人教版(新起点)二年级下册-Unit 4 Time-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:60c97).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_二年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Time_lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:60c97)
    • chant.wmv
    • Unit 4 Time Lesson 1.ppt--点击预览
    • 录音.mp4
    • 教案60c97.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲1.wmv
    • 歌曲2.wmv


Unit 4 Time Lesson 1 甘肃省兰州实验小学 马燕霞 义务教育教科书 人教版 英语(一年级起点) 二年级下册 Can you chant with me? One, two, three, swim in the sea. Four, five, six, run to the parks. Seven, eight, nine, Whats the time? Unit 4 Time Lesson 1 甘肃省兰州实验小学 马燕霞 人民教育出版社 英语(一年级起点) 二年级下册 Welcome to Lanzhou! Today lets have a one-day trip! (欢迎来兰州一日游!) 路线: 路线: Lets go! 出发! clock Its eight oclock. 8:00 eight oclock 路线: Its eleven oclock. 11:00 seven 7 eleven 11 seven 7 Its twelve oclock. 12:00 twelve 12five 5 路线: Its 1:20. Its one twenty. 20 twenty 7:20 11:20 Can you read the time ? 你能读读出下面的时间吗时间吗 ? Can you do it? 你能算出下面的题吗题吗 ? 20 + 10 = 30 30 thirty Its 3:30. Its three thirty. Its 4:40. Its four forty. 40 forty Its 5:50. Its five fifty. 50 fifty eleventwelve twenty thirty fortyfifty -ty 你能发现发现 下面四个数字的共同点吗吗? Round 1 There are 3 rounds. If you do well, you will get prize. ( 挑战分四轮,表现好的话可以 得到奖品。) Round 2 Round 3 Round 1 Round 1 Golden Eyes (火眼金睛) eleventwelve twenty eleventwelve forty thirty eleventwelvethirty eleventhirty Round 1 There are 3 rounds. If you do well, you will get prize. ( 挑战分四轮,表现好的话可以 得到奖品。) Round 2 Round 3 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Listen and tick ( 听音,在正确的答案下画“”) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Round 1 There are 3 rounds. If you do well, you will get prize. ( 挑战分四轮,表现好的话可以 得到奖品。) Round 2 Round 3 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 3 Look and say ( 看一看 说一说 ) Its Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Tick tock. Tick tock, Goes the clock. Its 11:30. Tick tock. Tick tock, Goes the clock. Its 11:40. Tick tock. Tick tock, Goes the clock. Its 11:50. Tick tock. Tick tock, Goes the clock. Its 12:00. Tick tock. Tick tock, Goes the clock. Its . Time in life (生活中的时间) Big Ben(大本钟钟) Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today. 今天的事不要拖到明天。 富兰克林 We should cherish the time! (我们应该珍惜时间!) Thank you! Homework 1. Listen to the tape and practice the six words we learnt today. (跟读、练习今天所学的6个单词。) 2. Listen and chant. (听、读歌谣。) 3. Find five time in your life and read them in English. (在生活中找出5个时间 并把它们读出来。) Thank you ! (一年级起点)(一年级起点) 英语英语 (人教版)二年级下册(人教版)二年级下册 Unit 4 Time 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 1、教学内容教学内容 本节课是一年级起点小学英语 (人教版)二年级下册 Unit 4 Time 第一课时,教学内容为 A 部分的词汇,B 部分的句 型和 C 部分的歌谣练习。 2、学情分析学情分析 本册书所适用的学生为二年级的同学,二年级依然处于小学 英语学习的准备阶段,要求学生主要通过听说储备语言。在学 习的过程中,要不断地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学 习英语的积极态度,使其树立学好英语的自信心,养成良好的 学习习惯。 3、教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识目标:a. Vocabulary: clock, time, oclock, eleven,twelve, twenty,thirty,forty,fifty. b. Structures: “Its. Tick tock, tick tock. Goes the clock.” 2.能力目标:能力目标:a. Students can master the vocabulary. b. Students can say time freely . c. To improve students English skills. d. To improve students communicative skill. e. To improve students cooperative skill. 3.情感目标:情感目标:To tell them that we should learn to cherish the time. 四、教学重点四、教学重点 1.Vocabulary:clock, time, oclock, eleven,twelve,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty. 2.Structures: Tick tock, tick tock. Goes the clock. Its.” 五、教学难点五、教学难点 1. Vocabulary: “twelve, thirty”. 2. Make a new chant according the chant in lesson 1. 六、设计理念六、设计理念 让学生通过单词、句型、歌谣,词不离句的学习方式,建构英语语言知识, 懂得生活与学习的密切关系,且学会在生活中不断学习新知,并为生活更好地 服务。 7、教学准备教学准备 computer, PPT, stickers, blackboard, chalk, Hite Board. 8、教学过程教学过程 Step1.Warming up (热身活动) Sing the song Ten little Indians and do some actions. (设计意图) 在本环节中,老师请一位同学上台,带领同学们一起边唱歌曲边做动作。 只要目的在于吸引学生的课堂注意力、活跃课堂气氛,为新课程教学做好准备。 Step 2.Lead-in T: We had reviewed numbers one to ten. Now, I will show you the sound. Lets listen Whats this? S1: The bell. T: Yes, the sound is from the clock.(Show the sentence “Tick tock, tick tock.” on PPT and practise. Show the picture of the “clock” and practise the word “clock”.) Show more pictures to lead-in the title “Time”.(Clap hands and practise the word “time”.) (设计意图) 用钟表图片导入本单元标题:“ Time”,让学生更直观地意识到了本节课 的主要内容,大大地吸引了学生的注意力,调动了学生学习的主动性,为之后 的词汇学习打好了基础,大大地提高课堂效率。 ) Step 3:Presentation T: Now, look at here, wow, so many dogs. How many dogs are they. Lets count together. “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven.” Lead- in the word “eleven”. T: Look! Here is a clock. Its eleven oclock.(11 点整) - oclock Ss: eleven( Practise the word in the way of high and low voice.) T: Ask several students to read. (设计意图) 用数数的方式引出数字 “eleven”,来吸引低段孩子学习英语的注意力,并 进一步地提高他们学习英语的兴趣。 T:oclock(整点). Ss: oclock.(Practise the word in the way of higher and higher.) T Writes the word “eleven” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) T Writes the sentence “Its.oclock.” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) (设计意图) 通过上一步学习数字,出示钟表,进一步让学生在用中学,把学到的内容 运用到实际生活中。 T: Now, look! Im a clock.( Do actions: 3:00,9:00)Now, look here. What time is it? Ss: guess (12:00) T: Yes, Its twelve oclock. (12 点整) Ss: twelve (Practise the word by targeting the word like a gun.) T asks students to read the word one by one in a group. T Writes the word “twelve” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) (设计意图) “twelve”的发音是本节课单词学习中的一个难点,通过以低段孩子喜欢 接受的方式(小手枪指着老师的单词卡片读)来对此单词操练,不仅有利于抓 住学生的注意力还更有利于提高学习效率。 教师出示四个表示整点的钟表图片 (设计意图) 通过出示四个表示整点的钟表图片,让学生进一步练习表达整点。 Show students a math work: and ask students to work it out.10+10=20 “twenty” Ss: twenty (Practise the word in the way of higher and lower voice.) T Writes the word “twenty” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) T shows students a clock on PPT and ask students to read the sentence. Ss: Its eleven twenty. (设计意图) 通过“算一算”的方式引出 “twenty”,逐步锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力和语言转换能力。 T Shows students real clock. (12:30) T: Its eleven thirty. “thirty” Ss: thirty (Practise the word in the way of group work) T asks students to read the word pairs by pairs in one group . T writes the word “thirty” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) (设计意图) 利用实物钟表引出 “thirty”结合句型教学单词,使单词教学具有了语境的生合力, 又在一定程度上,抓住了学生的注意力。 T shows students a clock(12:40) Ss: “forty”(T divides students into two groups “boys and girls”. By using left and right hand to let boys and girls read.) T writes the word “forty” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) T: Its twelve forty. Ss: Its twelve forty. T shows students a real clock too.( 12:50) T:Its twelve fifty. “fifty” Ss: fifty.( Students practise the word by the way of blowing the balloons.) T asks several students to read the word. T:Its twelve fifty. Ss:Its twelve fifty. T writes the word “fifty” on the blackboard.(Ss spell the word) Step 4: Consolidation (games) 1. Golden eyes. 2. Who is the fastest one?(Ask students to stand up to tell the number out.) 3. Math work. (设计意图) 对于二年级的学生,课堂注意时间较为短暂,通过三种不同的游戏方式, 帮助学生再次复习本节课的词汇、巩固本节课的重点,又一次地抓住了学生的 注意力,同时又在一定程度上刺激了学生的好胜心,将课堂气氛推向高潮。 Step 5: Learn the new chant.(three times.1st time: listen;second time: learn the chant sentence by sentence; third time: learn the chant together and do actions.) “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its eleven oclock.” “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its eleven twenty.” “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its eleven thirty.” “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its eleven forty.” “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its eleven fifty.” “Tick tock. tick tock, Goes the clock. Its twelve oclock.” (设计意图) 通过先听、后学的步骤,层层递进地让学生学会学习,逐步掌握歌谣的结 构和节拍,以便学生更扎实地学习歌谣。 Step 6:Look and say T: What time are they? You may work in groups and tell me the time. S: Its three thirty. S: Its two oclock. S: Its ten forty. S: Its two fifty. (设计意图) 给学生出示四个钟表图,让学生学会在用中学,在学中用。 Step 7: Listen and number. (listen twice) 3 1 4 2 (设计意图) 本处设计了一项听力,通过听钟表时间,让学生排序,从而在学生说的基 础上锻炼学生的听音能力,这也是对本节课的高度提炼和延伸。 Step 8: Give students three groups of clocks and ask students to make a new chant. T:give an example( Tick tock. tick tock, goes the clock. Its 12:30) Ss: “ Tick tock. Tick tock, goes the clock. Its 12:40.” S:“ Tick tock. Tick tock, goes the clock. Its 12:50.” S:“ Tick tock. Tick tock, goes the clock. Its 8:30” (设计意图) 让学生真正地学会在学中用,进一步给学生搭建学习的平台,从而拓展学 生的思维能力和培养学习能力。 Step 9: Group work(four students in a group to make a chant according to the clock T provides. ) (设计意图) 本处的小组学习旨在培养学生的合作精神和合作能力。 Step 10: Show time(Ask three students to show their new chants.) (设计意图) 老师给学生一次展示的机会,为学生提供了展示自我的平台,旨在让学生 能够把书本知识转化成内在的知识和能力,不断地让学生学会展示、锻炼自、 提高自信心。 Step 11:Time in life (T shows students three pictures.) (设计意图) 本处展示了三张图片,来说明生活中时间无处不在,旨在让学生将书本知 识回归生活,树立生活观念和时间观念。 Step 12:Emotion: We should learn to cherish the time! (设计意图) 出示情感目标让学生再次铭记一定要珍惜时间。 Step 13:Homework:A.1.Practise the six new numbers. (练习新学的六个数字。 ) 2.Try to say time in English in daily life.(在生活中试着 用英语表 达时间。 ) B. Try to make a new chant.(试着编一个至少含有三个时间 点的新 歌谣。 ) (A 项必做、B 项选做) (设计意图) 共设有 A、B 两项作业,A 项为必做,旨在要求学生对课本知识进行复习 和巩固,让学生在生活中运用学到的知识。B 项为选做,旨在锻炼学生的口语 表达能力。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Time Lesson 1 eleven twelve twenty thirty forty fifty Its . oclock. 11 12 3 20304050 (设计意图) 图文结合,突出重点,吸引学生的注意力,加深学习印象。 课后反思课后反思 本节课是二年级下册第四单元的第一课,是一节新授课,依据新课程标准, 小学一二年级的教学任务主要是:培养学生的听、说能力。本节课本着培养、 训练学生的听、说能力,在活动设计中加入了对学生说的训练和听音训练。 本节课新授单词操练扎实、有效;活动、游戏设计新颖、层次性、目的性强; 教学环节环环相扣;教学重难点把握透彻。 但是,本节课还存在一些不足之处: 由于是新授课,老师说得比学生多,老师应该起到引导的作用,所以导致 本 节课中学生的主动性不是很突出。 由于时间关系,参与展示活动的学生比较少,对学生的关注面不够广,对 于 极个别学生关注度太高;这应在以后的课堂中多注意。 教授单词时重复太多,应该放手让学生去读。 我会在以后的教学当中更加严格地要求自己,多听课,多跟老教师学习, 多向组里的老师请教,“多读书、读好书”,提升自身的理论素养、专业素 养,提升教学艺术素养。不断总结经验,继续认真备课,深刻反思,提高自 身能力,争取更大的进步。
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