辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 6 On duty-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:60106).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 On duty_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:60106)
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Unit 6 Lets chant! Are you ready? Everybody! Look at me! I work hard like a bee. Im Leena from a school. I say Leena, you say Cool! Leena, Cool! Leena , Cool! Leena, Cool! Everybody! Look at me! I study hard like a bee. Im _ from a school. I say _ , you say cool! _, cool! _, cool! Review Review Review I _before/at/after_. get up have breakfast I _before/at/after_. I _before/at/after_. go to school I _before/at/after_. do morning exercises I _before/at/after_. have class I _before/at/after_. have lunch I _before/at/after_. go home I _before/at/after_. do homework I _before/at/after_. do housework I _before/at/after_. go to bed Super! Whos on duty this week? Back on duty 值日值日 Unit 6 Fanhe Primary School Zhang Yue Im on duty this week. Back Whos on duty this week? Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 1 Brainstorm 头脑风暴头脑风暴 1.Learn the new words 2.Try to remember the new words three tree bee Lets read ee /i:/ sweep sweep the floor I _before/at/after/on_. Lets read tea meat eat ea/i:/ clean clean the desks and chairs What do you usually do?你通常做什么?你通常做什么? I clean the desks and chairs. clean the blackboard What do you usually do?你通常做什么?你通常做什么? I clean the . clean the windows What do you usually do?你通常做什么?你通常做什么? I . Lets read tr/tr/ tree train a/ cat dad trash take out the trash What? I Hello,. hello,. What do you usually do? I What do you usually do? I Back Look and say Mission 1 Brainstorm Mission 2 Listen and Answer 2. Who is on duty this week? Listen and say 1. What does Helen do on her duty day? She open the door and sweep the floor. Helen is on duty. Helen: Good morning, Mrs Green. Mrs Green: Morning, Helen. You are so early today. Helen: Im on duty this week. Mrs Green: Helen: Mrs Green: By yourself? Helen: My friends help me. They clean the desks and chairs. Mrs Green: You are good helpers. Follow the tape Listen and say Back What do you usually do? I open the door and sweep the floor. Helen: Good morning, Mrs Green. Mrs Green: Morning, Helen. You are so early today. Helen: Im on duty this week. Mrs Green: Helen: Mrs Green: By yourself? Helen: My friends help me. They clean the desks and chairs. Mrs Green: You are good helpers. Read it in roles in your groups Listen and say Back What do you usually do? I open the door and sweep the floor. Mission 3 Think and Talk What do you usually do after school? I Look and say Back What do you usually do? I after school on weekends every morning on Childrens Day at work at school on duty . Listen and say Talk with your partner Mission 4 Write and Finish My name is Leena. I work in Fanhe primary school. Im very busy every day. I usually get up at 6:00am. I have breakfast at 6:30am.Then I go to work at 7:00am.We have classes from 8:00am to 2:30pm.I usually go home at 4:00pm.That is my day.What about you? Back My name is. I study in Fanhe primary school. I usually . That is my day. get up 起床起床 do morning exercise 做早操做早操 have breakfast 吃早饭吃早饭 have lunch 吃午饭吃午饭 have dinner 吃晚饭吃晚饭 do homework 做家庭作业做家庭作业 do housework 做家务做家务 watch TV 看电视看电视 play basketball 打篮球打篮球 play football 踢足球踢足球 have class 上课上课 go home 回家回家 Keep Clean! Keep Healthy! Congratulations! Homework Back 1.Ask your mom or dad “What do you usually do at work”? 采访你的妈妈或者爸爸“你工作的时候通常 做什么?” 2.Make a timetable of her or his. 制作一个妈妈或者爸爸的时间表。 Thank you all! 教学三 维目标 1、能听说读写,并能运用短语 sweep the floor等。 2.能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的对话,并能够与同学合作,熟练说出和表 演出对话内容。能与同伴完成 play and say 中的游戏。 3.独立或与人合作完成 look number and write 中看图,排序,写句子。 4、鼓励学生在小组活动中与其他同学积极配合。调动学生在课堂交流中注意倾 听,积极思考。 重点 掌握频度副词 usually.的读音及用法。 教法 Task-based teaching method 难点 What do you usually do at 10 pm ? 及其回答 I usually go to bed .学法 Imitation and group learning method 教具录音机、磁带学具字母卡片、图片 程序教学内容师生活动设计设计意图时间 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Warming up Presentation 1.配乐说 chant,师示范,生 指名说。 2.ppt 出示上一单元的词组, 快闪复习。 3.师出示短语,生说句子。 同时也为本课做好铺垫。 1.ppt 出示词组,及相同发音 的单词,生自学词组。 2 引导学生反复练习,依次读 出这几个短语,然后随意指 出一幅图,让学生快速读出 这个短语。小组内交流直到 熟练。 3、教师指着值日表 who is on duty today?引导回答, 问,当你是值日生时,你都 做些什么?小组讨论,汇报。 4、出示一周时间表,五天都 在运动 Iusually play sports after work.告诉 usually sometimes .有时意 思,学生介绍自己活动。 形式丰富,利于激 发学生学习英语的 兴趣。 图片带领大家学习 新单词,吸引学生 目光。 通过补单词的游戏, 让学生巩固答句。 2 2 分 15 分 Step 4 Step 5 Practice Consolidation Homework 1、 活动一:谁是赢家。 2、 活动二:补漏词游戏。 3、 活动三:玩玩说说。 4、 活动四:传声筒游戏。 5、 活动五:听音排序。 1.能独立或与人合作完成 look,number and write.中 看图,排序,写句子的学习 任务,并尝试做一个自己的 timetable . 2.根据 Listen and say 部分 进行改编,四人一组表演一 个新的小对话。 1、完成书中练习。 2、听录音跟读本课内容。 小组合作创编对话。 出示照片,学生会 对课文产生兴趣, 并对学生进行德育。 总结本课知识点 15 5 1 板 书 设 计 Unit 6 on duty . sweep the floor take out the trash 教 学 反 思 优点:学生能很快的记住单词并能熟练的运用。 不足:个别单词发音不准确,及时纠错。 改进:小组练习形式丰富些。
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