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How to be friends with Module2 Animals period 6 animals? Lets guess Animals you know animals elephant panda fish leopard whale shark zebra tiger bear dog cat swim well black and white on land meat. . Lets guess penguin animals swim well black and white on land meat. ability appearance food place . ability appearance food place Lets talk big ears, long tusks, a long nosebiggest Africa, Asia grass, plants work for people . animals elephant panda fish leopard whale shark zebra tiger bear dog cat swim well black and white on land meat. . penguin These and many other animals are in danger. Lets watch Why are they in danger? Their homes are disappearing. The sky, the forests,the sea are the homes that animals live. Their homes are disappearing. And their families are disappearing,too. If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever. We may disappear too. We only have one earth. If we all work together, we can still save the animals. Lets think What do people do to these animals? hurt the animals more reasons Lets think I cant find my way home. Where is my home? pollute the air global warming gets worse Why are these animals disappearing? How can we save the animals? Lets talk animals in danger pollute the oceans/rivers/air . cut down the forests kill animals for Please . . Stop . Dont . Never . . hurt the animals global warming gets worse Many animals are in danger. It we dont do something now, they may disappear forever. Lets make posters to help the animals. 04 Post er Listen and tick Why is the elephant in danger? A. People cut down trees and build more roads. B. People eat their meat. C. People kill them for their tusks. Read and think How can people save the elephant? Plant more trees. Never buy things made from their tusks. P N S C u , use less paper. Stop riding an elephant. Call the police when people hurt them. Why is the elephant disappearing? One problem is that people cut down trees and build more roads, they have no place to live in. The other problem is some people kill elephants for their tusks. People buy things made from their tusks. Also, tourists(游客) usually ride elephants to have fun. How poor they are! When people are training(训练) the elephants, they usually beat them badly. Most of them get hurt. Some even die. Lets be friends with the elephant. Elephants are the biggest land animals. They live in Africa and Asia. They have big ears and long tusks. They eat a lot of grass and plants every day. Please help the elephant. Stop riding an elephant! When you see someone hurt them, call the police. Never buy things made from their tusks. We only have one earth. Plant more trees, use less paper. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with the elephant! What is the elephant like? Read and think How can people save the elephant? Why is the elephant in danger? Lets talk _ is the blue whale like? _ is the blue whale in danger? _ can people save the blue whale? What Why How Lets be friends with the blue whale. Lets do it Many animals are in danger. The _ is disappearing, too. It is _. _. Why is the _ disappearing? One problem is that _. The other problem is _. Also, _. Please help the _. Dont _. Never _. Stop _. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with animals. Lets be friends with the _. Lets make posters to help the animals. Discuss in group: What - Why -How 3 writers, 1 drawer Share your posters and call for help. elephant panda leopard whale shark tiger bear Lets do it animals in danger Lets do it Many animals are in danger. The _ is disappearing, too. It is _. _. Why is the _ disappearing? One problem is that _. The other problem is _. Also, _. Please help the _. Dont _. Never _. Stop _. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with animals. Lets be friends with the _. To protect the animals is to protect ourselves. Let s be friends with animals. Save them, save our future! Homework: 1. Activity Book Unit4 Ex5,6. 2.Make posters for other animals in danger. THANK YOU 1 Module2 Animals Period 6 How to be friends with animals? 一、一、教学背景分析教学背景分析 本课时为广州版小学英语六年级下册第二模块的内容,主题为 animals。学 生在前面五个课时的学习中已经学习了用英语介绍动物,了解了部分濒危动物 和生存现状以及濒危的原因,并口头呼吁人们善待动物,拯救濒危动物。基于 整体设计的资源重构和创设语境的教学理念,本课在前面学习的基础上进行了 资源的调整和重构,设计为拯救濒危动物制作倡议海报的学习任务。复习巩固 造成这些动物濒危的原因,讨论我们在日常生活中可以为它们做些什么,最后 小组制作倡议海报。学习完本课后,学生掌握了制作倡议海报的方法和语言框 架,课后可以继续为更多的濒危动物制作倡议海报,呼吁老师同学家长一起行 动,善待动物。拯救濒危动物,拯救我们的未来。通过本课学习,既发展更多 的语言能力,也培养社会责任和人文情怀等方面的文化品格。学生已具备利用 思维导图搭建语言框架的能力以及借助互联网搜集和整理资料的能力。 二、二、教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1. 巩固本模块所学的词汇与句型; 能够在思维导图和语言框能够在思维导图和语言框 架的帮助下,复习本模块架的帮助下,复习本模块 知识,联系生活发出拯救知识,联系生活发出拯救 倡议。倡议。 2 2. 能熟练运用以下语言知识建构和表达意义: It has./ Its /It looks like/ It eats /It lives/It can . One problem is that . Also, . If ., . may . Dont . Please . Never . Stop . 3. 能借助语言框架,综合运用所学的语言知识,制作拯救动物倡议海报。 (二)思维品质目标: 1通过小组合作,制作保护濒危动物倡议海报,学生养成应用、创新等思维能 力; 2. 利用思维导图引导阅读,学生养成理解文章、分析分析问题等思维能力; 3. 通过小组讨论,描绘思维导图,学生养成批判性思维与发散性思维。 (三)文化品格目标: 在本课学习中,学生回顾本模块所学语言知识,并通过阅读,了解当前濒危 动物的生存状况,小组合作完成学习任务制作拯救动物倡议海报,养成社 会责任、人文情怀和合作学习等素养。 (四)学习能力目标: 1. 课前上网查找资料、阅读篇章,养成搜集信息、提取信息、加工信息的能力; 2. 课堂完成思维导图、阅读活动和写作活动,养成整理归纳知识的能力,形成 阅读策略和写作策略; 3 3. 小组讨论、分工、完成任务,养成合作学习意识与能力以及主动参与语言实 践的意识和习惯。 三、教学重点和难点:三、教学重点和难点: 保护濒危动物这一主题与学生的生活实际有一段距离,而且教材的文本学 习材料非常有限,学生对为什么要保护濒危动物的认识很容易停留在表面上, 没有深入全面的了解,学生很难言之有物。因此,本课教学重难点是: 1.全面介绍濒危动物; 2.联系日常生活提出保护濒危动物的切实可行的建议。 四、教学过程设计四、教学过程设计 课前检查上节课的学习情况,复述课文。 I. Pre-task 1.头脑风暴,根据动物的外貌、栖息地、喜欢的食物和本领等方面的描述说出 动物名称。 2.小组讨论,利用思维导图梳理从哪些方面描述动物:外貌,栖息地,饮 食。 3.根据第一活动的脑图讨论哪些是濒危动物,集体观看视频,自主利用平板了 解时事新闻,小组讨论,阐述造成濒危的原因,梳理知识。 4.先根据板书复习如何拯救动物;再联系日常生活,小组讨论更多拯救动物的 切实可行的措施。 【设计意图:调动学生学习的积极性和兴趣,活跃思维,复习旧知,拓展语言 知识,为下一步学习做铺垫。 】 4 II.While-task 1. 学生利用平板自主听一篇拯救大象的简短倡议书,初步了解大象濒危的原因。 2. 阅读倡议书(学生从两篇难度不同的文章自由选择) ,了解更多大象濒危原 因并讨论拯救措施,梳理倡议书写作框架。 【设计意图:以拯救大象范文梳理写作框架,联系生活,认识日常生活中的错 误行为,培养学生批判性思维等思维能力,并为完成本课学习任务制作拯 救动物倡议海报提供语言素材。分层阅读照顾到不同学习水平的学生,体现教 学差异性。 】 3. 小组根据语言框架讨论如何拯救蓝鲸,口头完成倡议书,为制作海报做准备。 4. 小组讨论想要拯救的动物,口头介绍动物的情况,濒危原因,保护措施。 5. 小组分工写作,合作制作海报。 【设计意图:小组合作制作保护濒危动物倡议海报,培养学生应用、创新等思 维能力和合作学习等素养。 】 III. Post-task 1. 分享海报,小组汇报。 2. 评价,小结本模块学习目标,情感升华。 【设计意图:培养学生社会责任和人文情怀。 】 VI.Homework 5 1.活动手册 Unit4 Ex5, Ex6; 2.为更多濒危动物制作拯救倡议海报。 五、板书设计和评价五、板书设计和评价 六、重构语篇和语用任务六、重构语篇和语用任务 Reading1 Giant pandas are no longer in danger Why were the giant pandas in danger? One problem is that the bamboo forests got less and less. The giant pandas had less living space and food. Also, pandas didnt have many babies, and baby pandas often died. In 1980s, there were only 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. China government told people giant pandas were in danger and called for people to save them. People set up nature parks with lots of bamboo. They built panda reserves(保 护区). Pandas are safe in these places. And the scientists took care of the giant pandas and the baby pandas in the reserves. By 2014, there were 1,864 giant pandas in the wild in China. We hope that one day more pandas will go into the wild again. 6 Reading2 Lets be friends with the elephant-By Xiaoling Elephants are very big animals. They have big ears and long tusks. They like eating grass and plants. Elephants are disappearing. People cut down trees and build more roads. Some people kill elephants for money. People buy things made from their tusks. Please help the elephant. Plant more trees. Never buy things made from their tusks. Lets be friends with the elephant! 选自拓展读与写 (改编) Lets be friends with the elephant-By Janet Elephants are the biggest land animals. They live in Africa and Asia. They have big ears and long tusks. They eat a lot of grass and plants every day. Why is the elephant disappearing? One problem is that people cut down trees and build more roads, they have no place to live in. The other problem is some people kill elephants for their tusks. People buy things made from their tusks. Also, tourists(游客) usually ride elephants to have fun. How poor they are! When people are training(训练) 7 the elephants, they usually beat them badly. Most of them get hurt. Some even die. Please help the elephant. Stop riding an elephant! When you see someone hurt them, call the police. Never buy things made from their tusks. We only have one earth. Plant more trees, use less paper. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with the elephant! 选自拓展读与写 (改编) 语用任务:语用任务:为拯救濒危动物制作倡议海报 Lets be friends with the _ Many animals are in danger. The _ is disappearing, too. It is _. _. Why is the _ disappearing? One problem is that _. The other problem is _. Also, _. Please help the _. Dont _. Never _. Stop _. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with animals. Lets be friends with the_ What? Why? How? Work sheet Class_ Grade_ Name_ II. Reading2 Lets be friends with the elephant-By Xiaoling Elephants are very big animals. They have big ears and long tusks. They like eating grass and plants. Elephants are disappearing. People cut down trees and build more roads. Some people kill elephants for money. People buy things made from their tusks. Please help the elephant. Plant more trees. Never buy things made from their tusks. Lets be friends with the elephant! 选自拓展读与写 (改编) Task 1. Read and tick. How can people save the elephant? ( )A. Stop throwing things into the oceans. ( )B. Plant more trees. ( )C. Never buy things made from their tusks. ( )D. Dont wear fur coats. Task 2. Read and write. This poster has three parts, what is each part about? _ is the elephant like? _ is the elephant in danger? _ can people save the elephant? Lets be friends with the elephant-By Janet Elephants are the biggest land animals. They live in Africa and Asia. They have big ears and long tusks. They eat a lot of grass and plants every day. The number of the elephant is decreasing. One problem is that people cut down trees and build more roads, they have no place to live in. The other problem is some people kill elephants for their tusks. People buy things made from their tusks. Also, tourists(游客) usually ride elephants to have fun. How poor they are! When people are training(训练) the elephants, they usually beat them badly. Most of them get hurt. Some even die. Please help the elephant. Stop riding an elephant! When you see someone hurt them, call the police. Never buy things made from their tusks. We only have one earth. Plant more trees, use less paper. To save the animals is to save our future. Lets be friends with the elephant! 选自拓展读与写 (改编) Task 1. Read, tick and write. (1)Do you know other reasons why the elephant is in danger? ( )A. People eat the elephant meat. ( )B. People make friends with the elephant. ( )C. People ride elephants. When the elephants are trained, they get hurt, or even die. (2)How can people save the elephant? _ _ _ _ _ Task 2. Read and write. This poster has three parts, what is each part about? _ is the elephant like? _ is the elephant in danger? _ can people save the elephant?