人教精通版四下Unit 3 What subject do you like best -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:50bae).zip

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Unit 3 What subject do you like best? Lesson15 I like Chinese , I like Chinese , Maths and PE, maths and PE, I like English , I like music, Art and all , art and all. best(最棒的最棒的 ) You are the best! 1. pest( 害虫) 2. test(测试) 3. rest (休息;剩余 部分 ) art PEmusic mathS Chinese English computer 当你看到图片或英语单词,请当你看到图片或英语单词,请 站起来大声读出单词。站起来大声读出单词。 allall thethe rest.rest. (其余所有的)(其余所有的) andandMathsMaths andand art,art,musicmusic What subject do you like best (最)(最) ? I like _ best(最)(最). Can you say . ?(你会说吗) Maths and art. Music and all the rest(其余所有 的) . What subject do you like best? Chinese and English. PE and all the rest(其余所有的) . I like PE best. Lets chant Subject,subject. What subject do you like best ? Music, music ,I like music best . _, _. What subject do you like best ? _, _ , I like _best. I like art best. No,I dont. What subject do you like best? Do you like music? Task 1 Listen and repeat. 1 . What subject does the girl like best ? A. music B . art 2 .Does the girl like music ? A. Yes. B . No Task 2 Choose the corret answers. (选择正确的答案)选择正确的答案) Task 3 Lets practice. A:Whats your name? B:My name is . . A: What subject do you like best? B:I like . best. A: Do you like ? B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (Tips:两人一小组进行问答练习并进行表演)两人一小组进行问答练习并进行表演) (apple,banana,lemon,orange,pear. ) A: What fruit do you like best? B: I like apples best. Do you like _bananas_ ? Yes,I do. / No,I dont. 我是小记者 (替换横线上的单词,选择一个你感 兴趣的话题进行采访) fruit animals colours (red ,yellow,green,pink,blue. ) (cat ,dog,rabbit,panda,monkey.) 姚姚 明明 NBA火箭队火箭队 篮球运动员篮球运动员 世界最具影响力世界最具影响力100人之一人之一 HeHe likeslikes best.best. PEPE 华罗庚华罗庚 (19101985) 中国著名数学家中国著名数学家 中国科学院院士,中国科学院院士, H e l i k e s best. mathsmaths 莫言莫言 当代著名作家当代著名作家 2012年年10月月获获得得 诺诺贝贝尔尔文文学学奖奖。 He likes best. ChineseChinese 路德维希路德维希凡凡贝多芬贝多芬 德国人德国人 作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家 贝多芬被尊称为贝多芬被尊称为“乐圣乐圣” 。 He likes best.musicmusic Each subject is very useful(有用的) to us, we should study hard on it. 我们要认真学习每门课程, 因为它们都很有用。 Introduce yourself and your class . (介绍你自己和你的班级) MyMy namename isis , , ImIm inin ClassClass , , GradeGrade . . ThereThere areare studentsstudents inin mymy class,class, ThereThere areare boysboys andand girls.girls. WeWe havehave lessonslessons today.today. I I likelike best.best. 1. Copy the words and sentences. (必做题 ) 2. Talk about your favourite subjects with your good friends and your parents. 3. Try to make a new dialogue with your partner. UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat subjectsubject dodo youyou likelike best?best? LessonLesson 1515 Teaching Aims: Knowledge and skills: 1.能听、说、读本课的单词 subject,能听、说、读、写 music 和 art 等表示学 科的单词。 2.能理解、认读句子:What subject do you like best? I like best. 3.能运用句型:“What subject do you like best?”进行询问,并给出相应回 答。 Process and method: 通过观看视频让学生感知课文内容,通过情景交际法,小组合作交流法,游戏 教学法让学生基本掌握教学目标语言。 Attitude and values: 通过本节课学习,培养学生热爱学习、不偏科的良好习惯。 Key points: 掌握学科的单词,并能简单问答最喜爱的学科。 Difficult points: 掌握并熟练使用What subject do you like best? I like.best.句型。理 解最高级 best 的意义。 Teaching Aids: PPT、四线三格贴、遥控笔 Teaching Process: Step1 热身复习(WarmupRevision) 1、Greeting。 2、Sing a song。 3、快闪快读(Sharp eyes) 屏幕一一出示上两节课学过的关于学科的单词(Chinese, maths, English, PE, music art),一闪而过,会读的学生迅速站起读出并迅速坐下。 Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation) 1、屏幕出示 Sharp eyes 环节中图片,学习学科 music,art,并请学生上黑 板写单词。 2、使用句型 Do you like.? 进行问答练习,教学生完整回答 Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like . )学生组内互相问答,复习上节课重点句,即增进 了相互间的了解,又可以交流学习,共同巩固。 3、出示各种学科图片,学习并解释单词 subject。 4、出示老师的图片,说 I like PE best. 使学生理解 best 的意思。出示 图片及句子并提问。 T: What subject do you like best? (教师可指着屏幕,做手势让学生明 白) This one ? S: . 5、 教师向学生提问 What subject do you like best? 并请学生进行回 答。学习并练说句子 What subject do you like best?以小记者的身份相互提 问。 6、转盘游戏. 操练本节课重点句型 What subject do you like best?I like.best. 7、教师出示 talk 图片,学生观察,得知是记者采访的情景。鼓励学生猜猜 记者会问什么问题,培养学生看图表达的能力。然后出示问题,让学生带着问题 观看视频。 T:Who are they? What are they doing? Guess what are they talking about? Step 3 趣味操练(Practice) 1、听音跟读(Listen to the recorder) 2、分角色体验、表演对话。(Perform the dialogue) 3、学唱歌谣。(Lets chant) 4、出示名人照片,介绍各个领域的杰出人物,渗透情感教育,每一门学科 都有用,我们要认真学习每门课程, Step4 Production Make a new passage: Hello,my name is_.Im in Class_,Grade_.There are_students in our class,_boys and _girls.I have _lessons today,I like _best. Step5.Homework 1. Copy the words and sentences. 2. Try to make a new dialogue with your partner. 3. Talk about your favourite subjects with your good friends and your parents. 板书设计: Unit 3 What subject do you like best? Lesson 15 What subject do you like best? I like art best. music
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