- 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Family Activities_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:c0eef)
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cooking dinner watering the plants feeding the fish cleaning the room watching TV listening to music walking the dog flying a kite riding a bike drawing pictures singing songs playing football playing chess dancing Im feeding the fish. Whats the weather like? Where are the children? Who?Who? What?What? 1 Wang HanWang Han 2 3 4 5 6 7 FengFeng JiaJia Li LeLi Le Zhou MingZhou Ming Zhou Zhou QiangQiangChen Chen MengMeng Zhao Zhao QiQi LuckyLucky Read and write!Read and write! Look and write!Look and write! listening to music watering the plants What does he look like? Whats he doing? Unit5 Family Activities Lesson3 一、教学内容一、教学内容 学习关于描述人物活动的小文段 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1.能够读懂关于描述人物活动的小文段,并根据文段中的描述,从图片中找出 相应的人物。 2.能够通过观察图片补充信息,完成叙述短文。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 文段的阅读与理解。 四、教学难点四、教学难点 独立读懂描述人物的小短文,完成练习。 五、学情分析五、学情分析 本课图片人物活动内容较多,教师在教学中要利用问题帮助学生把握住重 点信息,在完成练习后关注学生读的练习,把对话学充分。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)Warming Up and Review 活动活动 1:Sing a song: What are you doing? What is he/she doing? 活动活动 2:复习先关活动词组 教师利用 PPT 呈现物品的局部图,请学生来猜相关家庭活动的词组 T:What are they doing? S:feeding the fish/cleaning the room/cooking dinner/ watering the plants/ 活动活动 3:复习第二课时功能句型 首先复习句型 What are you doing? Im . 学生问,教师做动作进行示范。 1 学生示范 2 小组练习 3 接着复习句型 Whats doing? He/she is . 活动方式:Who has the best memory? 教师准备 7 张小纸条,分别写好 7 中不同的活动词组,请 7 名学生上前 1 计时开始,请 7 名同学各自做出纸条上的动作,请全班同学记住 2 教师通过提问 Whats he/she doing? 请学生回答 He/she is . 3 活动活动 4:运用真实生活照,猜猜班里的同学们在做什么 教师首先呈现一张班里同学的照片,并提问 T:Guess, whats doing? 学生尝试回答 1 is . 接下来,通过图片遮挡的方式呈现更多班级中学生家庭活动的照片。 2 T:These are the students in our class. Please choose one of them and ask your partner. Lets guess what they are doing at home. (二)Lead in T: You have many rich and colorful family activities. So do our friends. Today, we have some new friends. (呈现 A 项情景图) (三)Presentation 活动活动 1:读图 观察 A 项情景图,交流图片内容 T:Whats the weather like?sunny day/beautiful day Where are the children?in the park Do you want to know their names? 活动活动 2:阅读第一遍,圈出人物名字 T:Who are they? Can you read the passage and circle their names? 活动活动 3:阅读第二遍,画出人物活动 T:What are they doing in the park? Please underline the phrases. 活动活动 3:阅读第三遍,填写人物名字 教师首先用 Wang Han 举例。 T:Who is the boy? Wang Han 进步一追问 How do you know?/Why? Wang Han is walking his dog. T: So No.1 is Wang Han. How about No.2No.7? Please read the passage again and write down their names. 活动活动 5:完成 B 项任务 Zhao Qi/Li Le 1 学生首先通过 read and write 的形式,补全 Zhao Qi/Li Le 的句子 T:Lets read the passage and finish the sentences. Liu Hong/Sun Yuan 2 接下来,提高难度,让学生通过 look and write 的形式,完成 Liu Hong/Sun Yuan 的句子 T: Look! Liu Hong and Sun Yuan are also playing in the park. What are they doing? Please look and write. (四)Practice 活动活动 1:跟读 A 项文段 . 听音跟读 1 . 同桌互读 2 活动活动 2:补充绘本阅读 T:These children are having a good time in the park. Today, I have another story for you. What is it about?(呈现故事封面图)Kittens 观察封面,师生交流 1 T:Do you like kittens? Why? Whats he doing?playing the ball Do you want to see more lovely kittens? Please open your book, lets read it. 读绘本,了解小猫做的事情 2 同桌互读讨论 3 T:What are they doing? Please read again and talk in pairs. 听录音,跟读故事 4 活动活动 3:书写表达自己的小猫正在做的事情 教师示范 1 The kittens can do many things. Look! I have a kitten. He is playing the guitar. How about your kitten? 小组交流 2 书写小猫正在做的事情 3 分享展示 4 (五)Summary Mother kittens love their kids, like your mother love you. Look! Mothers day is coming. Its on this Sunday. Dont forget to say “Happy Mothers Day” and “thank you” to your mother. (六)Homework 1. Read this passage. 2. Share your kitten to your parents. 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Unit5 Family Activities Lesson3 Whats doing? He/She is . Zhao Qi is . Li Le is . 八、教学评价八、教学评价 本节课我们运用多种形式,在课中和课后进行有效的持续性评价: 1. 设计学习后的自评、互评评价单 2. 运用教学中活动即评价的方式进行分层设计和评价。 3. 通过师评的形式开展持续性评价。 九、教学特色与反思九、教学特色与反思 特色说明: 1. 生活化的情境教学 课教学遵循情境创设中的生活性这一要素,将学生原有的认知和生活经验 作为教学活动的起点,从生活中带给学生认知和情感体验。 2. 形象性的情境创设 本节课所创设的教学情境感性的,直观的,让学生在感官体验中,有效地 丰富感性认识,促使学生形象思维与抽象思维的互动发展。 3. 问题性、活动性的情境设计 本节课教师依据情境,通过口头描述创设问题,引发学生思考,帮助学生 激活已有知识经验。 教学反思: 本节课将学习主题与情境教学相融合,通过生活化的,直观的,以及真实 的情境带领学生感知,了解和学习本课内容。本节课中还有不足之处,例如活 动设计上情境的拿捏,真正创设有价值的情境,还有待深入挖掘。 ISBN-13: 978-0-325-02118-8 ISBN-10: 0-325-02118-X Nonfiction Level C Book 26 Kittens by Duncan Robinson LLI_Kittens_0547_COV.indd 2-31/10/08 2:21:35 PM 2008 He i ne mann Kittens Author: Duncan Robinson Heinemann 361 Hanover Street Portsmouth, NH 038013912 Offices and agents throughout the world Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Books Copyright 2009 by Irene C. Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Heinemann All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be mailed to the Permissions Department at Heinemann, 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801. ISBN-13: 978-0-325-02118-8 ISBN-10: 0-325-02118-X Editorial Development, Design, and Production by Brown Publishing Network Credits Photographs: cover Werner Layer/Animals Animals; back cover, pp. 11, 13 Akira Matoba/ SuperStock; pp. 1, 15 Brian Gordon Green/National Geographic/Getty Images; p. 3 Sami Sarkis/Getty Images; p. 5 Mike Dunning/Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images; p. 7 Torahiko Yamashita/A.collection; p. 9 Gregor Kervina/; p. 16 Sarah Snow. Printed in China 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RRD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LLI_Kittens_0547_COV.indd 4-51/10/08 2:21:35 PM 2008 He i ne mann Kittens by Duncan Robinson LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 11/10/08 2:22:01 PM 2 0 0 8 H e i n e ma n n Here is a little kitten. He is playing with a ball. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 2-31/10/08 2:22:04 PM 2008 He i ne mann Here is a little kitten. She is playing with the yarn. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 4-51/10/08 2:22:16 PM 2008 He i ne mann Look at this little kitten. He is sitting on a chair. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 6-71/10/08 2:22:18 PM 2008 He i ne mann This is a little kitten. She is walking on the grass. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 8-91/10/08 2:22:21 PM 2008 He i ne mann 1011 Here is a little kitten. He is looking at the fish. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 10-111/10/08 2:22:24 PM 2008 He i ne mann 11 Here is a little kitten. She is hiding under the chair. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 12-131/10/08 2:22:27 PM 2008 He i ne mann 11 Look at this little kitten. He is sleeping in a basket. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 14-151/10/08 2:22:40 PM 2008 He i ne mann 1 Here is my kitten. She is sleeping in my lap. LLI_Kittens_0547.indd 161/10/08 2:22:42 PM 2 0 0 8 H e i n e ma n n