辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 6 On duty-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f178f).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 On duty_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:f178f)
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On duty Unit 6 Review do morning exercises have breakfast do homework have class Look and say Review play ping-pong play basketball do housework play football I at . ReviewLook and say They clean the classroom at 7:00 am. Listen and say Look and say Back Why do they clean the classroom? Listen and say on duty(值日 ) Look and say I sweep the floor. three tree bee What do you usually do? Listen and say sweep the floor Look and say Back I clean the desks and chairs. tea meat What do you usually do? Listen and say clean the desks and chairs Look and say Back I What do you usually do? Listen and say clean the blackboard Look and answer Back I What do you usually do? Listen and say clean the windows Look and answer Back I tree train What? Listen and say take out the trash Ask and answer Back What do you usually do? I Listen and say Look and say Back What do you usually do after school? I Listen and say Look and say 1. Who is on duty this week?(这周谁值日) 2. Does Helen open the door and sweep the floor?(海伦开门并且扫地吗?) Listen and say Listen and answer Back Helen is on duty this week. Yes, she does. Helen: Good morning, Mrs Green. Mrs Green: Morning, Helen. You are so early today. Helen: Im on duty this week. Mrs Green: Helen: Mrs Green: By yourself? Helen: My friends help me. They clean the desks and chairs. Mrs Green: You are good helpers. Back What do you usually do? I open the door and sweep the floor. Listen and follow Make a dialogue A: Good morning! B: Good morning! You are so early today. A: Im on duty today. B: What do you usually do? A: I _. What _ when you are on duty(当你值日的时候)? B: I _. A: By yourself? B: No. My friends help me. They are good helpers. Homework 1. Write the key phrases and sentences. 2. Write a composition. _ On duty On duty Im on duty this week. I Listen and say Can you write? Back We should help each other at school, and we should help our parents do housework at home. 在学校我们应该互相帮助 ,在家我们应该帮助我们 的父母做家务。 Back Unit6 On duty 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、认读全部词汇,能书写并运用核心词汇 Mrs, early, usually, open, door, sweep the floor, help, clean, desk, chair, blackboard, window, take out the trash. 2. 能听懂、认读并能在日常交际中运用核心语言 What do you usually do? I open the door and sweep the floor.谈论在校 的日常活动。 3. 能听懂、会说 Listen and say 板块的对话,并能迁移到具体的语 境中得体地运用。 4. 通过谈论在校的日常活动,培养热爱劳动、乐于助人、规律作息 的良好习惯。 二、 教学重点、难点 重点:1.听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇。 2听懂、会说、会写核心语言,并熟练进行替换听说练习。 难点:1.正确运用核心语言。 2.正确朗读 usually。 3.理解、认读词汇 neighbor, on her way to school, by yourself。 三、教具 PPT 课件、单词卡片 四、 教学过程 (一)热身/复习 1. Greeting. 2. Review (1)快速说出与图片相符的短语。 (2)请学生补充句子 I_ at_,说说自己做这些 活动的时间。 ( (设计意图:设计意图:介绍自己的作息时间既可复习核心语言,又能为下一 步学习做铺垫。) ) (二)呈现与操练 1. T: Who is on duty this week? S: Im on duty. T: What do you usually do on duty? -教师板书此句。 师自问自答:I sweep the floor. 2. 教师 PPT 出示 three, tree, bee 通过这三个词中 ee 的发音,使 生自己读出 sweep 一次词,引出 sweep the floor,然后操练这 一词组。 (师板书: sweep the floor) 3. 教师 PPT 出示 tea, eat-clean the desks and chairs(操练) T:What do you usually do? S: I clean the desks and chairs. 4. 教师做出擦黑板的动作,引出 clean the blackboard 这一词组 (操练) 。 T: What do you usually do? S: I clean the blackboard. 5. 教师做出擦窗户的动作,引出 clean the windows 这一词组(操 练) 。 T:What do you usually do? S: I clean the windows. 6. 教师 PPT 出示 tree, train- take out the trash. T: What do you usually do? S: I take out the trash. 7. 教师 PPT 出示相关短语的图片,请生小组内运用本课核心句型 进行问答。 (请生展示成果) 8. 教师 PPT 出示相关图片,请生运用拓展句型:What do you usually do after school? I usually进行问答练习。 (请生 展示成果) (设计意图:(设计意图:引导学生在真实的语言情景中通过体验、实践、参与、 探究和合作等学习方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能。 ) 9. Listen and say (Listen and answer) 10.Read silently and answer. (1)Who is on duty this week? (2)Does Helen open the door and sweep the floor by herself? 11.Listen and follow. 12.Fill in the blanks. 13.Write something about on duty. (设计意图:引导学生结合真实情景运用本课的核心语言,逐步实 现语言的有效输出。 ) (三)总结 1. 教师引领学生读板书的目标词汇和语言。 2. 学生以小组为单位总结本课所学知识,并向全班汇报。 (四)作业 1. Make a dialogue in your group. 2. Write a composition. _On duty_ 板书 What do you usually do? I sweep the floor. I clean the desks and chairs. I clean the blackboard. I clean the windows. I take out the trash. 教学反思 本节课是辽师大版五年级下册 Unit6 On duty 第一课时,本节 课我的设计思路如下:首先,复习上一单元及之前学习的重点词组, 并利用这些词组造句,为本课的学习做铺垫。然后,然后呈现 Iat句式介绍 They clean the classroom.并问 Why do they clean the classroom?生回答:因为他们值日。然后师很自然地引 出:On duty.本课标题。新授部分(词组与句型):师通过做动作, 引出本课的重点词组,并让生进行操练,让生直观感知所学内容, 师生记忆深刻。然后师通过:When Im on duty, I usually sweep the floor.此句引出本课的重点句型:What do you usually do?并 操练,与生进行问答练习,然后生生进行问答练习,达到语言的有 效输出。新授部分(对话):对话教学中,请生听录音并回答老师 出示的问题请生自己读课文并圈出不认识的单词请生逐句 翻译课文听录音跟读小组练习对话小组展示创编 对话表演对话。作业部分:(1)请生抄写四会词组及句型。 (2)写作文:On duty. 不足:1.课堂前松后紧,在词组及句型的讲解上花费的时间较 多,导致后面对话练习很匆忙,部分学生不会读。 2.课堂气氛沉闷,老师讲的多,学生练的少,导致部分 学生不会,所以不敢表达。 3.词组及句型教学花费了很多时间,但没有达到理想的效 果,很多学生还是不会,没有给学生自己读词组的时间。 改进措施:1.应该放手让学生多说,才能达到语言的有效输出。 2.应多设计一些有趣的活动,调动学生的积极性。 3.备课应该更充分些,把握好课堂每一环节的时间
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