing and dance? Can you sing and dance? Lets learn Unit 10.出示机器人图片,设置问题悬念,引出本单元标标题。 T: Hello, Robot. What can you do?由我询问机器人能够做什么,机器人回答可以做很多事情 I can do a lot of things.再用 Can you?这个句型继续询问机器人几个问题 T: Can you walk? Yes, I can. 设计意图:教师先与机器人交流,既导入了本课的重点句型,又让学生充满了好奇,为接 下来由他们询问机器人问题做了师范和铺垫 2. Let the students ask Robot. Can you ?让学生用学过的单词和本课的重点句型来问机器人 问题,得到机器人的肯定和否定回答 Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 设计意图:通过老师和 Robot 的对话很容易引起学生的兴趣,让学生们提问 Robot,在充 满好奇和积极的氛围中巩固了重点句型,又很自然地引出单词 read 和 write,并能在实 际情境中运用 3Teach the new words “read” and “write”. Pay more attention to the right position of reading and writing . Share the beautiful writings.学习 read 和 write, 强调 ea、wr 以及 i 的发音,扩 展单词训练,读其他含有 ea 组合的单词。 设计意图:根据音标举一反三,掌握更多具有相同字母组合单词的 发音,并学会在实际情境中运用句型和单词,同时督促学生注意正确 的书写和阅读姿势,保护视力和身体健康 4Practice 句型操练-Can you ? -Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 设计意图:鼓励学生边说边做,在真实语言环境中感受和运用核心语言,达到学以致用、 学会用英语做事情的目的,询问他人技能以及对他人的学问做出正确的回答 5Let the student ask me : Can you speak English? 让学生询问老师,继续前面的操练,引出 speak 和 speak English.强调字母 p 和 ea 的发音,再一起询问 Robot,Can you speak English? 设计意图:由老师回答学生提出的问题,让孩子们更加积极踊跃,听音回答更可以锻炼学 生的听力能力 6In different countries, people speak different languages. 向学生展示不同国家的国旗、名称, 让学生了解几个主要国家的语言。 设计意图:让学生了解不同国家说不同的语言,以及常见国家的国旗、英文名称,可以培 养学生的文化意识,开阔视野 7Watch the video about Tom Cat. 通过视频展示 Tom 猫的两项技能,并询问学生 What can Tom do? 根据回答引出“sing” 和 “dance”. 再用 Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you sing and dance? 句型问学生会唱歌、跳舞吗,在他们做出“Yes, I can./ No, I cant.”的回答后,让 他们展示现场或通过视频自己的唱歌、跳舞才能。 设计意图:学习单词 sing 和 dance,并让唱歌跳舞好的同学展示才艺,既活跃了课堂氛围、 学习了语言知识,又展示了学生的才艺,增强了他们的自信心和成就感 再一起问 Robot “Can you sing and dance?” R: Yes, I can. 操练句型“Can you and ? 设计意图:把所学单词具体应用到重点句型中,做到词不离句,句不离目标句型,练习与 教学内容紧密结合 8有感情地跟读课文,Listen to the tape and imitate. 采取自由朗读,接龙朗读,分角色朗 读等多种朗读方式来理解、掌握课文。并对课文进行留白处理,学生补全空缺并朗读对话。 设计意图:加强朗读训练,不同形式的操练既可以强化学生正确的语音、语调,培养语感, 又能加深学生对课文的理解,让学生全面感受课文,进一步巩固核心语言,也为语言的输 出做好铺垫 Step 3 、Consolidation and extension 给学生介绍自己、展示自己的机会和舞台,提供写作框架,完成写作练习 This is a telent show, we need to choose the best one, introduce yourself. Hello, boys and girls. My name is _. I can do a lot of things. I can_. I can_. I can _ and _. I am great. 设计意图:提供写作模式,让学生根据已经掌握的知识介绍自己,展示自己的优点和技能, 获得成就感。在实际情境中运用语言,同时也培养了学生的创新能力和口语表达能力,实 现了语言输出,让学生有话可说、有话可写,实现了“为用而学,学了会用”的教学目的 Step 4、Extension 欣赏达人秀冠军刘伟的图片和视频 Share the radio of Liu Wei and talk about feelings.并用本课 重点句型询问学生 Can he read/write/swim/play the piano?学生的回答都是 “Yes, he can.”说明 他们真正受到了触动。趁热打铁地进行情感升华 Maybe you cant do anything well at first, but if you study hard, you can be great. Believe yourself! 设计意图:让学生了解达人秀冠军刘伟的事迹,让他们相信自己通过努力可以做好任何事 情,学会相信自己,自立自强,树立学习和生活的信心 Step 5、Summary and homework Summary: Call some students say what we have learned today. 让学生总结所学知识,培养他们的自主学习和总结能力,并及时给予表扬和补充。 Homework: Talk about your school with your parents or your friends. 设计意图:通过课后作业来巩固新知,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力,最终完成本节 课的学习目标 七、板书设计 Unit10 Can you sing and dance? read write speak Can you sing and dance ? Yes, I can.
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