辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 11 Calling home-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c1ab6).doc

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1、快乐英语五年级下册快乐英语五年级下册 Unit 11 教学设计教学设计 一、一、 教学目标与要求:教学目标与要求: 1、 能够听、 说、 读、 写, 并运用 reading a newspaper, answering the phone, watering the flowers, climbing the hill, taking pictures。 2、能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的内容,并能与同学合作表演出对话内容。 3、能够听懂、会说,并在实际情景中运用句型 What is she doing? She is reading a newspaper.要求语调自然,发

2、音标准。 4、通过本课学习,提高学生听、说、读、写的能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 并培养他们的合作精神。 二、教学重点、难点:二、教学重点、难点: 1、 教学重点是能听、说、读、写,并运用本单元短语以及在实际情景中会运用 现在进行时第三人称的特殊疑问句及其回答。 2、 教学难点是现在进行时第三人称的特殊疑问句以及一般疑问句的问答。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 英语书、本单元的动词短语卡片、课件 PPT 等。 四、教学设计:四、教学设计: Step I Warming up 1、Greetings T:Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Zhao. T:

3、 How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. (课前问好,消除紧张情绪,师生相互问候,营造和谐的课堂气氛。在轻松愉快 的氛围中,复习旧知。) 2、Free talk T: What are you doing, XX? Ss: Im . (提示内容为前两个单元学过的短语 cleaning the room, cooking dinner, reading a book, setting the table, washing clothes, doing the dishes 等,在此以进行时出现,既 对之前的内容进行回顾,也为接下来的新知做了铺垫。) Step I

4、I Presentation 1、Lead in T: Look at the picture. He is Eric. Eric is living in China now. Hes calling home because he misses his family so much. Now listen to the dialogue and try to find out what are they doing. Eric: Hi, Mary. How are you? Mary: Im great. How about you? Eric: Im good. What are you

5、 doing now? Mary: Im watering the flowers. Eric: Whats Mom doing? Mary: She is cooking dinner for us. Eric: Whats Dad doing? Mary: He is reading a newspaper on the sofa. Eric: Hows grandma? Mary: She is getting better. Eric: Whats she doing? Mary: She is playing with Puppy. Eric: Well, I miss you so

6、 much. Mary: Me, too. Come back on your summer vacation. Eric: I will. (利用文本对话呈现部分新知,引入本文主题句 What is she doing? She is reading a newspaper.及重点短语 reading a newspaper, watering the flowers。听对话回答问 题,锻炼学生瞬时记忆能力。) 2. Listen and answer T: What is Dad doing? Ss: He is reading a newspaper. (此处着重强调报纸 newspap

7、er 的构成形式。) T: What is Mom doing? Ss: She is cooking dinner. (此处利用学过的短语引出第三人称的句型,以旧带新,达到巩固的目的。) 3. Read and fill in blanks T: Lets try to read and fill in blanks. (引出短语浇花 watering the flowers,对文本进行二次处理,让学生深刻感受新 知。 ) 4. Listen and answer T: Helen is studying in China now. She is calling home, too. Why

8、? Lets listen and find the answer. (1) Whats Mom doing? She is reading a newspaper. (2) Whats Dad doing? He is cooking dinner. (3) Whats Puppy doing? She is playing with toy bear. 5. Look and say T: Look at the picture. What is Mark doing? Ss: He is answering the phone. (以课文图片引出短语打电话,用图片加深学生的印象。 ) 6

9、. Listen and imitate 7. Read and tell T or F (1) Helens Mom is getting better.T (2) Helens Dad is washing the dishes.F (3) Puppy is sleeping.F (4) The toy bear is Helens favorite toy.T 8. Role play 9. Can you read? (通过不同的形式,对课文进行剖析,加深对核心句型的掌握能力。在熟记的基 础上,培养学生运用语言的能力。课文内容融入到情境中,学生们进行表演。) Step Consolid

10、ation and extension 1. Look and say (创设新的情境,引出其他新短语,在情境中记忆练习。 ) 2. Lets play a guessing game 选取一个人在前面表演动作, 另一个人背对站立, 通过询问下面同学 Is she/ he .? 来判断对方在做什么。 (小组几人一起做游戏, 做动作的同学可以选择最近学过的或以前学过的动词短 语进行模仿,看哪组同学猜得多,玩得热闹。 ) 3. March, write and say (根据图片人物动作进行连线,然后根据动作补全短文。考察学生本节课的学习 效果,是否能够独立完成书写。 ) Step Summary Homework: 1. Recite the text. 2. Take a photo about your family and try to describe what are they doing. 板书板书 Unit 11 Calling home -Whats she doing?Shes reading a newspaper. -Whats he doing?answering the phone watering the flowers climbing the hill taking pictures


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