教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-Let's read-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e0928).docx

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1、Module 1 Stories Unit 2 Waiting for another hare 一、单元教学目标 知识与技能 1.能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:another, crash into , ground, die,,pick up, easy, himself, from then on, stop, all day long, appear, go for it , happen(to), wait for, worker hard(er), in a hurry, talk on the phone fall to the ground ,pick u

2、p.stop doing 反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, herself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves. 2能用祈使句和 should 等表示规劝。 3能准确理解课文,复述并表演该课文故事。 4.能根据图片或已知用一般过去式讲述并书写简单故事。 5.能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和一 般过去式(肯定形式),并能理解过去进行时的结构。 文化与情感 能通过故事阅读,树立正确的是非观,给故事中的人物提出适当建议。 学习策略 1.在课堂学习和交流中,注意倾听,积极表达。通过阅读,思考,讨论等方

3、式 完成 学习任务。 2.能借助音频,图片等多种辅助手段,理解文段,并通过模仿表演等方式学习 语篇。 二、单元语用任务 能借助图片,关键词或已知,运用一般过去式等时态,口头与书面描述简短 的故事。 三、单元教学流程 课时教学内容教学目标 第一课时1. Lets read: Unit 2 Waiting for another hare 1. 能听,说,认读以下词汇:another, crash, into , ground, die, pick up, easy, himself, myself, yourself, herself, yourselves, themselves, ourse

4、lves, from then on, stop, all day long, appear, go for it , happen(to)。 2.能理解及运用:wait for, run away,say to himself, stop doing 3.能理解过去进行时的结构。 4.能用祈使句和 should 等表示规劝。 5.能正确理解课文并根据关键词复述并表 演该故事。 第二课时 Lets read: Why dont hares have big tails? 1. 能正确拼写并初步运用以下词汇: another, crash, into , ground, die,pick up,

5、 easy, himself, myself, yourself, herself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves ,from then on, stop, all day long, appear, go for it , happen(to)。 2.能听说,认读以下词汇:forest, get along (well) with, bit off, bite, fur。 3.能理解并运用 if 引导的条件状语从句。 4.能听懂并准确理解故事。 5.能借助提示表演该故事并尝试复述该故 事。 第三课时 Fun with language 1. Read a

6、nd number 2. Listen and circle. 3. Story time 能较熟练运用以上词汇。 1-1 读懂 Read and number 中的故事,完成 相关练习,并能简述该故事。 2-1 听懂 Listen and circle 中的故事大意, 并能注意到部分细节,完成相关练习。 3-1 能听,说,认读,理解 tell lies, villagers, hurried, truth。 3-2 能理解并表演 Story time 的故事,并能 说出故事寓意。 第四课时 1. Did you know? 2. Do the project. 1.正解运用时态,讲述自己已知

7、的一个故 事。 2.能用不少于 45 个单词笔头叙述一个故 事。 四、单课教学设计 第二课时教学设计 (一)教学重点与难点: 1.重点: 1)运用 if 引导的从句表达几个角色的需求。 2)理解Why dont hares have big tails?的故事并表演故事。 2.难点: 1)正确使用 If 引导的条件状语从句。 2)表演故事。 (二)教学技术 与学习资源应用: 多媒体, 板书, worksheet,头饰 (三) 教学过程: ProceduresContentsTeaching activities Purposes Pre-reading 1.Warming up 2.Revis

8、ion 3.Lead -in 1-1 Free talk 2-1 Retell the story &Act out the story 通过过去式的引入, 复习课文,为后续讲 故事运用过去式做铺 垫。 While-reading1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story 1-1Listen and answer 1-2Check out the answer 2-1 Read and judge (T/F) 2-2 Read and choose 2-3 Check out the answer and learn the new words 通过听力

9、初步感知故 事 通过阅读继续理解故 事,并在回答问题的 过程当中检验新词汇 的理解并教学。 朗读故事,练习口语 2-4 Group work: Read aloud the story and discuss Post - reading1.Preparation 2.Say and Act 3. Development 4. Sum-up 1-1 Practice doing role play in groups 2-1Role play 2-2Retell the story with help 3-1 Read and answer 4-1 Summary 小组内练习角色表 演,学习小

10、组合作, 与人交流。 表演故事,增加自信 与感受故事的趣味性 总结故事。 拓展检验学生是否能 读懂与文本内容难度 相当的故事,并引起 孩子对英语阅读的兴 趣。并进行情感教 育。 AssignmentHomework : 1.Retell the story (send it to teacher on QQ) 2.Preview text: Story time Board designUnit 2Period 2 Why dont hares have big tails? forest get along well with bite/bit off fur The hare went t

11、o a and asked for help. If you, Ill foxcowboy hare farmer milk fur grass Unit 2 (Period 2) Why Dont Hares Have Big Tails?(材料 1) A fox and a hare lived in the forest. They didnt get along well with each other. Both the fox and the hare had big, long tails. One day, Mr. Fox bit off Mr. Hares tail. Mr.

12、 Hare : Please, Mr. Fox, give me back my tail. Mr. Fox : Ill give you back your tail, if you give me some milk. So the hare went to a cowboy and asked for help. Mr. Hare : Please, please give me some milk. The Cowboy: Ill give you the milk, if you give me a big basket of grass. So the hare went to a

13、 farmer and asked for help. Mr. Hare : Please give me a big basket of grass . Ill give it to the cowboy. The cowboy will give me some milk. Ill give the milk to Mr. Fox. Then Mr. Fox will give me back my tail. The Farmer : Ill give you a basket of grass if you give me a foxs fur with his tail. The h

14、are couldnt give the farmer a foxs tail, of course. From then on, hares didnt have big tails. A Wolfs Promise Is Not a Promise(材料 2) A wolf was walking in the forest. He was very hungry. He was looking for something to eat. Suddenly, he fell into a big hole .He tried to jump out of the hole, but he

15、couldnt. Then he cried out, Help! Help! A sheep came along. The wolf said, Please save me, Mr. Sheep. Pull me out of the hole. The sheep said, No way! If I save you, you will eat me. The wolf said, No! I promise(承诺) I will not eat sheep from now on. Please save me, Mr. sheep.” The sheep pulled the w

16、olf out of the big hole. Once the wolf was safe, he jumped up and said, Now Ill eat you! How silly you are! A wolf always eats sheep.” Then monkey came along. He looked at the sheep and the wolf.Please save me, Mr. Monkey, the sheep cried. He told the monkey the whole story. Im not sure what really happened, said the monkey.Please show me and then I can see who is right. The wolf jumped back into the hole. Dont pull him out. Lets leave him here. Said the monkey. Then they both ran away.


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