人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 6-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:1238e).doc

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人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 6-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:1238e).doc_第1页
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1、1 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. 一一、教学内容教学内容:复习第一单元重难点。 二二、教学目标教学目标: 知识目标知识目标: 1.能够灵活操练、 替换以下句型: Look at the/Iin my room/ Whats in the ?/There be 句型,并在生活中运用这些语言。 2. 能够听、说、读以下单词 bedroom, living room, sofa, armchair, kitchen, fridge, picture, bathroom, DVD player 并结合句型,在生活中初步运用。 3. 听、说、读、写以下单词 desk, c

2、hair, ball, kite, TV, bed, table, home, study, clock, computer.并能简单运用这些词语,进行日常交流活动,能够在介绍自 己的房间、用英语询问并表达房间中有哪些物品等信息。 能力目标:能力目标:掌握并能运用目标语言 There 句型进行交际,能规范书写四会 单词。 进而能够学会基本的自主学习方法, 能够初步形成与同伴合作学习的 意识、竞争意识。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:培养学生在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教、初步 形成对英语的感知能力和良好的学习习惯。除此之外,通过本课的学习, 学生应该学会热爱自己的家庭,体会领悟家的意义所在

3、。 学习策略目标学习策略目标:利用多媒体课件、游戏、do tasks 等方法让学生在潜移默化 中领会、习得知识目标。 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:通过学习,让学生了解房子的演变过程以及中西方家庭房 间装修的不同风格,体会中西方文化差异。 三三、教学重点教学重点:1.能够灵活操练、替换以下句型:Look at the/Iin my room/ Whats in the ?/There be 句型,并在生活中运用这些语言。 2. 能够听、说、读以下单词 bedroom, living room, sofa, armchair, kitchen, fridge, picture, bathroom,

4、 DVD player 并结合句型,在生活中初步运用。 3. 听、说、读、写以下单词 desk, chair, ball, kite, TV, bed, table, home, study, 2 clock, computer.并能简单运用这些词语,进行日常交流活动,能够在介绍自 己的房间、用英语询问并表达房间中有哪些物品等信息。 四四、 教学难点教学难点: There be 句型中 be 动词单复数的用法, 以及句型/Iin my room 的理解和替换。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备:PPT、Stickers、 Picture cards 六、教学方法:六、教学方法:任务教学法、情景教学法

5、、游戏教学法等 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: Step 1 :Warm up 1.Greeting .T: Hello! Boys and girls. Nice to meet you ! Ss: T: Look! There are many teachers here . Lets say “hello”to the teachers. Ss: 2.Lets judge. T: First , Lets play a game. When you think its right, you can say “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” When you think its fal

6、se, you can say “No! No! No! ” Then let the Ss to judge.注意,最后一个判断的题目是给出懒羊羊的照片说: This is XiaoHuihui. 3.出示小灰灰和懒羊羊,创设小灰灰邀请懒羊羊去参观他家的情景,并将学 生分成两组:小灰灰组和懒羊羊组。并告诉学生评价方法男生是小灰 灰组,女生是懒羊羊组,大家需要帮助他俩装饰房间。参观房间之前需要 3 完成两个任务 【设计意图】【设计意图】缓解学生紧张情绪,活跃课堂气氛,创造一个和谐的课堂氛 围,出示任务,体现任务型教学。 Step 2:Presentation Task 1 : 1.Mind m

7、ap. 两组学生在规定的时间看哪组说的词多。 T:Can you say something about home?I give every group 20 seconds . Group1: Group2: 2.Put the words to the right places. 3.Look and say:Have the Ss to say the words as quickly as they can. 4 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过思维导图、游戏教学法复习本单元三会、四会单词,加 深记忆让学生开口说英语,培养学生小组合作精神、竞争意识,并突破词 汇关。 Task 2 : 1.

8、Ask and answer(快速抢答): Whats in your home/bedroom/living room/kitchen/study/bathroom? 2. Pair work: A: Look at the . B: Whats in the ? A: There is a There are 3. Fill in the blanks. 用 is are 填空。 5 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过抢答、对话、到填空,由浅入深,教师引导,充分体现 学生的主体地位,突破句型关。 Step 3: Pratice 1. 听故事。T: You have finished two ta

9、sks ,so HongTailang invite us to her home. Lets go . 故事文本: 红太狼:You have finished your tasks. You can go and see. 懒羊羊:Thank you! 小灰灰:This is my living room, I watch TV in theliving room. This is my bedroom.I go to sleep in the bedroom. 懒羊羊:Oh, I know. This is the kitchen. I can eat in the kitchen . 小

10、灰灰:My father cooks here. 灰太狼:take a bath in the bathroom. 懒羊羊:Huitailang is in the bathroom. RUN! 6 2. Fill in the blanks. T: HuiTailang forgets everything. Can you help him? I _in the living room. I _in the bedroom. I_in the bathroom. I_in the study. I_in the kitchen. 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过故事情景巧妙地将本课难点融入其中

11、,结合四年级学生 的年龄特点,设置填空,再次巩固难点内容,让学生自主习得语言。 3. Show some homes around the world. Then divide the Ss into groups to read the passages. My bedroom. Hello! Im Emma. Welcome to my home! Look at my bedroom. Its pink. There is a bed and a picture in my bedroom. I go to sleep in the bedroom. I love my home. 4.

12、 Talk about your home. a. Fill in the blanks. My _. 7 Hello! Im _. Welcome to my home! Look at my _. Its_. There is a _ in my _. There are _ in my _. I _ in the _. I love my home. b. Have some Ss to talk their home. 【设计意图】【设计意图】文本再构,训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,让学生灵活运 用目标语言,做到有效输出,渗透中西方家庭装修风格,让学生体会中西 方文化差异, 。 Ste

13、p 4:Production 1. T:Show the houses : In the ancient time, people lived in the cave, after that they lived in the grass house .Then the wood house , the brick house. Where do we live today? cave the grass house the wood house the brick house ? Show the buildings. T: Today we live in the buildings. T

14、here are many beautiful rooms in it . Lets enjoy. 8 2. Show some different rooms. 边出示房间边问学生:What room is it? 【设计意图】【设计意图】提高学生的欣赏力,并且再次将问题带入欣赏中,检测学生 的掌握程度。 Step 4:Summary T:The rooms are nice . but I want to tell you :Home is not only a house, but also full of love. 八、八、Homework: 1.(一星)(一星)Do yourworkbook. 2.(两星)(两星)Make a dialogue. 3.(三星)(三星)Write a short passage about your home. 9 九九、教学反思:、教学反思: 10


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