人教精通版四下Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.-Lesson 20-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:30085).zip

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人教新版 四年级下册 Unit4 There are seven days in a week. Lesson 20 Lets chant Review Look and say Review Sunday day week Whats the first day of the week? How many days are there in a week? Lets learn Presentation Monday Monday is the second day of a week in Western countries. 星期一 在西方国家星期一是一周的第二天。 Lets learn Presentation Tuesday Tuesday is the second day of a week in China. 星期二 在中国星期二是一周的第二天。 Lets learn Presentation When do you have art lessons? We have art lessons on Monday and Tuesday. MondayTuesday 8:30 9:20 10:30 11:20 Chinese Maths English art Maths Chinese art PE 你们什么时候有美术课? 我们在周一和周二有美术课。我们在周一和周二有美术课。 Presentation Listen and say Yes, he does. They have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. 2. When do they have PE lessons? 1. Does Gao Wei like sports? 高伟喜欢运动吗? 他们什么时候有体育课? 他们周一和周二有体育课。 Lets learn Presentation Welcome to our school! My name is Gao Wei. Glad to meet you, Gao Wei. Do you like sports? Yes, I do. I like PE very much. Lets learn Presentation When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. Practice 两人一组练习Just talk部分 对话,随后表演出来吧!其 他同学认为好说Excellent反 之说Come on。 Summary 本课学到的重点单词: When do you have lessons? We have lessons on . 本课学到的重点句型: Monday Tuesday Homework Homework 1. Listen the dialogue three times. Copy the words two times . 2. Recite (背诵)the dialogue. 3. Practice writing in English . (小练笔) (Monday sport Sunday Tuesday ) 1 / 3 Unit4 There are seven days in a week. Lesson20 教学设计教学设计 1、Teaching Aims: 本课呈现的学习内容是在问答的情境中复习巩固:When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on . 在所学基础上,进一步学习有关星期的单词, 对活动的时间进行问答,使学生更能在生活实际中综合熟练运用学过的语言。 在情境训练中认读单词 Monday 和 Tuesday,并能够对这两个单词进行正确的听、 说、认读,掌握在四线格中的正确书写。进一步理解目标语言 When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday.掌握对活动时间的 提问和表述方法,运用所学的知识描述活动。 二、二、Teaching Aids: 1. 自制与课文内容有关的课程表。 2. 教学课件 PPT。 3. 课文视频、音频或录音。 三、三、Focal Points and Difficulties: 1.能灵活运用句型:能灵活运用句型:“When do you have art lessons?” “We have art lessons on Monday and Tuesday.”交流。交流。 2.能综合所学词汇和句型交流。能综合所学词汇和句型交流。 四、四、Teaching Processes: 1. (Warm-up/Revision) 1) 复习上一课中的 chant,激活课堂气氛,为投入到新课的学习做准备。 2) 做游戏 Quick Answer,教师提问问题,让学生根据实际情况回答: T: How many days are there in a week? Ss: There are seven days in a week? T: Whats the first day of the week? Ss: Sunday. T: Do you have Chinese lesson today? Ss: Yes, we do. /No, we dont. 3) Tree talk: Do you like sports? 教师问,学生答。可多问几个学生,引导学 生进一步扩展回答具体的运动词汇,为新课的导入做铺垫。 2 / 3 2. (Presentation) 1) 教师提问:The first day is Sunday. Whats the next day of the week? 用手 指在周历上指出“转一天” ,帮助学生理解,以此引出 Monday 和 Tuesday。 The next day 的概念学生理解即可,在 Monday 后还可以用 the next day 引 出 Tuesday,不需要让学生会说,这不是此处必会的内容。 2) 对于词汇的教学教师仍可采用多种方法,如构词法和联想记忆法,教师 也可简要向学生介绍一下这两个星期单词的由来,渗透情感教育,引入西方文 化。 3) 教师出示课前制作的课程表,句型呈现: T: Do you like PE lessons? Ss: Yes, I do. T: How many PE lessons are there in a week? Ss: Two. T: When do you have PE lessons? 用手势指点课程表,帮助学生理解问题的意思,引导学生回答问题 We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. 4) 教师出示本课的教学图片,指着图说: Who is this? (指着 Gao Wei) Do you know? Yes, this is Gao Wei. And who is this? (指着图中的老师) He is Mr . He likes sports. He is a basketball player. 5) 播放视频,跟读课文,学习正确的语音语调。要求学生两人一组,分别 扮演角色进行对话,最后选几个小组在前面表演,师生共同进行评价。 6) 教师示范板书本课的四会生词,让学生观察模仿,并在练习本上练习。 3.(Practice) 1) 学生两人一组,分角色表演对话。 2) 教师提出系列问题各组抢答,如:Do you like sports? Do you have a PE, maths, Chinese, music lesson every day? When do you have PE, maths, Chinese, 3 / 3 music lessons? (替换词语,丰富学生的语言,提醒学生注意知识积累。 ) 3)练习对话: A: When do you have Chinese lessons? B: We have Chinese lessons on Monday and Tuesday. A: Do you like Chinese lessons? B: No, I dont. A: What subject do you like? B: I like maths. A: When do you have maths lessons? B: We have maths lessons on Wednesday. A: What time do you have maths lesson on Wednesday? B: At 8:00. 4) 根据学生调查到的资料,可以请学生进行第一人称或第三人称的叙述。 语言支持: Welcome to my school. My name is Peter. I like sports very much. My favourite lesson is PE. I dont have PE lesson every day. We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. I like English, too. We have English lessons every day. 五、五、Summary: Words: Monday,Tuesday. Sentences: When do you have art lessons? We have art lessons on Monday and Tuesday. Homework: Copy the words and sentences. Listen to the tape. Blackboard Design: Unit4 There are seven days in a week. Lesson20 Monday Tuesday When do you have art lessons? We have art lessons on Monday and Tuesday.
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