冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:e022f).zip

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older than (比(比-年龄更大的)年龄更大的) (比(比-年龄更年轻的)年龄更年轻的) younger than A is taller than B. A比比B更高更高。 A is shorter than B. A比比B更更- Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster A monster 一只怪兽一只怪兽 What does it look like? Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster 冀教版小学英语冀教版小学英语Book,Unit3 横北中心小学横北中心小学 耿建莉耿建莉 教学目标: 知识与技能: 1、能在图片的帮助下读懂故事。 2、能在图片的帮助下简单复述故事。 情感态度: 1、积极参与课堂活动,能体会到故事课学习的乐 趣。 2、乐于感知,并积极尝试使用英语。 3、在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。 学习策略: 能初步运用找读、略读、猜测词义、预测等阅读 策略,培养良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读能力。 Read and find the answers quickly.(快速寻读找答案快速寻读找答案) How old is Maddy? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster As a monter, Is Maddy old or young? Do you want to know the true year? 想知道正确答案吗?想知道正确答案吗? She is ninety-nine years old. She is a young monster. Lesson 18:Maddy the monster Listen and find the answer. Who is she? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Anna is eleven years old. I am ninety- nine years old. I am older than Anna. Read page 44 ,find the answer. Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Anna is 1.5 metres tall. I am 5metres tall. I am taller than Anna. All monsters are very tall. Read page 44 ,find the answer. How tall is Maddy the monster? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster How do they go to school? electric bike subway Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster You can look at the pictures and read the sentences to find the answer. 借助图片和相关的句子寻找答案借助图片和相关的句子寻找答案 Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Read page 45 ,you can look at pictures to find the answer. Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster 上学的路上,一定要注意安全!上学的路上,一定要注意安全! Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Watch, listen and fill in the blanks. How tall? How old? How do they go to school? What do they like? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Watch, listen and fill in the blanks. How tall? How old? How do they go to school? What do they like? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Watch, listen and fill in the blanks. How tall? How old? How do they go to school? What do they like? She is 5 metres tall. She is 1.5 metres tall. She is ninety- nine. She is eleven. By bus. By monster. Play basketb all. Monsters. What does Maddy like to do? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Can you think more? Why? 你能想到更多吗?为什么?你能想到更多吗?为什么? Why? What does Maddy do at school? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Is it fun? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster older than taller than play basketball by monster best Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster 关于关于Maddy,你能想到更多有趣的事情吗?,你能想到更多有趣的事情吗? What does she like to eat? How does she sleep? Where does she sleep? Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Today you did a very good job ! Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Homework: 1.Retell the story . 2.Make up more interesting things about Maddy with your partner. 和你的同伴一起创编更多关于和你的同伴一起创编更多关于Maddy的有趣的事情。的有趣的事情。 Thank you. Good bye! Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster Lesson 18:Maddy the Monster 一、教学分析: 本节课的教学内容是冀教版(三年级起始版)第四册第三单元 18 课 Maddy the Monster ,教材呈现了怪物 Maddy 的身高、年龄、住址、爱好及 其好友 Anna 的个人情况等,并复习了本单元的重点句型。故事以对比的形式, 比较搞笑的展开故事,极大地调动了孩子们思考、猜测以及阅读的兴趣。 二、学情分析: 四年级的学生对故事阅读很感兴趣,在此之前学生已经掌握了不少关于这 篇故事中的句型 How old are you? How tall are you? How do you go to school? Where do you live ? Whats your address?作为常用日常交际用语,学生在接受 上会容易很多。但是对于阅读的一些技巧和策略还需要适时加以指导。所以必 须要通过有效的阅读策略、激发学生的阅读兴趣,进而培养学生的阅读能力、 训练学生的阅读思维。 三、教学目标 知识与技能目标: (1)学生能在老师或图片的帮助下听懂并读懂故事 (2)学生能朗读故事并在图片和句型的帮助下复述故事。 (3)学生能够根据所学的知识,续编故事。 学习策略目标: 帮助学生形成以下基本的学习策略 (1)在学习中集中注意力,初步尝试略读、默读、寻读等阅读策略。 (2)培养学生积极思考、自主提问并主动解决问题的能力 (3)对所学内容能主动练习和实践。 (4)积极运用所学英语故事进行表达和交流。 情感态度目标: (1)学生有兴趣听故事、说英语、积极参与各项活动。 (2)学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。 (3)学生体会到与人为善,热爱交友;注意安全。 四、教学重难点: 教学重点:要求学生在掌握相关已有词汇的基础上,能够看、听、读并谈 论故事内容。 教学难点:正确理解故事内容并加以运用(复述故事并能简单的续写故事) 。 五、教学准备: 彩色粉笔、多媒体课件 六、教学过程: Step1:Greeting and Warming-UP: 1. Greet to the students and sing the song together before beginning our class. 2. Devide the students into two groups: the green team PK the red team.(绿色代 表 Maddy;红色代表 Anna) 3. Choose two volunteers to share their introduction. At the same time, try to learn “I am older than her. She is younger than me. I am taller than him. He is shorter than me.” 【设计意图】:课前热身和分组,拉近师生间的距离,营造一个轻松的学 习氛围,调动孩子们学习的积极性。课前三分钟展示,既复习了旧知识,又拓 展学习了本节故事课涉及到的形容词的比较级,可谓一举两得。 Step2:New Concepts: Pre-reading: 1.T: Today I am happy. Because a friend comes here. She is a monster. Whats a monster? Please listen first. (As I say the sentence ,I draw Maddy on the blackboard) Ss: T: She is a monster who doesnt have four or five hands or legs. She is very kind and lovely. Who can imitate Maddys sound. S1: S2: (介绍我的朋友给学生认识并在黑板上画出来,引出故事的主人公 a monster,通过听的方式简单的认识一些这个 monsterMaddy,你想和我一 起分享 Maddy the Monster 的故事吗?导入本课) 2.T:Do you like Maddy? What do you want to know about Maddy? S1: How old is she? S2: How tall is she? S3:How does she go to school? S4: (让学生对 Maddy 提出自己感兴趣的问题?激发学生积极思考) While-reading: 1.T: You are all the best. Now lets guess “How old is Maddy?” Ss: T: Do you want to know the true year? Please read and find the answer quickly. Ss: 2.T: Who is she? Please listen and find the answer. Ss: 3.T: Who is older? Maddy or Anna? Please read page 44 and find the answer quickly. Let me see who is the first. Ss: 4.T:How tall is Maddy? Can you guess? Ss: T: Please read page 44 to find the answer. Ss: 5.T: How do they go to school? Can you guess? S1: S2: S3: T: You can look at the pictures and read the sentences to find the answer. Ss: T: Is it fun? Ss: T: But please be careful, on your way to school! Ok? Ss: 6.T: You are the best. Now lets watch, listen then fill in the blanks. Ss: T: Who wants to share? Are you right? Ss: 7.T: What does Maddy like to do? Why? Ss: T: Can you think more? Why? Ss: 8.T: What does Maddy do at school? Please watch the picture then tell me. Ss: Post-writing: 1.T: You did a very good job. This time lets listen and repeat ,then work in groups to retell the story by helping of some sentences on the PPT. Ss: 2.Show time: S1: S2: T: Today you are all the best. Ill give you a happy face. Please be happy every day. 3.T:Can you think more interesting things about Maddy? Such as: What does Maddy like to eat? How and where does Maddy sleep? Ss: Step3:Homework 1.Retell the story . 2.Make up more interesting things about Maddy with your partner. Step4:Class Closing Praise the Ss and hope them enjoy themselves everyday.
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