冀教版(三起)四下Unit 1 Hello Again!-Lesson 3 Where Are They -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:23a72).zip

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Lesson3 Where Are They? What can you see? blackboard desk chair schoolbag Where are they? Danny is between the desk and the chair. Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny. The schoolbag is on the desk. The book is in the schoolbag. The crayons are under the desk. 1.Is Jenny between the desk and the chair? 2.Is Danny beside Kim? No, Danny is between the desk and the chair. No, Jenny is beside Kim. Where is the school? The school is between the shop and the library. Where is the boy? The boy is beside the tree. The schoolbag is _ the desk. The book is _ the pencil box. The crayons are _ the pencil box. The pencil is _ the pen and the ruler. The chair is _ the desk. on under in between beside 选择合适的选项,将单词补充完整。 () bl _ ckb_ _ _d A. a, o r e B. a , o a r C. e, o e r () de_ A. s k B. k s C. c k () ch_ A. a r i B. a i r C. a e r () s_oolb_g A. c h, i B. c k, a C. c h, g () bes_d_ A. a, e B. i, e C. i, a () bet_n A. w e e B. e w a C. e e w 1.Read the text 2 times. 2. Do your exercise books. 3. 画出自己卧室的摆设,并画出自己卧室的摆设,并 用方位词进行介绍用方位词进行介绍. Lesson 3 Where are they? 教学内容教学内容 Lesson 3 Where are they?(教材第 6-7 页)教材向我们呈现 了 Danny 和 Jenny 的教室及教室里的物品 。通过询问同学们的位 置,呈现新的表示位置的介词。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标: 1能听、说、读、写四会单词:blackboard, desk, chair, schoolbag, between, beside,并能灵活运用。 2能灵活运用句型: This is my classroom. What can you see? Where are they? Danny is between the desk and the chair. Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny. The schoolbag is on the desk. The book is in the schoolbag. The crayons are under the desk. 语言技能目标: 1.能准确熟练地朗读对话,并能在课堂上进行一对一的练习。 2.能用所学词汇和句式进行简单的对话练习。 3.能准确的运用 where 句型及表示方位介词 in、on、under、between、beside 的用法,在用中学,在学中用, 培养运用语言的能力。 情感态度目标: 学生能够在情境中主动交流,培养乐观开朗的性格。 教学重点难点教学重点难点 重点:掌握表示方位介词的用法及 where 句型。 难点:如何在实际中灵活运用本课句型。 教具教具 物品实物,PPT 课件。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and revision. 1.Greetings. T: Class begin. Monitor: Stand up. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. T: How are you? S1: Fine,thank you. S2:I am happy,thanks.And you? T: Very well, thank you. 2.Sing a song:星期歌 3.Revision. 教师手拿实物,问 Whats this? 学生回答:Its a pen.(pencil、pencil-box、ruler、crayon)迅速复习。 Step 2 Presentation 1. 大屏幕呈现课题 Lesson 3 Where Are They? 教师领读两 遍。 2. Teaching Part one: “My classroom”. 1)大屏幕展示教室图片 T:what is it? S: Classroom. T: Good.What can you see in the classroom? S1: book S2: ruler S3: crayons . 2)大屏幕展示黑板图片。 T: Whats this? Ss: 黑板。 T: blackboard.(板书,并领读) 用同样的方法分别教授:desk, chair, schoolbag. 3. Play the game T: lets play the game. I have some pictures and you can choose one,then tell us what it is. (巩固刚刚学过的单词) 4. Teaching part two “Where are they?” 1)大屏幕展示第二部分第一张图片。 T:What can you see? Ss: Danny、chair、desk T: Where is Danny? (大屏幕出现句子) Danny is between the desk and the chair. 2)大屏幕展示第二部分第二张的图片。 T: Where is Jenny? (大屏幕出现句子) Jenny is beside Kim. T: Where is Kim? (大屏幕出现句子) Kim is beside Jenny. 3)听 2 遍录音,回答问题。 (展示问题) Is Jenny between the desk and the chair? Is Danny beside Kim? 4)学生回答以上问题。 5)教师领读课文。 6)Group work 小组内摆放物品的位置,并运用 on、 in、 under 、beside、between 方位介词介绍。 5. Lets do it! 出示最后一幅图,首先让学生用英语讨论这幅图,在把答案写 在书上,教师和大家一起订正答案。 Step 3 Exercise and Consolidation 选择合适的选项,将单词补充完整。 () bl _ ckb_ _ _d A. a, o r e B. a , o a r C. e, o e r () de_ A. s k B. k s C. c k () ch_ A. a r i B. a i r C. a e r () s_oolb_g A. c h, i B. c k, a C. c h, g () bes_d_ A. a, e B. i, e C. i, a () bet_n A. w e e B. e w a C. e e w Step 4 Homework 1)Read the text 2 times. 2)Do your exercise books. 3)画出自己卧室的摆设,并用方位词进行介绍. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 3 Where are they? between beside on in under blackboard desk schoolbag chair 教学反思教学反思 本节课共分为四个环节,问候、复习、新课呈现、布置家庭作 业结束课程。是一节环节衔接比较紧凑的课。最一开始用了适当的 问候语,及时巩固了所学的知识,提高了语言的使用率,并创设了 融洽的氛围。我在课堂中穿插了活跃课堂气氛的 Lets sing a song 与游戏。唱歌能使学生感到轻松、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪, 既活跃课堂气氛,调动学生情绪,又激发学生的学习兴趣,创造学 习英语的轻松环境。 不足之处:我自己在环节和语言的衔接,还有口语等方面还有 待进步。学生课堂中的表现不错,但是当学生以个体为单位表演或 者表现的时候胆量与表情的自然度还有所欠缺,今后要在这一方面 加大力度,尽量把课堂交给学生,让课堂真正成为孩子们锻炼自己 能力的小舞台。
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