辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Visiting a school-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:c0424).zip

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Lets chant. Whats in the school? Whats in the school? There is a gym with some balls. Whats in the school? Whats in the school? There is a library with a lot of books. Whats in the school? Whats in the school? There is a playground and a swimming pool. There is a/an in our school. There are 2 36 Is there a in your school? Yes, there is. Where is the ? Its . besidebe side Wheres the cat? Its the table. Is there a in your school? Yes, there is. Where is the ? Its . between Wheres the cat? Its the two tables. Back OpenOpen HouseHouse DayDay 开放日开放日 show around 带领带领参观参观 canteen bee three fourteen Is there a canteen in your school? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Is there an art room in your school? Yes, there is.No, there isnt. art room office off teachers office Are there any teachers offices in your school? Yes, there are. teachers offices No, there arent. Are there any computer rooms in your school? Yes, there are. No, there arent. computer rooms computer room Rules(规则)(规则): 快速读出你看到的单词或图片。快速读出你看到的单词或图片。 看到看到 ,就大声喊,就大声喊“Boom”。 看到看到 , 就大声喊就大声喊“Ah” art room comprter room gym library between canteen canteen teachers office any beside between 1. Is there a canteen in the school? 2. Is there an art room in the school? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. L i s t e n a n d s a y David: Look, Mom, this is my school. Mom: Wow! How beautiful! Is there a canteen in your school? David: Yes, there is. Its very big. Mom: Is there an art room? David: No, there isnt. Mom: Are there any computer rooms? David: Yes. We have three. They are between the canteen and the library. . It is the Open House Day. David is showing his mom around his new school. 1. This is Davids new school. 2. There is a canteen in his school. 3. There is an art room in it. 4. There are three teachers offices in it. Read silently and tell T or F L i s t e n a n d s a y David: Look, Mom, this is my school. Mom: Wow! How beautiful! Is there a canteen in your school? David: Yes, there is. Its very big. Mom: Is there an art room? David: No, there isnt. Mom: Are there any computer rooms? David: Yes. We have three. They are between the canteen and the library. . It is the Open House Day. David is showing his mom around his new school. It is the Open House Day. David is _ his mom _ his new school. David: Look, Mom, this is my school. Mom: Wow! How beautiful! _ _ _? David: _. Its very big. Mom: Is there _? David: _. Mom: Are there any _? David: Yes. We have three. They _ the canteen and the library. Make a dialogue . A: This is my school. B: in your school? A: Yes, . Its . B: ? A: No, . B: Are any ? A: . Homework 1.Recite the new words and the sentences. 2.Read the dialogue with your partner. 3.Write our school. Goodbye! Unit 2 Visiting a school 一、教材分析 本节课是 Unit 2 Visiting a school第一课时。在教学过程中,围绕 这一课题,我设计了以下几个部分的学习内容:chant 复习旧知识;单词 教学;对话教学;扩展训练,通过问答,学生动手操作;结合生活实际, 巩固 Is there 的用法。6.最后达到词、句、篇的结合。在处理这几部分的教学 内容时,我把重点放在了句型的操练上,让学生通过看、听、说、写等练习,巩固句 型及其用法。在对话教学中,注重对学生听音能力的培养,并对学法进行了指 导,加深了学生对对话的理解和运用。 让学生自己操作,提出问题并解答,极大的 调动了学生的学习热情。 二、学情分析 五年级学生学习了两年的英语,对英语语法知识、特殊句型、音标已经有了 更进一步的要求。所以,教师在授课过程中,要注意中差学生的视听感受,而且还 要继续实行玩中学的教学理念,尽量避免学生,尤其是中差生对应于课堂产生枯 燥无味,英语知识繁琐的感受。要激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。为了调动学生参 与课堂,我设计了以学生为主体的教学活动,充分体现了电子白板的交互性, 极大地调动了学生的积极性。 三、教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写,并运用核心词汇 canteen, art room, computer room, music room, teachers office, beside, between。 2. 能听懂、会说 Listenand say 板块的对话,并能在具体的语境中得体 地运用 。 3. 能够听懂、认读并能在日常交际中灵活运用核心语言 Is there .? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.确认学校的场所和场所位置。 4. 培养学生在小组活动中与其他同学积极配合和合作的意识。 5. 通过本课的学习,了解自己的学习环境,热爱学校,激发自豪感。 四、教学重点、难点 (一) 重点 1. 能听、说、读、写并运用本单元的核心词汇。 2. 能够听懂、会运用本单元句型,并能根据实际情况做出相应回答。 (二) 难点 1. 单词 canteen 的读法。 2. teachers office 中复数形式的名词所有格形式。 3. There is .的一般疑问句形式 Is there a .?及其回答。 五、 教具准备 白板课件 六、教学过程 Step 1 . Warm up 1. Greetings: T: Its time for our English class.Are you ready? Ss:Yes. T: Class begins.Hello, boys and girls. Ss:Hello,teacher. T: Sit down,please.Today Im your new English teacher,Ill study with you.Im very happy.Are you happy? Ss:Yes. T: Lets chant,ok? Ss:OK. 2.Chant :Chant together. (引领学生进入英语学习状态,为课上的练习作好铺垫。) 3.引出主题 T: we have learnt some words and sentences about the school,in this class , I will tell you more about a school,so now lets learn Unit 2 Visiting a school. (板书并领读课题) Step 2: Review Make sentences:“There is a/an./There are . “Is there a?” (针对图片进行描述,复习 there be 的陈述句,为接下来there be 疑问句的 学习打下基础。) Step 3:Presentation (一)New words and sentences 1. (承接上一环节)出示图片,谈论位置。导出新词 beside。 移动图片造句。 2.同样方法学习 between。 3.教师出示学校图片,内有一个场景,例如,学生正在吃饭,引导学生学习新 单词 canteen,用以旧带新的方式指导朗读、书写单词 canteen。用句型 There is a canteen in our school.进行操练。 4.同样方法学习 art room, teachersoffice,computer room。 跟读单词, 并学会拼写。用 Is there.?造句子。 (突出重点,突破难点。并在教学中充分体现学生为主体的地位。) Step4:游戏 植物大战僵尸(快速读出看到的单词) (对所学单词进行巩固) (二)New dialogue T:We know David goes into a new school. It is the open house day(开 放日) .How does David introduce his new school to his mom? 1. Listen to the radio carefully and answer my questions. (1) Is there a canteen in the school? (Yes, there is.) (2) Is there an art room in the school? (No, there isnt.) 2. Read the dialog by yourselves silently and tell T or F. (1). This is Davids new school. (T) (2) There is a canteen in his school. (T) (3) There is an art room in it. (F) (4) There are three teachers offices in it. (T) 3.Listen and repeat the dialogue. 4. Follow the teacher. 5. Read the dialog in roles. (1) Boys as David, and girls as his mom. (2) Girls as David, and boys as his mom. 6. Can you fill in the blanks and read it? (给课文挖空,填读) Step 5:Consolidation 仿照课文, make a dialog(出示一个半开放式模板并做事例。) A: Look, this is my school. B: Wow! How _!(large/nice/beautiful) Is there a _ in your school. A:_. B: Is there _? A:_. B: Are there any_? A: Yes. They are between_. (学生互相练习,教师巡视指导) Step 6:Summary T: We have learnt so much this class. Can you tell me what you have learnt this lesson? Ss: . Step 7:Homework 1. Recite the words and sentences. 2. Read the dialogue. 3. Write our school. ( 布置作业,培养学生课后运用语言的能力。) Unit 2: Visiting a school beside between Is there a canteen in your school? Yes,there is. No, there isnt. art room teachersoffice computer room
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