人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:900b8).doc

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人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:900b8).doc_第1页
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1、精通英语三年级下册精通英语三年级下册 Lesson3Lesson3 教学设计教学设计 语言知识与语言技能目标: 1学生在真实的语境中学习三会词 kitchen, fridge, 和四会单词 table, bed。 2学生能够在真实语境中运用存在句 There is .和 There are . 描述房间陈设。 情感态度目标: 通过本课的学习, 教育学生要养成良好的生活习惯, 保持房间的清洁, 同时培养学生爱家的积极情感。 学习策略目标: 1学生在真实语境中积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流。 2学生通过小组合作的学习方式,共同完成学习任务。 二、教学重难点 教学重点: 学生能够在真实语境中运用存在

2、句 There is .和 There are . 描述房间陈设。 教学难点: 学生能够在真实语境中,初步感知、理解、操练描述房间 三、三、教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1:Warming1:Warming upup 1Lets chant. 2Free talk T: Weknow our friend Kate visited LiYans home. Do you still remember LiYans new home?Ss: Yes, we do. T: Look, what room is it?Ss: Its a bedroom. T: Whats in the bed

3、room?S1: There is a bed in the bedroom. T: Oh! How nice!S2: There are T: Look! What room is it?Ss: Its a living room. T: Whats in the living room? S1: There are two sofas and four armchairs in the living room.T: What color are they?S1: They are red.S2: There is . StepStep 2:Presentation2:Presentatio

4、n 1 1在真实情境中学习新词在真实情境中学习新词 kitchenkitchen。 T: Boys and girls, I think LiYans bedroom and living room are so nice. Do you think so?Ss: Yes, I think so. T:T: TodayToday wewe willwill gogo onon toto visitvisit anotheranother roomroom ofof LiYanLiYans s newnew home.home. Is this a living room?Ss: No, it

5、isnt. T: Then what room is it?Ss: Its a kitchen. T: Teach the new word kitchen 板书 kitchen。 2 2预测课文主题图,发散学生的思维。预测课文主题图,发散学生的思维。 T:T: TodayToday wewe willwill gogo onon toto visitvisit LiLi YanYans s kitchenkitchen withwith KateKate, , WhatWhats s inin LiLi YanYans s kitchen.kitchen. S1 there is a fri

6、dge in the kitchen. And there is a table. 3学生带着问题看课文插图,回答问题,学习新词 fridge tables 及板书重点句型:There is There are T: Whats in the kitchen?Lets listen to the dialogue. T: Whats in the kitchen?S1: There is a big fridge.(T: 板 书 There is ) T: Teach the word fridgeT: And what else? S2: There are some tables.(T:

7、板书 There are ) T: Teach the words fridge and tables.学生整体感知对话,学习 新词,提炼重点句型。 4角色体验 T: Now lets have a role play. Step 3:Practice 1 1多种形式朗读对话,内化语言。多种形式朗读对话,内化语言。 (1) Listen and repeat the dialogue. (2) Teacher and one student read the dialogue in different roles. (3) Open the books and read in differen

8、t roles. (4) Show the role-play reading. (5) Teacher and one student act the dialogue. (6) Close the books and act in pairs. (7) Show the acts. 2 2韵文说唱。韵文说唱。 T: You are all good students.Can you chant now? 3PlayPlay a a gamegame PairPair work:work: Sa: In kitchen A, there is are Sb: In kitchen B, th

9、ere is are T:T: Look!Look! ThereThere areare manymany differencesdifferences betweenbetween kitchenkitchen A A andand kitchenkitchen B.B. WhichWhich kitchenkitchen dodo youyou like?like? Why?Why? S: I like kitchen B. Because its very clean. T: I agree with you. I think kitchen B is very nice and cle

10、an. But kitchen A is very dirty and messy. See, there is some peel on the floor and the chairs are crooked. So we should keep our rooms clean. Do you think so? Ss: Yes, I think so. StepStep 4:Production4:Production 小组合作谈论自己最喜爱的房间。小组合作谈论自己最喜爱的房间。 T: Boys and girls, show me your photos. Lets talk about our favorite rooms. First Ill set an example for you.(师生示 范) T: Please talk about your favorite rooms with your partners. Ss: Talk about their favorite rooms in pairs. Show the acts. StepStep 5:Ending5:Ending Homework:Homework: 1Recite the dialogue. 2Introduce your favorite room to your partner.


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