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1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:0161学年学季:20211 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、TheThe processprocess approachapproach toto teachingteaching writingwriting meansmeans that_.that_. 1.students pay great attention to the accuracy of the result in each step of writing 2.students should go through all the stages of the writing in thei

2、r practice 3.the teacher provides help to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing 4.the teacher should monitor students through the process that they undergo when they are writing 2 2、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing activitiesactivities isis NOTNOT a a re

3、commendedrecommended pre-listeningpre-listening activity?activity? 1.Listening and sequencing 2.Predicting 3.Listening for the gist 4.Setting the scene 3 3、TheThe mostmost importantimportant andand mostmost difficultdifficult partpart ofof makingmaking a a goodgood languagelanguage teacherteacher is

4、is toto developdevelop his/herhis/her _._. 1.professional competence 2.modern educational techniques 3.language proficiency 4.teaching skills 4 4、ThereThere areare a a varietyvariety ofof elementselements thatthat contributecontribute toto thethe makingmaking ofof a a goodgood languagelanguage teach

5、er.teacher. TheyThey cancan bebe categorizedcategorized as:as: _._. 1.professional qualities and personal styles 2.loving his or her students 3.ethic devotion 4.loving his or her job and have a good command English 5 5、TactileTactile learnerslearners referrefer toto thosethose whowho learnlearn more

6、more effectivelyeffectively throughthrough _._. 1.touch 2.working with others 3.seeing 4.hearing 6 6、A A goodgood presentationpresentation ofof grammaticalgrammatical elementselements shouldshould includeinclude thethe followingfollowing EXCEPTEXCEPT _._. 1.contextualized examples of the target stru

7、cture 2.form and meaning 3.detailed grammatical terminology 4.both oral and written forms 7 7、TheThe keykey assumptionassumption inin communicativecommunicative languagelanguage teachingteaching isis thatthat studentsstudents learnlearn thethe languagelanguage throughthrough doingdoing inin a a vari

8、etyvariety ofof _ activities.activities. municative 2.linguisitic 3.reading 4.vocabulary 8 8、SummativeSummative assessmentassessment isis usuallyusually basedbased onon _._. 1.reporting 2.testing 3.classroom performance 4.learning process 9 9、ActivatingActivating priorprior knowledgeknowledge byby b

9、eginningbeginning a a lessonlesson withwith reviewreview quizquiz isis anan exampleexample ofof thethe useuse ofof _ learninglearning theory.theory. 1.F. behaviorist 2.constructivist 3.socio-constructivist 4.cognitive 1010、ItIt hashas beenbeen emphasizedemphasized thatthat grammargrammar teachingtea

10、ching shouldshould bebe _,_,whichwhich cancan serveserve asas usefuluseful guidelinesguidelines forfor teachingteaching grammar.grammar. 1.collocational, constructive, contextual and contrastive 2.collocational, constructive, contextual and comparative 3.collocational, connective, contextual and con

11、trastive 4.collocational, constructive, conditional and contrastive 1111、ScanningScanning isis anan importantimportant readingreading skill,skill, whichwhich meansmeans _._. 1.to get the gist 2.to infer the implied meaning of the author 3.to get closer to the theme of the text 4.to locate specific i

12、nformation 1212、TheThe teachingteaching ofof pronunciationpronunciation shouldshould focusfocus onon thethe studentsstudents abilityability toto recognizerecognize andand _ EnglishEnglish soundssounds themselves.themselves. 1.produce 2.imitate 3.identify 4.memorize 1313、TheThe mainmain tasktask ofof

13、 thethe EnglishEnglish curriculumcurriculum forfor nine-yearnine-year compulsorycompulsory educationeducation isis toto _._. 1.help students consolidate and develop their knowledge and basic language skills 2.provide students with basic practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing 3.stimulat

14、e and cultivate students interest and their confidence in learning English 4.teach some basic knowledge of the English and develop the ability to use English for communication 1414、TheThe valuevalue ofof anan activityactivity shouldshould bebe judgedjudged accordingaccording to_.to_. 1.none of the a

15、bove. 2.both A and B. 3.what the activity is aimed at. 4.in what context the activity is used. 1515、WhenWhen teachingteaching vocabularyvocabulary thethe teacherteacher writeswrites downdown thethe sentencesentence OperationsOperations havehave beenbeen conductedconducted toto findfindsurvivorssurvi

16、vorsinin thethe hugehuge earthquakeearthquake andand asksasks studentsstudents toto guessguess thethe meaningmeaning ofof survivor.survivor. TheThe teacherteacher isis guidingguiding studentsstudents toto guessguess meaningmeaning fromfrom _._. 1.grammamr 2.context 3.spelling 4.fomrs 1616、ReadingRea

17、ding taskstasks shouldshould _._. 1.test students reading comprehension 2.be clearly given in advance 3.be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading 4.help develop students reading skills 1717、FormativeFormative assessmentassessment focusesfocuses onon thethe _of_of learning,learning,

18、thatthat is,is, assessingassessing howhow wellwell studentsstudents understandunderstand concepts,concepts, performperform taskstasks andand makemake progress.progress. 1.final product 2.process 3.report 4.result 1818、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing isis NOTNOT teachersteachers rolerole in

19、in classroomclassroom management?management? 1.assessor 2.prompter 3.organizer 4.administrator 1919、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing statementsstatements isis NOTNOT truetrue aboutabout howhow peoplepeople learnlearn foreignforeign languages?languages? 1.People learn foreign languages for v

20、arious reasons. 2.Learning is affected by contextual factors. 3.People start learning foreign languages at different ages. 4.People learn foreign languages in the same way. 2020、InIn thethe bottom-upbottom-up model,model, listeninglistening comprehensioncomprehension startsstarts withwith _._. 1.sou

21、nd and word recognition 2.word and sentence recognition 3.syllable and word recognition 4.sound and meaning recognition 2121、ItIt isis veryvery importantimportant toto makemake studentsstudents awareaware thatthat reinformentreinforment strategiesstrategies ofof vocabularyvocabulary learninglearning

22、 cancan helphelp reducereduce _._. 1.errors 2.forgetting 3.repetition 4.production 2222、WhichWhich oneone isis NOTNOT thethe componentcomponent ofof affectaffect aspectaspect proposedproposed byby thethe nationalnational EnglishEnglish curriculumcurriculum standards?standards? 1.Motivation 2.Interna

23、tional perspective and patriotism 3.Imagination 4.Confidence 2323、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing statementsstatements isis NOTNOT truetrue aboutabout errorerror correction?correction? 1.Indirect teacher correction is encouraged rather than direct teacher correction. 2.If the student canno

24、t self-correct, it means there is a lack of confidence. 3.Self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction. 4.Teacher correction is encouraged before peer correction or whole class correction. 2424、TeachingTeaching presentspresents a a three-waythree-way relationshiprelationship amongamong st

25、udents,students, teacherteacher andand thethe _ theythey use.use. 1.teaching aids 2.teaching samples 3.teaching materials 4.teaching tools 2525、EffectiveEffective readingreading activitiesactivities includeinclude thethe followingfollowing EXCEPTEXCEPT _._. 1.B. having a purpose in reading 2.reading

26、 word by word 3.concentrating on the important bits 4.guessing the meaning of new words from the context 2626、TheThe teacherteacher dividesdivides allall thethe studentsstudents intointo pairs.pairs. EveryEvery studentstudent worksworks withwith hishis oror herher partner,partner, andand allall thet

27、he pairspairs workwork atat thethe samesame time.time. ItIt isis calledcalled _._. 1.open pairwork 2.simultaneous pairwork 3.public pairwork 4.individual pairwork 2727、Role-playRole-play isis a a wayway ofof bringingbringing situationssituations fromfrom _ intointo thethe classroom.classroom. 1.text

28、book activities 2.language elements 3.linguistic forms 4.real life 2828、InIn thethe in-classin-class groupgroup work,work, thethe teacherteacher cancan joinjoin eacheach groupgroup forfor a a whilewhile asas a a (an)(an) _._. 1.controller 2.leader 3.inspector 4.participant 2929、CommunicativeCommunic

29、ative activitiesactivities cancan bebe divideddivided intointo _._. 1.functional communicative activities and role play 2.functional communicative activities and social interaction activities 3.re-communicative activities and social interaction activities 4.grammar drills and whole-class chore activ

30、ities 3030、PronunciationPronunciation isis anan umbrellaumbrella termterm coveringcovering manymany aspectsaspects besidesbesides soundssounds andand phoneticphonetic symbols,symbols, suchsuch asas stress,stress, intonation,intonation, andand _._. 1.C. rhythm 2.derivation plex tone 4.timbre 3131、_us

31、ually_usually contributescontributes toto thethe developmentdevelopment ofof variousvarious languagelanguage skillsskills andand maymay involveinvolve usingusing otherother languagelanguage skillsskills thanthan justjust reading.reading. 1.Predicting activity 2.Pre-reading work 3.While-reading work

32、4.Post-reading work 3232、SubstitutionSubstitution isis oneone ofof thethe mostmost frequentlyfrequently usedused formsforms inin thethe _ ofof teachingteaching grammar.grammar. 1.meaningful practice 2.semi-meaningful practice 3.mechanical practice municative practice 3333、AssessmentAssessment evalua

33、tesevaluates a a learnerslearners learninglearning progressprogress andand achievementachievement forfor thethe purposepurpose ofof _ teachingteaching andand learning.learning. 1.recording 2.reporting 3.grading 4.improving 3434、TheThe writingwriting processprocess approachapproach meansmeans that_.t

34、hat_. 1.A. students pay great attention to the accuracy of the result in each step of writing 2.the teacher provides help to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing 3.the teacher should monitor students through the process that they undergo when they are writing 4.

35、students should go through all the stages of the writing in their practice 3535、TheThe resultresult ofof tesingtesing isis usuallyusually expressedexpressed byby a a grade,grade, a a markmark oror a a _._. 1.D. report 2.ratio 3.portfolio 4.paper 3636、TheThe goalgoal ofof communicativecommunicative l

36、anguagelanguage teachingteaching isis toto developdevelop studentsstudents _._. municative competence 2.reading comprehension 3.linguistic competence 4.integrated skills 3737、CommunicativeCommunicative activitiesactivities cancan bebe categorizedcategorized asas _._. 1.Grammatical activities, functi

37、onal communicative activities and social interaction activities. 2.Grammatical activities and social interaction activities. 3.Functional communicative activities and grammatical activities. 4.Functional communicative activities and social interaction activities. 3838、InIn thethe pastpast century,ce

38、ntury, languagelanguage teachingteaching andand learninglearning practicepractice hashas beenbeen influencedinfluenced byby threethree differentdifferent viewsviews ofof languagelanguage : : _._. 1.E. the behaviorist view, the constructional view and the communicative view 2.the interactional view,

39、the grammar view and the vocabulary view 3.the cognitive view, the behaviorist view and the socio-constructivist view 4.the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view 3939、ReadingReading isis a/ana/an_process,_process, duringduring whichwhich thethe readersreaders trytry toto ge

40、tget thethe mainmain ideaidea andand specificspecific informationinformation ofof a a givengiven text.text. municative 2.interactive 3.active 4.passive 4040、PicturesPictures areare invaluableinvaluable inin speakingspeaking activities.activities. AppropriateAppropriate picturespictures cancan provid

41、eprovide_,_, situationssituations,cues,cues, andand no-verbalno-verbal aidaid forfor munication. 1.interests 2.forms 3.prompts 4.directions 判断题判断题 4141、TheThe mostmost importantimportant andand mostmost difficultdifficult partpart ofof thethe makingmaking ofof a a goodgood languagelanguage teacherte

42、acher isis thethe developmentdevelopment ofof professionalprofessional petence. 1.A. 2.B. 4242、TheThe wayway languagelanguage teachersteachers teachteach inin thethe classroomclassroom isis toto somesome extentextent influencedinfluenced byby thethe wayway theythey learnedlearnedlanguages.languages.

43、 1.A. 2.B. 4343、ItIt isis necessarynecessary toto engageengage thethe studentsstudents inin somesome actact ofof communicationcommunication whenwhen teachingteaching writing.writing. 1.A. 2.B. 4444、KnowingKnowing a a wordword meansmeans thatthat youyou learnlearn thethe pronunciationpronunciation an

44、dand meaningmeaning ofof it.it. 1.A. 2.B. 4545、RepeatingRepeating grammargrammar structuresstructures isis a a sortsort ofof accuracy-orientedaccuracy-oriented pracitce.pracitce. 1.A. 2.B. 4646、InIn formativeformative assessment,assessment, thethe finalfinal gradegrade givengiven toto thethe student

45、student isis somesome kindkind ofof combinationcombination ofof thethe gradesgrades he/shehe/she hashas receivedreceived forfor variousvarious assignmentsassignments duringduring thethe course.course. 1.A. 2.B. 4747、IntegratingIntegrating thethe skillsskills meansmeans thatthat combiningcombining vo

46、cabularyvocabularyandand sentencesentence patternspatterns togethertogether forfor leanringleanring languagelanguage elements.elements. 1.A. 2.B. 4848、Problem-solvingProblem-solving activitiesactivities requirerequire a a comparativelycomparatively lowerlower levellevel ofof languagelanguage profici

47、ency.proficiency. 1.A. 2.B. 4949、StructuralStructural viewview seessees languagelanguage asas a a linguisticlinguistic systemsystem mademade upup ofof variousvarious subsystems.subsystems. ToTo learnlearn a a languagelanguage meansmeans toto learnlearn thesethese structuralstructural itemsitems soso

48、 asas toto bebe ableable toto understandunderstand andand produceproduce language.language. 1.A. 2.B. 5050、InIn productionproduction stage,stage, learnerslearners shouldshould bebe givengiven opportunitiesopportunities toto integrateintegrate thethe newnew languagelanguage itemsitems withwith alread

49、yalready learntlearnt onesones forfor freefree andand extensiveextensive expression.expression. 1.A. 2.B. 5151、OneOne wayway toto teachteach readingreading isis followingfollowing thethe framework:framework: pre-reading,pre-reading, while-readingwhile-reading andand post-readingpost-reading stages.s

50、tages. EachEach stagestage dealsdeals withwith differentdifferent readingreading strategies.strategies. 1.A. 2.B. 5252、WhenWhen teachingteaching grammar,grammar,thethe focusfocus ofof meaningfulmeaningful practicepractice isis onon languagelanguage production.production. 1.A. 2.B. 5353、TheThe threet


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