1、Unit 2 My School Fun Time 课时教学设计 教学内容教学内容人教版小学英语三年级下册,Unit 2 My School -Fun Time 课时 课型:课型:复习课、拓展课 教材分析:教材分析: 本课时教学材料是人民教育出版社出版, 一年级起点三年级下册第二单元 My School 中 Fun Time 的课时。 这是一堂关于 school 话题的巩固运用课, 其核心词汇有 classroom、 toilet、 library、first floor、second floor、third floor、playground 等.通过创设宽松、和 谐的语言环境,进一步激发学生
2、的学习兴趣,引发学生思考。在层层递进的教学活动中, 帮助学生将本单元前五个课时的知识点进行梳理,归纳。使其在游戏、情景对话、小组合 作等活动中总结和学习更多有关校园规则的知识,并能够根据不同的功能室或教室表达和 使用不同的校园规则,激发学生自觉遵守校园规则的意识。 学情分析:学情分析: 我校三年级下期的学生正处于具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡的转折期,辩证逻辑思维 的发展水平同一、二年级相比有了明显提高,小组合作意识不断增强。 通过三年多的英语学习,积累了大量的英语语言信息输入,大部分学生对本单元出现的学 校话题都有不同程度的了解,且通过前五个课时的学习,学生已具备对本单元关键词汇和 句型的听
3、、说、读的能力。但对于校园规则的了解和使用仍缺少拓展和实践。 结合我校学生的思维发展特点以及本单元的语言学习情况,我设计了游戏、情景对话、小 组合作等环节,帮助学生掌握有关校园规则的新词汇、新句型,并引导学生通过自身的思 考加以创造和表达。 教学目标:教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1.能够在图片背景下理解有关校园规则的句型: Dont.in the./Please.in the./Be quite in the. 2.能够在图片背景下理解单词:gym 语言技能目标: 学生能够听懂、会说、会读本单元核心词汇: classroom、 toilet、 library、 first floor、 sec
4、ond floor、third floor、playground 等 学生能够听懂、会说、会读本单元核心句型:Do you have a/an.?-Yes, we do./No, we dont. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读有关校园规则的词汇 和句型。 学生能够在情境中运用本单元核心句型以及校 园规则。 情感目标: 培养学生小组合作交流的能力,激发学生自觉遵守 校园规则的意识。 教学重点:教学重点:学生能够正确理解图片信息,能够听懂、会说、会读有关校园规则的词汇和句型。 教学难点:教学难点:学生能够根据图片和话题进行讨论,能够在不同的情景中表达和运用校园规则。 教具准备:教具准备:PPT、任务单
5、 教教 学学 过过 程程 StepsStepsTeachersTeachers ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudentsActivitiesActivitiesAimsAims 一、一、Warm-upWarm-up 1.Greeting; 2.Explain the rules ofclassroom evaluation to Ss; T: We have four floors in our school, for this class, Group A, You have the first floor. 3.Free talk about“How are
6、 you today?” T:Now, who wants to share with us: How are you today? 1.Greeting; 2.Listen to the rules of classroom evaluation; 3.Talk about “how are you today?” 使用问句“How are you today?”让学 生自由发言,并由 “Im happy today, do you know why?”引出 Fun Time 学习主 题。轻松的问候, 给学生带来亲切 感,同时营造良好 的英语学习气氛。 二、二、ReviewReview 2.
7、Have a free talk: we can.in the library. We cant.in the library. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Try to give more rules for library. 首先,通过对校园 场所的图片观察, 引发学生思考并回 答如下问题: Where are they? What can we do there? 他们在哪里?我们 能够在这里做些什 么?再让学生说一 说,图中人物的做 法是否妥当,我们 可以给出哪些建议 和规则,What rules can we set there?最后联系 我校校园规则,唤 起学
8、生自觉遵守校 园规则的意识。整 个教学环节,以学 生为本,恰当地启 发和点拨,尽可能 地给学生多一点思 考的时间,让学生 通过一系列观察、 思考,不断发散思 维,敢于表达,乐 于表达,使课堂氛 围充满活力。 PicturePicture 2(computer2(computer room)room) 1.Look1.Look atat thethe picturepicture: Look and say where are they? 2.Free2.Free talktalk aboutabout computercomputer room:room: TaskTask 1 1:Lead
9、Ss to talk about the things that we can do in the computer room. TaskTask 2:2: Lead Ss to talk about what we cant do in the computer room. 3.3. LearnLearn thethe rules:rules: Listen, repeat and learn the rule. 4.4. EncourageEncourage SsSs toto givegive moremore rulesrules forfor computercomputer roo
10、m.room. 1. Look at the picture then answer the Q; 2.Have a free talk: we can.in the computer room. We cant.in the computer room. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Try to give more rules for computer room. PicturePicture 3(science3(science room)room) 1.Look1.Look atat thethe picturepicture: Look and say where
11、 are they? 2.Free2.Free talktalk aboutabout sciencescience room:room: TaskTask 1 1:Lead Ss to talk about the things that we can do in the library. TaskTask 2:2: Lead Ss to talk about what we cant do in the library and why?why? 3.3. LearnLearn thethe rules:rules: Listen, repeat and learn the rule. 4.
12、4. EncourageEncourage SsSs toto givegive moremore rulesrules forfor sciencescience room.room. 1. Look at the picture then answer the Q; 2.Have a free talk: we can.in the science room, We cant.in the science room. The reason why we cant run in the science room. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Try to give mo
13、re rules for computer room. PicturePicture 4(gym)4(gym) 1.Look1.Look atat thethe picturepicture: Look and say where are they? 2.2. LearnLearn thethe newnew word:word: gymgym 3.Talk3.Talk aboutabout whatwhat kindkind ofof shoesshoes shouldshould wewe wearwear inin gym.gym. 3.3. LearnLearn thethe rule
14、s:rules: Listen, repeat and learn the rule. 4.4. EncourageEncourage SsSs toto givegive moremore rulesrules forfor gym.gym. 1. Look at the picture then answer the Q; 2.Learn the new word. 3. Think and say: what kind of shoes should we wear in the gym? 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Try to give more rules f
15、or gym. EmotionalEmotional education:education: Lead Ss to look at the pictures of rules in our school. T: For our safety, please obey the rules for school. Remember the rules for school and obey them. 四、四、WorkWork inin groupsgroups Lets make a poster: 1. Explain the steps of making a poster. 2. Lea
16、d Ss to make the poster then show it. 1. Match the words with pictures. 2. Set rules for school. 3. Have a show. 以四人小组为单 位,合作完成 poster.首先, 由组 内四名学生分工完 成各个楼层对应的 图文匹配,再由小 组成员集体讨论得 出适合不同场所的 校园规则,最后完 成填写,练习并展 示本组的poster。 小组成员之间相互 交流,思想碰撞, 共同完成学习任 务,在合作中感受 学习英语的乐趣以 及交流的意义,同 时锻炼学生的语言 表达能力。 五、五、HomeworkHomework 1.Read the rules fluently on P.19(1 star) 2.Set a rule for our classroom.(2 stars)