人教精通版四下Unit 3 What subject do you like best -Lesson 14-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:5153c).docx

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人教精通版四下Unit 3 What subject do you like best -Lesson 14-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:5153c).docx_第1页
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1、教材内容分析教材内容分析: 本部分为人教精通版四年级上册 Unit 3 第 2 课时的内 容, 通过对词汇 music,art 及主要句子 Do you like?的学习, 让学生整 体上感知、模仿、学习和体验对话语言,能够在对话交流过程中完成 目标词汇的学习,通过游戏巩固和运用所学单词,句子。本课是在 Unit 1 的 “What”及 Unit2 “How many ”的提问上的延伸教学。从单元 整体安排看,第 14 课是本单元第二课,有承前启后的作用,既要掌 握 13 课的句型,还要能够熟练应用内容,为后续的学习奠定基础。 学情分析学情分析:本课授课的对象是四年级学生,在日常的生活和以往的

2、英 语学习中,学生对学科词汇有一定的了解,因此,本科词汇对于学生 来说并不多。本课主要内容是谈论询问你喜欢什么,结合以前学习过 的的单词,来学习本课的对话,学生对于知识的拓展是一次很好的学 习机会。 教学目标教学目标:一.知识与技能:能听说读写单词 math, PE, music, art 并能 在真实语境中灵活运用。 2.能用英语询问并说出自己喜欢的学科。 3.能用以下句型进行交流:Do you like music? Yes,I do. I like it very much. 4.能朗读课文 二情感态度:培养学生关心他人的意识以及合作学习的意识。 教 学 重 点教 学 重 点 : Get

3、 the students to listen,read and spell the words: maths,PE,music art 教学难点:教学难点:Use the drill “Do you like?” “Yes,I do.I like it very much.” Guide them to use it in real situation. 教具:教具:光盘,PPT,图片 教学活动设计及设计意图教学活动设计及设计意图 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1. Warming-up (4 min) 1. Greeting 2. Letssin

4、g: Fruit song Listentothe tapeandsing together. Creatinga happyand relaxed atmosphere. It canhelp student concentrate on the class. They can also have a initial perceptionof drill“Doyou like?” Step2. Presentation (17 min) 1. Letshavea revision. Letstudents look at pictures 1. Answerthe questions and

5、 read the words. Try to 1. Guessing gamecan stimulate students (Give the card as award) 2. T: Play a game. (打地鼠) 3. Letsplaya guessing game: Aboy named Zhao Wenxuan want to play a guessinggame withus.Lets listentohim carefullyand answerhis question. At the sametime, finishinghis timetable. 4. Just r

6、ead 5. Lookatthe picture.Listen to the CD twice. spelland writethe wordsmat hs,PE.Learn thenew words :music ,art. 2. Readthe words follow the game. 3. Listento Zhao Wenxuan andanswer the questions of him. Guessing and finishthe timetable. 4. Readafter PPT interestof learning English. 2. Trough playi

7、ng,liste ningand reading, students can remember anduse sentences easily. 3. Listen to the CD not only can increase students interestin learning English, but alsocan correct students Askthe studentsto listen and read the dialogue by themselves. Then let them findoutthe wordsor sentences they cant und

8、erstand. 5. Listenand readthe passage after the CD pronunciatio n timely. Step 3.Practice (13 min)1. Groupwork: Letsdoa survey 2. Playagame: Connectthe words with the pictures. 3. Connecting wordsto sentences. 1. Makeupa dialogue and finishthe survey. 2. Connect the wordswith the pictures. 3. Finish

9、the connecting wordsto sentences in 1. Group work andgame can improve students speaking skill. 2. Usethe white board technology can stimulate the blackboard. the interest ofstudents to finish the task. It also can consolidate students language learning. Step4. Emotional education 1.T: Watch a video

10、and show some picturesabout “childrenin need”.Tell students cherish thelearning opportunities. 1.Watchthe video and feel theirlifeis happiness now. Theyshould studyharder and harder. Creating a new situationof childrenin needcanlet student learned wordseasily and intuitively. Itcanhelp themcherish t

11、helearning oppotunities. Step5. Homework 1. Givethe homeworkto 1. Finishthe 1.Letstudents choosethe student.(1)Let makea timetable. (2)Lets describethe timetablewith 3 sentences. homework after class. homework and finish them can let students masterthe importance and difficult of this lesson. 板书设计: Unit 3 What subject do you like best? Lesson 14 Do you likemusic ? art? Yes, I do. I like it very much No, Idont 教学反思:整节课的宗旨是将说的机会尽量多留给学生。除了一些必 要的示范,我通过暗示,引导等方法让学生尽可能多说,多思考,多 表现,有效地激发了他们的学习热情和表现的欲望,并很大程度上拓 展了他们的思维,并在一定程度上提高了他们的听说能力。很好地体 现了小学英语兴趣活动性和生活性的原则, 在事实教学的过程中充分 体现学生是学习的主体,调动了学生的积极性。


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