辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx

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辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx_第1页
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辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx_第2页
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辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx_第3页
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辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx_第4页
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辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e06d3).docx_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Visiting a school教学设计 第一课时 教学目标与策略分析: 1.能听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇 canteen, art room, any, computer room, between, teachers office, beside。 2.能听懂、认读并能在日常交际中灵活运用核心语言 Is there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.确认学校的场所和场所位置。 3.能听懂、会说 Listen and say板块的对话,并能在具体的语境 中得体地运用。 4.在学习中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;在课堂交流 中注意倾听,积极思考

2、;积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流;在词 语与相应事物间建立联想。 5.了解自己的学习环境,热爱学校,热爱生活,激发自豪感。 教学重点、难点分析: 重点:1.听、说、读、写及运用核心词汇。 2.熟练运用核心语言确认学校的场所和场所位置,进行问答。 难点:1.单词 canteen 和 between的读音。 2.理解、认读 Open House Day。 3.正确书写短语 teachers office。 课前准备: 课件、单词卡片、教学楼图片、评价分组及奖励的小图片 教学过程及设计意图: Step 1: Warming up and Leading in 1. Sing a song Our S

3、chool.(歌曲中教师和各个小组问好。) 【设计意图】设计和文本内容相关的歌曲,营造轻松的学习氛围, 增添学习的乐趣,把学生的注意力引到学习中来。实录在 0015- 0123处 2. 观看学校微视频:Hello, everyone. This is Nanyi Primary School. Welcome to our school. Look! There are two teaching buildings. And there is a big playground. There are sixty- five classrooms in our school. And there

4、is a library. Our school is big and beautiful. We should love it and keep it clean. T: Now, lets do it. Choose the answers on your pad. (教师把课件推 送给学生,学生在 pad上完成习题,学生传屏反馈答案)实录在 0213-0410处 【设计意图】复习旧知,为后续教学提供语境,并利用视频和白 板互动功能激发学生的兴趣,增强学生的参与度。 Step 2: Presentation 1. T: Boys and girls, our school is big a

5、nd beautiful. Lets visit together, OK? S: OK! T: Today we are going to learn Unit 2 Visiting a school. (Read after me) T: There is a teaching building. And there is a room, we often have lunch here. Guess, where is it? canteen (幻灯片)Yes. There is a canteen. canfourteen canteen T: I have a question: I

6、s there a canteen in the school? S: Yes, there is.(师生问答) 【设计意图】用学生熟悉的学校场所导入,引出新知,利用已有 知识帮助学生发现语音规律,培养学生的拼读能力,突破教学难点。 使学生初步了解 there be句式的一般疑问句的单数形式及肯定回答。 T: Now, lets go on to visit. Wow! There is a(音频). teachers office T: Boys read. Girls read. Together. Pay attention to teachers and spell it togeth

7、er. T: Is there a teachers office in the school? S: No, there isnt.(师生、生生问答) 【设计意图】利用直观图片帮助学生理解 teachers office并注意其 写法,解决教学难点。掌握一般疑问句型及肯定、否定回答。 T: Look here!(播放视频)Do you know where they are? Choose your answer. (学生用反馈器进行选择,教师在白板上 公布答案)实录在 0842-0918处 S: A. In the library.B. In an art roomC. In a musi

8、c room T: Lets have a look. Yes, they are drawing in an art room. art room Practice: - Is there an art room in your school? - Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. (生生问答) 【设计意图】观看视频,利用互动反馈功能呈现新知,吸引学生 的注意力,便于学生理解记忆,并引导学生进行问答。在语境中教 学单词并夯实目标语言,逐步达到熟练运用的目的。 T: Do you know? Where is the art room? Its beside t

9、he teachers office. (拉幕板书)be + side beside T: I am beside . What about you? S: I am beside . T: Clever. / Give me five. 【设计意图】运用已有知识帮助学生轻松掌握读音规律,并结合 实际进行理解操练,激发学生参与兴趣。实录在 1037-1054处 2. Today is the Open House Day of Davids school. He is showing his mom around his new school. Lets listen and answer:

10、Q1: Is there a canteen in the school? (Yes, there is.) Q2: Is there an art room? (No, there isnt.) (利用白板的擦除功能呈现答案) 【设计意图】让学生带着问题,有目的地听音,用问答的形式巩 固本课的教学重、难点,有助于学生更好地掌握核心内容。利用白 板的擦除功能呈现答案,吸引学生的注意力。实录在 1247- 1300处 3. Now, open your books, read the dialogue by yourself, you can line out the answers and t

11、alk about with your partner. Ill give you one minute (白板倒计时): Q1: Are there any computer rooms? (Yes, there are.) Q2: Where are the computer rooms? (They are between the canteen and the library.) between(运用英汉字典功能呈现,学生拼读)实录在 1455- 1517处 T:(教师示范) Who can come here and design on the computer. (学生在白板上动手

12、操作,移动相关场所图片,并用英语描述一 下。) S: is between and . 实录在 1538-1645处 【设计意图】引导学生在理解对话的基础上运用带着问题快速阅 读、找关键信息等阅读策略完成学习任务。利用白板互动让学生动 手操作,培养学生的自主学习能力,发展思维品质。 Step 3: Practice 1. Lets listen and repeat. Boys read David. Girls read Mom. Practice with your partner, then act out the dialogue. 【设计意图】通过听音默读、齐读、互读加强朗读训练,培

13、养学 生的语感,并促进学生对文本内容和语言点的理解。同时进行操练, 内化语言。 2. Play a game. Find the word quickly and answer. T: I need a boy and a girl. Others read the word together then ask. T: Is there a in your school? S1: Yes, there is.S2: No, there isnt. T: Next who wants to have a try. 【设计意图】通过抢单词回答问题的游戏帮助学生复习学过的核 心词汇及语言,增强复习活

14、动的趣味性,全班参与提高学生的参与 度,激发学生的兴趣和竞争意识。实录在 2045-2315处 Step 4: Consolidation 1. You are great. Next, I want to know: Who has good eyes? Find out the differences.(出示两张 图片,随机抽取学生参与回答。 在白 板上圈出不同之处)实录在 2318- 2505处 【设计意图】游戏不但可以进一步复习、巩固核心语言,而且可 以调动学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛,增强学生学习的主动性。 2. Now, design your ideal school on yo

15、ur pad, then talk about with your partner and write a dialogue.(推送课件 给学生) (投屏展示设计的学校)Act out the dialogue. 【设计意图】设计动手操作和说、写训练,进一步帮助学生巩固、 运用核心语言,通过自主、合作、探究的学习方式提高学生的自主 学习和语言运用的能力。实录在 2508-3508处 Step 5: Emotional education and Summary 1. T: Oh, your school is beautiful. And Davids school is big and be

16、autiful. But there are some different schools.(滚动播放图片)There is no canteen, no library, even no classrooms. So boys and girls, cherish what we have, study hard and love our life, please. 【设计意图】渗透德育教育,懂得珍惜,激励学生努力学习,热 爱生活。实录在 3528-3544处 2. What have you learnt today? 3. Show me your stickers. You can use them to design your new school. 4. Homework: Talk about your new school, and try to write some sentences. 板书设计:


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