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阅阅读教学研研讨活动 暨暨PRT项目项目教师专业师专业发展高级研修班高级研修班 Reading for more 周燕沂 番禺区沙湾镇中心小 学 2018.3.30 Why are they broken?! ? ? Jane Clarke 著 Sarah McConnell 绘 He chews up toys, he chews up bones. He chews up shoes and mobile phones. He chews his bed, he chews his bowls. He chews up all our toilet rolls. What may Hughie chew next? Hughi e Discuss in groups.(小组讨论) All Hughie does is chew, chew, chew. Now Hughie doesnt chew, chew, chew. What may happen in the story? Discuss in groups.(小组讨论) 1. Why doesnt Hughie chew, chew, chew? 2. What else does Hughie chew? Discuss in groups(小组讨论) Why doesnt Hughie chew, chew, chew? (First, then, at last) First, hes found a pack of bubble gum. He chews the gum. Then, hes inside a huge bubble. At last, the bubble “pop”. 2. What else does Hughie chew? Listen and enjoy! Rhyme words!(押韵押韵) All Hughie does is chew, chew, chew. Whatever are we going to do? He chews up toys, he chews up bones. He chews up shoes and mobile phones. He chews up his bed, he chews up his bowls. He chews up all our toilet rolls. He chews our dirty underwear. Chewy Hughie doesnt care. He chews up the paper and the mail. When Mum says ”NO!”, he wags his tail. Circle the rhyme words from P8P20(圈圈出押韵押韵词) Read the story and pay attention to the rhyme words.(小组齐组齐读并感受押韵押韵词) 1.How does everyone feel with Hughie in the story? 2.Do you like Hughie? Why? Think and share in groups(小组分享) Hughi e (mum, sister, boy) Why does Hughie like chewing? Why does the dog like chewing? ? ? ? ? Why does the dog like chewing? If you have a dog like Hughie, what can you do? If I have a dog like Hughie, _ _ _ _ _ Discuss and write down in groups(小组讨论并由组长记下来5) Homework: 1. Write a continuation from this story. 2. Retell the story. Thank you for your listening! 番禺区番禺区小学英语阅阅读教学研研讨活动 暨暨PRT项目项目教师专业师专业发展高级研修班高级研修班 番禺区沙湾镇番禺区沙湾镇中心小学 2018.3.30 Totrainyourdognottochew,youneed tomakeitunderstandtwobasicideas:first, thatchewingcertainobjectsis unacceptablebehavior;second,that chewingitsowntoysis“good.” Becauseofthis,considertakingyourdog toaveterinarianoranimalbehavioristfor anexpertdiagnosisandasuitable treatmentplan, Ifyoufindyourdogchewingon somethingappropriate,approachitcalmly andgiveitenthusiastic,happypraise (usingphraseslike“goodboy!”).Youcan alsoofferyourdogasmalltreat. Dogsaremuchlesslikelytochewon thingswithtastesthattheyfindunpleasant. Thus,youcandiscourageyourdogfrom chewingoncertainthingsbyrubbingor sprayingthemwithbad-tastingsubstances. Ifyouprovideyourdogwithacceptable thingstochewon,itwillhavefewer incentivestochewinappropriateobjects. Makesurethatyourdoghasasupplyof toysandtreatsavailabletoitwhereverit goes.Thatway,wheneverithastheurge tochew,youcanofferitsomething appropriate,oritcanfindsomethingonits own.Goodchoicesinclude:Rawhidetreats Chewingstrips Teethingrings Ropes Squeakytoys Rawbones(butnorawbonesthatcanbe achokinghazard,suchaschickenbones) Kongtoys(whichcanbefilledwith food)10 Likehumanbabies,youngpuppiesgo throughaperiodofteethingastheirteeth comein.Thiscanleadyoungdogstochew incessantly,evenwhentheyreotherwise well-trained.Tohelpwithteething,try freezingawetwashclothandgivingitto yourpuppytosoothethesorenesscaused bytheteethcomingin 3 Make sure to spend time with your dog.12Domesticdogsaresocialcreatures thathaveevolvedtobeaccustomedto contactwithhumansaswellaswithother dogs.Iftheybecomeboredorarekept fromcontactwithotherdogs,somedogs canresorttodestructivecopingbehavior, includingchewing.Giveyourdogachance tomeetandplaywithotherdogs,suchas atadogpark. Dogsdontjustwanttoys;theywantfun, happyinteractionswiththepeopleintheir family!Besuretotakethetimetoplaywith yourdog Placeanyobjectsyourdoglikestochew (ormightchew)outofitsreach:ina cabinet,highoffthefloor,inabagorbox training your dog to drop the ball in front of you. puppies use their mouths as a means of exploring the world around them. Chewing is a normal behavior for puppies A dogs deciduous teeth will erupt between three to eight weeks of age and around four to six months of age these teeth will be gradually replaced with permanent teeth. Teething is a painful process and puppies chew more during this period of time because their gums are very irritated during this time and the act of chewing relieves their discomfort. 1 大猫英语分级阅读七级 1 Chewy Hughie 绘本阅读教学设计绘本阅读教学设计 一、课型:课型:绘本阅读课 二、使用对象:使用对象:六年级 三、教学内容:教学内容:Chewy Hughie 四、教学内容分析四、教学内容分析 大猫英语分级阅读是全国教育科学“十二五”规划 2011 年度教育部 重点课题“中国中小学英语分级阅读”系列标准研制的配套实验教程。 “学生阅 读不仅是语言学习不可或缺的一部分,也是影响其全面发展的重要因素” (王蔷) 。而我班孩子的阅读材料大部分倾向于故事类。因此,本次上课内容我选定的 是大猫英语分级阅读七级 1 中的“Chewy Hughie” ,它讲述的是一只宠物 狗总喜欢咬东西,把家里成员都搞崩溃,直到这只小狗发现一包泡泡糖之后, 小狗起了变化的故事。故事充满想象,学生在猜测绘本的同时既能拓展他们的 思维空间,同时也能发展他们的语言表达和解决问题的能力。老师在本次教学 中,将通过悬念的设置充分激发学生的阅读兴趣,使学生体验阅读乐趣的同时 也能获得用英语解决问题的能力,从而不断获得学习的成功感。 五、教学对象分析五、教学对象分析 本班的学生经过几年的英语学习,对 sightwords 有一定的积累,同时也 通过日常教材系统地学习了 phonics,具有了一定的拼读能力,对故事中出现 的单词能自主而大胆地进行拼读。在长期阅读教学的影响下,学生也逐渐学会 积极主动地构建文本语言和评价文本。通过课前调查,班级里有 12 个孩子在家 养宠物,有 30 个孩子想养宠物,孩子写房间物品单词平均 20 个。 六、教学目标六、教学目标 (一)知识层次目标 1能利用 phonics 规则在故事里大胆读出新词。 2. 能说出 Hughie 咬过的其他物品。 3. 能根据图片和文字理解故事内容、流利朗读故事。 2 4. 能感受绘本语言押韵之美。 (二)领会层次目标 1能根据 story map 猜测故事的起因。 2. 能根据故事封面的图像猜测绘本的名字。 3能根据已环游图片猜测故事的发展。 (三)运用层次目标 1. 能根据故事说出 Hughie 不再咬东西的原因。 2. 能圈出绘本中其它的押韵词。 3. 能讨论并写出假如自己也有 Hughie 这样的宠物可以怎样做。 (四)分析层次目标 1能根据故事内容并结合图片分析各人对 Hughie 的情感态度。 2能说出 Hughie 不断咬东西的原因。 (五)评价层次目标 1. 能评价其他同学对如何避免 Hughie 不断咬东西的建议。 2. 隐性地批判故事,孩子们要明白除了尊重宠物本性之外还要管好宠物。 七、设计思路:七、设计思路: 本节课的设计注重培养学生用语言构建文本和解决问题的能力。一开始, 老师就让学生关注 story map 和封面信息并猜测故事名称。接着用图片环游 (P3-P5)的方式让学生认识 Hughie 喜欢咬东西的习惯。然后让学生大胆猜测 Hughie 接着还会咬的物品,这个环节培养学生构建文本的能力。紧跟着出示绘 本 P20 小狗不再咬东西的结局,再次激发学生大胆猜测故事,让孩子充分发挥 想象的空间。之后通过学生的个人与小组朗读方式让孩子进一步走进文本,与 此同时让孩子学习词汇和体验绘本语言押韵之美。最后通过 3 个问题的提出, 激发学生的想象与思考能力,进一步发展学生的思维能力。 (考虑到绘本语言比 较简单,上课老师把重点放在让学生讨论 Hughie 的行为环节上。 ) 八、教学准备八、教学准备 PPT,音频,任务设计纸条,绘本复印本等。 3 九、教学过程:九、教学过程: I. Pre-reading A. 课前热身,让学生齐唱歌曲:A picture of me。教师提出问题: So, the house is_? What about this house? Look at those things. The_ is_. Why are they broken? B. 激趣导入,引导学生关注封面信息,老师提出问题如下: The story is written by_, illustrated by_. C. 图片环游 P3-P5, P2, P20 T: 出示绘本 P3-P5,让学生读出绘本内容。 T: What may Hughie chew next? T: 出示绘本 P2,总结 Hughie 的习惯喜好。 T: 出示绘本 P20,让学生读出绘本结局,感受 Hughie 的反差。 T: What may happen in the story? II. While-reading A. First reading T: 引导学生自己阅读故事。 T: 让学生分组讨论:Why doesnt Hughie chew, chew, chew? What else does Hughie chew? 4 【学生同时解决第一、二个阅读任务】 B. Second reading T: 让学生听录音(P2-P7) ,老师提示绘本有押韵词。 T: 让学生圈出绘本(P8-P20)的押韵词。 T: 学生小组内朗读,体验绘本语言的押韵之美。 【学生解决第三个阅读任务】 III. Post-reading A. 学生的思维开发,老师设计以下问题: How does everyone feel with Hughie in the story? Do you like Hughie? Why? Why does Hughie like chewing? B. 播放短片,让学生了解小喜欢咬东西的原因。 C. 提出批判性问题: If you have a dog like Hughie, what can you do? D. 分享分散小狗咬东西行为做法的视频。 E. 让学生以小组为单位讨论假如自己也有 Hughie 这样的宠物可以怎样做,然 后 由组长记下来。 【学生解决第四个任务】 IV. Homework 5 1. Retell the story with the story map. 2. Write a continuation from the story. 故事绘本附件: 6 7 Reading for more! Name:_ Class:_ 一、一、 Tasks before class: 1. I can read those words: mail jaws toilet roll bubble gum underwear stick carpet settee bumblebee 2. I can write(我能写出 bedroom, living room, washroom 的物品 单词): _ 8 _ _ 二、二、Task in class: Discuss and write down in groups. (小组讨论并由组长记出来小组讨论并由组长记出来) _ _ _ _ _ _