人教精通版三下Unit 5 It's a parrot.-Lesson 30-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:2245e).doc

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1、课件教学设计课件教学设计 UnitUnit 5 5ItIts s a a parrot.parrot. LessonLesson 3030LetLets s protectprotect animalsanimals together.together. 教学目标教学目标; ; 单词:kangaroo lion owl parrot quail rooster elephant tiger monkey panda 句型:Whats this? What is it? Whats that? Its a/an. I like this. What about you ? I dont like

2、 that. How about you ? 思想目标:思想目标: 让学生了解动物是我们人类的好朋友,我们要一起保护他们。 Animals are our good friends. Lets protect animals together. 教学重难点:教学重难点: A: Is this an elephant ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. A: Do you like elephants? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. A: Is it happy ? B: Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt. I like .a

3、nd.和 I dont like .or. 教学亮点:教学亮点: 1.借助动物的叫声加深学生对所学动物的印象。 2.通过对大森林里的动物, 动物园里的动物和马戏团里的动物进 行对比强调 Animals are our good friends. 3.通过学校组织的调研活动实现知识的拓展。 Lets protect animals together. 教学准备:教学准备:制作的幻灯片 教学过程教学过程 : StepStep 1 1SingSing a a song.song. Sing the AB song together . StepStep 2 2WhatWhat animalsanim

4、als cancan youyou seesee inin thethe forest?forest? 1.伴随着优美的大自然声音向学生展示大森林的图片。 谈论大森林里 无忧无虑的动物们。 复习本单元学过的动物单词和以前学过的动物单 词。并注意 a/an 的用法。并强调并强调 TheyThey areare soso happy.happy. A:Wow,So many animals in the forest . They are so lovely.What animals can you see in the forest? B:I can see a /an. Its so happ

5、y. 2.Lets play a guessing game. 通过图片的远近区别练习 Whats this? What is it? Whats that? Its a/an. 3.通过图片练习肯定句和否定句。 A: I like this. What about you ? B: I like this. A: I dont like that. How about you ? B: I dont like that. A: Are they happy? B: Yes, they are.They are so happy in the forest. StepStep 3 3 What

6、What animalsanimals cancan youyou seesee inin thethe zoozoo? 1.伴随嘈杂的动物园的声音向学生展示动物园的图片, 让学生们回想 以前去动物园时看到过哪些动物。复习动物类单词,注意 a,an 的用 法。并发出并发出 IsIs itit happy?happy?的质问。的质问。 A:Wow,So many animals in the zoo . They are so lovely.What animals can you see in the zoo? B:I can see a /an. A: Are they happy? B:

7、No, they arent.They are unhappy in the zoo. They are sad. 2.Lets play a game.听声音看图片做游戏 A:Guess! Whats this/that? B: Its a /an. A: Do you like .? B:Yes.I do./ No, I dont. A:Is it happy? B: I think its unhappy. Its sad. StepStep 4 4 WhatWhat animalsanimals cancan youyou seesee inin thethe circuscircus

8、?. 1.通过观看第三十课的小视频了解马戏团表演, 并让学生们带着问题 观看后回答。 What animals can you see in the circus?注意英 文 tiger time 的意思。 2.借助同学们感兴趣的图片练习一般疑问句。为下一个单元的句型 学习进行提前预习。再一次质问再一次质问 IsIs itit happyhappy ? ?强调马戏团里的动 物并不开心。 A: Is this an elephant ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. A: Do you like elephants? B: Yes, I do. /No, I don

9、t. A: Is it happy ? B: Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt. A: Why? B: I think . 3.谈论自己喜欢的小动物, 或者是你所知道的人与动物和谐相处的小 故事。最后发出最后发出 AnimalsAnimals areare ourour goodgood friends.friends. LetLets s protectprotect animalsanimals together.together.的呼吁。的呼吁。 StepStep 5 5 PrPra actisectise 1. Lets listen and choose. 把两组外

10、形比较接近的动物放在一起,通过听声音进行区分。 2. Fill in the blanks.用 and 和 or 填空. 3. key point 总结肯定句和否定句的用法,以及 and 和 or 在肯定句和否定句 中的应用。 StepStep 6 6 LetsLetslearnlearn aboutabout seasea animalsanimals 通过前一段时间学校组织的天津极地海洋馆之旅, 让孩子们了解 一些他们比较感兴趣的海洋动物单词表达和他们的叫声。 并让同学向 大家讲述你所了解的海洋动物知识。 StepStep 7 7 PleasePlease remember!remember! ! ! ! ! Animals are our good friends. Lets protect animals together. StepStep 8 8 HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and read Lesson 30. 2. Draw an animal you like and write its English name.


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