人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:a116c).zip

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U5 Free Time Lesson 3 四年级下册 play the pianoplay the drumsplay the violin (instruments) play the sing songs draw pictures dance Music & Art go play ping-pong play badminton go swimming go for a walk balls play Sports feed the pet take out the garbage mop the floor Housework go for a picnicgo camping Other things Four new students 1. Who is she? 2. What is she good at?/What does she like doing in her free time? 3. How often does she do it? 1.Who is she? 2.What is she good at?/Whats she like doing in her free time? 3.How often does she do it? Who can be her friend ? How do you know? Draw a line under the sentences. 1.What about Alex and Tina? Can they be friends? How do you know? Draw a line under the sentences. 2.How often does Alex go skating? 3.Whats Tinas hobby? Jin Jing Amandadancing. AlexTina reading. once a week twice a week Please fill in the blanks. Do you think making friends is important ? Why ? Lets read . Hello, Im Susan. I come from China. I like reading. I read many books in my free time, especially history books. I go to a reading club once a week. I have many reading friends there. I also like playing the Guzheng which sounds beautiful and Im good at it.But now I have no time to play because I have to take care of my little baby, and I love my baby very much. Do you want to be my friend ? If I were a new student in a school, I would need friends and I would make an introduction like this : If you were a new student in a school, could you need friends? How could you introduce yourself? Think about it and write it down. Free Time Music & Art: play the piano play the violin play the drums sing songs draw a picture Sports: play basketball play ping-pong play football go for a walk go swimming Other things: go for a picnic go camping read make models Housework: feed the pet mop the floor clean the kitchen interesting fun cool easy difficult never sometimes once a week twice a week three times a month everyday Mind map: 1. Finish your introduction and if you like, share with others and find a new friend. Homework : 2.Read a storybook . 教学基本信息 课题 U5 Free Time-Lesson3 学科英语英语学段小学中段小学中段年级四年级四年级 教材出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2013 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) 在对课程基本理念的描述中指出,教师需 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。课堂中尽可能多的为学生创造在真实语境中运用语 言的机会,鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式, 发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能。 情景教学法就是在教学过程中教师有目的引入和创设具有一定情感色彩的,以形 象为主体的主动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解知识和 技能,并使学生心理机能得到发展的方法。 标准(2011 版) 多次提到发展思维的重要性。在前言中提到:“学习英语能帮 助他们形成开放、包容的性格。 。 。促进思维的发展。 。 。 ”对于课程的性质,又指出“义 务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。就工具而言,英语课程承担着 培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务。 ”针对次, 学业标准指出:利 用思维可视化工具设计、组织学习任务,培养学生思维的系统性和逻辑性。思维导图 是一种将发散性思考可视化的思维工具。 教学背景分析 一、教学内容分析 本课为义务教育教科书 英语(一年级起点) 四年级上册的第 5 单元 Free Time 中的第三课时。本单元的第一课时是关于空闲时间的活动名称的学习,为第二课 时的对话所需知识做铺垫,第二课时内容以情景对话的形式呈现出主题功能句 How 教学设计个人信息 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 often do you go skating? I go skating twice a week.主要是功能句对话的学习,从第三课时 开始到第六课时都是对前两节课时所学新知的拓展和运用。本课重点在于如何在唤起 学生旧知的前提下,为学生创设真实情境让学生熟练表达空闲时间自己的活动及频率, 在此基础上进行听力和阅读练习,最后达到写作的目的。 二、学情分析: 本课的授课对象是四年级的学生,从情感角度来讲,他们对此话题比较感兴趣, 因为这和学生的实际生活联系紧密;从知识点角度来讲,二年级下 U1 Play time, 三 年级下 U3 Entertainment ,四年级上 U1 Sports,四年级上 U2 Weekend Activities,四 年级下 U4 Hobbies 均设计到跟这个单元相关的话题,孩子们有一定的语言基础。而本节课的 目标正是在此基础上进行阅读拓展学习,最后达到正确输出的目的。 综合以上的内容,教师首先要设计一个与学生自己相关的大情境激发学生对本节 课的兴趣,然后教师要引导学生唤醒对空闲时间活动及频率的表达方式,以便为后面 的阅读和写作做铺垫。在阅读的过程中,巧妙的将第一段的内容转换为听力材料,接 着通过不同层次问题的设置,提升学生的阅读能力;通过分析小文章的写作要点,构 建思维导图,引导学生完成小作文。 教学目标 教学目标 1. 能够读懂有关课余生活的短文,总结其中的关键信息,用所给功能句表达认为 的课余活动及频率。 2. 能通流利地朗读课文。 3. 能够口头和书面简单介绍自己的课余活动及频率。 其他目标 1. 通过本节课的学习,了解一些听力技巧。 2. 通过本课的学习,了解一些阅读技巧。 3. 通过本课的学习,了解一些写作技巧。 重点 阅读四篇文章,理解文章含义,能够回答相应的问题。 难点 通过分析文章,写出自己的介绍。 教学资源 1 PPT 2 卡片、词条 3 绘本 教学流程示意图 设计思路 一、热身 1.引出本节课主题“Free time” 。 T: Boys and girls , today we go on learning“free time”and we are going to talk about“lesson 3” 一、热身 Warm up 设置情景 二、复习和导入 Review and lead-in 1.出示不同类型的图片,头脑风暴。 2.谈论学生和老师课余活动及频率。 三、新知学习 Presentation 1.听力训练。 (1)听前:问题设置 (2)听后:分析问题 2.阅读 (1)读前:问题设置 想象 (2)读中:思考分析问题 质疑 联 系 (3)读后:确定 四、拓展运用 Application 1.分析文章句型。 2.思维导图。 3.学生书写。 4. 个别学生展示。 五、作业 Homework 1.完成课上作文。 2.阅读拓展绘本。 板书:Unit5 Free Time Lesson3 二、复习旧知、为新知学习做铺垫。 1. (1)老师出示图片,做头脑风暴,复习与 music &art 相关的词汇。 T:We do many kinds of activities in our free time and there are some pictures of them. Lets see what they are. (设计意图:让学生对猜测充满好奇) (2)介绍完乐器的图片后,引导学生做总结:When we talk about instruments ,we should use “play the” T: What other instruments do you know? What other activities beginning with “go” do you know ? Ok. We say this kind of activities “music &art” Do you like playing the piano ? What do you do in your free time ? How often do you do it ? 板书: Music &Art (设计意图:抛砖引玉,通过出示图片,让学生发生联想,回想这种类型的其他词组, 并帮助学生做总结。 ) 2.仿照以上方法,引导学生复习总结“sports” “housework”以及“other things”相关 的词组。 板书: U5 Free Time Housework Music & Art Sports Other things 3.T: OK. Now lets talk about our free time? What do you do in your free time? What do you like doing ? Are you good at it? Do you know what Susan likes doing ? Guess ! (设计意图:唤醒学生已学相关旧知词汇,为下面的阅读和写作做铺垫。 ) 三、新知学习 1. 设置情景。 T: OK , boys and girls! Do you have a friend ? Do you like playing with your friend ? I know four students that dont have friends . Because they are new in a school, and they dont know other students . So they want to make new friends . See ?(向学生出示四个学生的图片)So they make an introduction . One of them is this girl (出示课本中第一张图片) Here are four questions about her. Would you please read them ? (出示四个问题,让学生读一读,对接下来的听力做预判。) (1) Who is she? (2) What is she good at?/Whats she like doing in her free time? (3)How often does she do it? (4) What does she talk about? (设计意图:将第一段的阅读作为听力材料做新知呈现。 ) 2. 播放这部分的录音,学生有目的的听,并且试着抓文本大意。 3. T: Who can answer the questions? Lets check them .( 出示 PPT 第 10 张,) (设计意图:通过在文章中做标记的方法,订正这三道题目的答案,同时帮助孩子理解 这段话的关键信息。) 4. So we know the hobby of Jin Jing, who can be her friend ? Why ? Please read the left three parts.(设计意图:带着问题,学生自己初读文章,理解大意。 ) 5.T: Who can be her friend ? Why ? (设计意图:说出为什么的时候也是对文章细节的理解。 ) 6. 当学生解释为什么的时候,会提到“street dancing ”这个词,老师引导学生做出解 释:Does that mean dance on the stage? No, its a kind of dance that people do it in the street.(板书在黑板上) 7.T: What about the left two students? Can they be friends? How do you know ? Please read the left two parts again. (设计意图:学生带着问题再次读文章,理解这两部分的内容。 ) 8. 让学生表达自己的看法:How do you know? What do they say?之后追加三个问题: (1)How often does Alex go skating? (2)Whats Tinas hobby? (3) How do you make friends in your daily time? Do you think making friends is important? Why?( 这个问题属于开放性问题,锻炼学生的深层理解能力。) 9. 完成书中的两个练习题,这两道题在上面的问题中都已经讨论过。对学生而言比较 简单。 10. 学生听录音跟读文章,之后请学生读一读自己喜欢的部分。 T: OK. Lets read and follow the audio. Would like to read the part you like? (设计意图:让学生跟读,读文章,都是再次输入的部分,只有充分的输入,学生才能 更好的输出。注意,当学生读完某部分的时候,老师适当和学生讨论。T: Do you want to be her friend ? Do you like ?) 四、拓展运用。 1引导学生说出四段话的重点句型,为写作为准备。 T: Jin Jing, Alex, Tina and Amanda are telling us their hobbies. How do they express ? Which sentence pattern do they use? Lets look at Jin Jing ! I am good at I once a week. What about Alex ? 2. T: OK. Boys and girls, if I were new in a school ,I would introduce myself like this ! ( 出 示老师的范文) Please pay attention to the red part. Would you please read them ? ( 学生读标红的部分,老 师出示板书) 3. Boys and girls, if you were new in a school ,how would you introduce yourself? Think about it and write it down. Here are some clues. 板书: U5 Free Time Housework Music & Art Sports Other things I once a week. I like (doing) I love(doing) Im good at (设计意图:给学生出示范文,并且把关键句型给学生标出,为下文做铺垫。) 2.Now ,its your time to write something about yourself. Here are some clues on the blackboard. 板书: U5 Free Time Hobbies Housework Music & Art Sports Other things I once a week. I like (doing) I love(doing) Im good at (设计意图:提醒孩子们写作的思路。 ) 3. 学生独自完成小作文。 4.个别学生展示。T: Who would like to share your composition? 五作业: 1. Finish your introduction. 2.Read an story book (设计意图:课堂时间可能不充分,学生可以课下继续完善作文。第二个作业是拓展 阅读,跟本课的爱好有关,可以拓展孩子的思维和增加孩子的阅读量。 ) 板书 U5 Free Time Hobbies Housework Music & Art Sports Other things I once a week. I like (doing) I love(doing) Im good at 学习效果评价设计 1. 在教学过程中,采用提问等方式检验学生对知识的掌握程度,并以鼓励性语言进行 评价。 2. 通过学生完成课上任务:听力,阅读对学生新知掌握程度进行评价。 3. 完成“自我介绍”观察学生是否可以正确描摹功能句。 4. 在台前进行展示,检验学生是否将新知内化并最终正确输出。 street dancing ballet Chinese dancing 公共艺术 策划编辑:吉劲秋 责任编辑:刘秀玲 装帧设计:王 春 丽声妙想英文绘本 外研社英语分级阅读外研社英语分级阅读 第5级 电话:010-88819533 网址:http:/ 微博:http:/ FLTRP Childrens Publishing 外研社.少儿出版分社 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 英文绘本 英文绘本 第五级 Stage 5 Little Dragon Locked Out The Chatterbox Turtle The School Trip The Sandwich That Jack Made Alf Saves the Day (英)Mal Peet 著 (英)Andy Hammond 绘 Alf loves football, but is he any good at playing it? 丽声妙想英文绘本 故事书封面 第五级(215X192).indd 114-8-6 下午5:27 一起聊一聊 这本书讲的是什么? 读故事 词汇 but five good loved next one some very were (英)Mal Peet 著 (英)Andy Hammond 绘 边洪芹 译 外研社英语分级阅读 北 京 BEIJING 第五级 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 妙想 英文绘本 英文绘本 丽声妙想英文绘本 故事书扉页 第五级(215X192).indd 114-7-30 上午9:48 Alf loved football. He loved everything about football. 2 Alf loved drawing football pictures. He drew good football pictures. 3 Great! Alf loved writing football stories. He was good at football stories. 4 Alf loved watching football on television. He cheered and cheered. 5 Alf loved going to football matches. There were lots of people and everyone cheered. 6 Alf was a big football fan. 7 At school, lots of children played football. Lots of boys and lots of girls played. 8 Alf really, really wanted to be a football star. But he wasnt good at football. 9 Some children were good at dribbling. Alf wasnt good at dribbling. 10 Some children were good at passing. Alf wasnt good at passing. 11 Alf wasnt good at shooting. He wasnt good at heading. 12 Alf was just no good at football. He felt very sad. 13 14 The football coach picked five children for one team. He picked five children for the other team. Alf went to watch the football match. 15 Suddenly, Alf shouted, “Look out!” Look out! 16 Alf jumped up in the air . and made a very good save! 17 All the children cheered. The football players cheered. The football coach cheered. The dinner lady cheered. 18 Good save! Good save! Good save! “What a good save, Alf!” everyone said. 19 The football coach said, “Alf, come with me.” 20 Alf stood in the goal and the coach took a shot. It was a good shot, but Alf saved it. 21 Alf saved the next shot, too. And the next one. He saved every shot! 22 23 All the children cheered. Alf was a very good goalkeeper. He was good at playing football after all! 24 活 后 读 动 给孩子讲讲故事的主要情节,或者也可以讲 一下生活中发生的一件类似的事。 这个游戏能帮助孩子理解故事的结构安排, 这对于孩子讲故事和写故事都会有很大的帮助。 更多活动 跟孩子讨论一下其他运动项目, 比较不同运动之间的差异, 比如, 可以和孩子讨论足球、橄榄球、 高尔夫球和网球运动中所用的球 有什么不同。 收集孩子最喜欢的运动的图片, 制成一本剪贴簿,帮孩子写出图 中出现的物品的英文名称。 玩游戏 25 和孩子一起挑选出重要的故事情 节,为每个情节画一张画,并在其 中的角色旁边画上大大的话泡。帮 孩子在话泡里填上角色要说的话。 帮孩子补充一些角色和话泡,然 后跟孩子一起把故事读出来。 阿尔夫很喜欢足球,他喜欢一切和足球 有关的东西。 阿尔夫喜欢画和足球有关的画。他画的 画非常好。 阿尔夫喜欢写和足球有关的故事。他很 擅长写足球故事。 “太棒了!” 参考译文 球迷阿尔夫 26 27 阿尔夫喜欢看电视上的足球比赛。他不 停地欢呼。 阿尔夫喜欢去现场看足球比赛。那儿有 很多人,所有人都在欢呼。 阿尔夫是个超级足球迷。 在学校里,很多孩子都踢足球。男孩儿 和女孩儿都踢。 28 阿尔夫真的真的很想成为一名足球明星, 但是他并不擅长踢足球。 有的孩子擅长运球,但阿尔夫不擅长。 有的孩子擅长传球,但阿尔夫不擅长。 阿尔夫也不擅长射门。 他也不擅长头球。 阿尔夫真的不擅长踢足球。他非常难过。 29 足球教练挑选了五名小朋友组成一支球队, 又挑选了另外五名小朋友组成另一支球队。 阿尔夫去看他们的足球比赛。 突然,阿尔夫大喊一声 : “小心!” “小心!” 阿尔夫跳了起来然后,他漂亮地扑住 了球! 30 所有的孩子都欢呼起来。球员们在欢呼, 教练也在欢呼。 食堂阿姨也在欢呼。 “扑得好!” “扑得好!” “扑得好!” “扑得真好, 阿尔夫!”所有人都这么说。 31 足球教练说 : “阿尔夫,跟我来。 ” 阿尔夫站在球门中间,教练抬脚射门。 好球!但是球被阿尔夫扑住了。 阿尔夫也扑住了下一个球,然后又扑住 一个。他扑住了所有的球! 所有的孩子都欢呼起来。 阿尔夫是个非常优秀的守门员。原来, 阿尔夫还是擅长足球的!
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