人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc

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人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc_第1页
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人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc_第2页
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人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc_第3页
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人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc_第4页
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人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 7-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:505ef).doc_第5页
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1、Unit2Unit2 ThereThere areare fortyforty studentsstudents inin ourour class.class. Lesson7Lesson7 -教学设计教学设计 一、一、 教学背景教学背景 教学教学年级:年级:四年级四年级 教教材分析:材分析: 本课是人教版精通英语四年级(下)第二单元的第一课时。本单元的主要话题是询问数 量多少,并正确使用数词来回答。本课是以翻转课堂的形式呈现的,由于数词的表达是有规律 的,并且整个单元的重点词汇就是百以内数词的表达,所以我在本课并没有按书中对本课时 的规划先学习 2129,而是制作微课,先将数词表达规律的视

2、频发到班级微信群,让学生在 家提前学习,再在课堂上进行总结归纳,引导学生通过已有知识来学习新知。在学生了解数 词的表达规律后,通过询问时间、出示计算题、归类游戏等方式进行练习数词的表达。学习 句子时,通过让学生巧妙的数苹果和球的数量来感受 How many 的含义,并询问所教班级有多 少个女生,多少个男生,再通过一道数学算式来得出班级内学生的数量。从而学习本课主要 学习内容: How many students are there in your class? There are并扩展句子 Are there? 以及 How many books are there on the desk?

3、学情学情分析:分析: 本课的教学对象是四年级的学生,这些学生从三年级开始学习英语,到目前为止已经学 习了近两年的时间,掌握了一定的英语知识,比如在三年级下册中学习了数词 112,在四年 级上册中学习了数词 1320,并且学生已经掌握了What time is it? Its以及 Whats and ? Its等句型。所以在本课的学习中不仅使用本课的重点句型How manyare there?There are来练习句子,还通过What time is it? Its以及 Whats and ? Its来操练数词的表达,然后再对本课重点句子进行替换问答,让学 生将知识融会贯通。 二、二、 教学目

4、标:教学目标: 1 1. .教学目标教学目标 1) 学生能够通过微课以及教师在课堂上的引导掌握百以内数词的表达。 2) 学生能够正确询问他人所在班级学生的数量 How many students are there in your class?以能做出正确的回答 There are 3) 让学生逐步掌握通过已有知识学习新知的能力 2.2.教学重教学重、难点难点 本课的教学重点是让学生掌握数词的表达规律,以及 How many 句型;教学难点是让学 生能准确的区分十几和几十数字在表达上的区别,并在具体情景中准确使用。 三三教学过程教学过程 1.1. 课前导入(课前导入(WarmWarm upup

5、 andand leadlead inin) T:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Look at my hands. How many fingers? S: Ten. T: Look!(变魔术拔掉一根手指)How many fingers? S:Nine. T: Where is my finger? Oh, Its here! There are ten fingers on my hands. Can you count from one to ten? S:Yes! One, two, three T: Can you count fro

6、m ten to twenty? S:Ten, eleven, twelvetwenty. T:Do you want to count from one to one hundred? Today lets learn Unit2 There are forty students in our class. Lesson7 【设计意图】设计意图】一个简单的小魔术即勾起学生对数词表达的兴趣,同时也让学生初步的了解了 本课的重点句型 How many? There are成功引出本课所学主要内容。 2.2. 呈现呈现新知新知(PresentationPresentation) 1) T: Fir

7、st Lets look. (微课视频) T: Can you write from thirteen to nineteen? S: Yes!(写单词 13-19) T: Look! Are you right?(课件出示 thirteen-nineteen) 表示十几的数词除了 eleven, twelve 以外都是以 teen 结尾,那么表示几十的数词是 以哪两个字母结尾的呢? S:ty T: Look!出示单词 thirty-ninety Can you read these numbers? S: 读出数词 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, s

8、eventy, eighty, ninety T:引导学生读出数词 twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three 等。 【设计意图】设计意图】通过观看微课可以更加直观的学习数词的表达规律,让学生能在最短的时间内 更准确的掌握数词的表达方式,在微课中教师利用学生已有知识来引导学生学习新知,学生 学习起来更加轻松。 2)2)T: Look. There is a big clock. What time is it? S:Its six twenty-five. T:Its time to get up. (twelve twenty-four 12:24/ three

9、forty3:40 ) T:Whats three and forty? Is it twenty-nine? S:No, Its forty three. (twenty+ nine= ?/ thirty+ twelve=?) T:Wow! Youre so clever! Now Lets play a game. Now look at these numbers. Can you help them to find their home?(通过希沃白板软件的课堂游戏来练习数词) S: 【设计意图】通过询间时间、出示计算题、归类游戏等方式,让学生在不同的语言情境中练 习数词的表达。 2)

10、 T:Good job! I have some apples. But I dont know how many apples? Can you help me? S: One , two, three T: Too slowly. Do you have good ideas? I have a good idea. We can count two, four, six S: Two, four, sixtwenty-six. There are twenty-six. T: How many balls?(课件出示很多球) S: Five, ten, fifteenthirty-fiv

11、e. There are thirty-five. T: How many girls are there in your class? Girls, stand up! Lets count. S: There are thirteen girls. T:How many boys are there in your class? boys, stand up! Lets count. S:There are thirteen boys. T: How many students are there in your class? Look! Whats thirteen and thirte

12、en. S: There are twenty-six students. T:I have a good friend. He is a student,too. Whos he? S:Peter! T:Peter is have a PE lesson. How many students are there in Peters class? Lets look and listen. S: There are twenty-nine. T:(出示课文中 Mr.Gao 图片)Who is he? S: Mr Gao. A new PE teacher. T:Who want to be a

13、 PE teacher? S:Me! T: This is Mr.Gao, our new PE teacher. Im your headmaster. (分角色表演课文) S: 【设计意图】通过让学生数一数苹果和球的数量来学习句型 How many?在数的过程中引导学 生两个两个数或五个五个数, 将数词活学活用。 学习句子 How many students are there in your class?时,先引导学生数一数男生人数和女生人数,然后再运用已学句型 Whatsand ? 得出班级学生人数并回答:There are 3.3.巩巩固固提提高高 (Practice)(Practi

14、ce) T: Now lets have maths lesson. Im your new maths teacher. Look, Who can read it? 课件出示数学题: There are twenty-eight English books and twenty-two Chinese books on the desk. How many books are there on the desk? T: Whats twenty-eight and twenty-two? S:fifty.There are fifty book. T:Your maths is so go

15、od. Now lets listen and number. 听音标序号 S: 【设计意图设计意图】通过数学题为学生创设语言的阅读环境,将本课重点句子运用到学习和生活中。 此外通过听力练习训练了学生听的能力。 4.4.拓拓展展提提升升 (Application)(Application) T T:CanCan youyou answeranswer thesethese questions.questions. 1)1) HowHow manymany daysdays areare therethere inin March?March? 2)2) HowHow manymany nati

16、onsnations areare therethere inin China?China? 3)3) HowHow manymany lessonslessons areare therethere inin a a week?week? 【设计意图】在这一环节中设计了三个和数词有关的问题,通过这三个符合学生认知水平又 具有挑战性的拓展问题,学生可以将本课句型进行拓展运用,并积极的做出回答。 5.5.作业(作业(HomeworkHomework) T:T: You can choose one and do it A:Count from two to ninety-eight. eg. T

17、wo, four, six.ninety-six, ninety-eight. B:设计一个问题向同学提问并做出回答 eg. How many books are there in your schoolbag? There are. 四、板书设计四、板书设计 Unit2Unit2 ThereThere areare fortyforty studentsstudents areare therethere inin ourour class.class. HowHow manymany studentsstudents areare therethere inin youryour class?class? oneone nineninetwotwo twentytwenty ThereTherearearethirtythirtyfortyfortyfiftyfiftythreethree eighteightsixtysixtyseventyseventy eightyeightyninetyninetyfourfour sevensevenfivefive sixsix


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