人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f00e7).zip

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Lesson 3 小学英语小学英语(新起点新起点)六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 1 Visiting Canada Lets read. Put the sentences in order. Guinness welcomed Bill at the house. Bill met Tina and her mother. Teds family held a welcome party for Bill. Bill met Ted and his dad at the airport. Ted showed Bill his room. ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 ) Listen and fill in the blanks. Jenny: Hi Bill, Im Jenny. Jenny: How old are you, Bill? Jenny: My birthday is on March 22nd. Can you come to my birthday party with Ted and Tina? Bill: Sure, Jenny. Id love to. Bill: Hi Jenny. Its good to meet you. Bill: Im 12. My birthday is on October 15th. Listen and fill in the blanks. Jenny: Where do you go to school in Beijing? Bill: I go to Star Primary School. What about your school? Jenny: I go to Willow Primary School. How many pupils are there in your class? Bill: There are about 40 pupils in my class. There are about 2,400 pupils in my school. Jenny: Wow, thats such a big class and such a big school! There are only 25 pupils in my class and only 300 in my school. Its a big school for Canada. Lets talk. 1. Where did Bill go to school in Beijing? 2. How many pupils were there in his class in Beijing? 3. Where does Jenny go to school in Canada? 4. How many pupils are there in her class? He went to Star Primary School. There were about 40 pupils . She goes to Willow Primary School. There are only 25 pupils. Lets talk. 1. When were you born? 2. Where do you go to school? 3. How many pupils are there in your class? I was born on June 1st. I go to Guangming Primary School. There are 36 pupils in my class. Homework 1.Read the Lets read. 2. Do Lets write. 人教版英语六年级下册人教版英语六年级下册 UnitUnit 1 1 LessonLesson 3 3 教学目标教学目标: 1. 通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复 习以前所学话题的重点词汇和功能句,引导学生综合运习以前所学话题的重点词汇和功能句,引导学生综合运 用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。 2. 引导学生就所听材料或所读内容与他人展开对话交流。引导学生就所听材料或所读内容与他人展开对话交流。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯 的句子。的句子。 教学准备:教学准备: 课件、光盘课件、光盘 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、 热身热身 1 1、 Greeting(Greeting(师生问候)师生问候) 2 2、 ListenListen toto a a song.song. 歌曲导入歌曲导入: :教学热身是英语课堂教学热身是英语课堂 TPRTPR 教学方法的重要形教学方法的重要形 式之一式之一, ,利用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪利用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪, ,建立轻松、和谐建立轻松、和谐 、民主的课堂氛围、民主的课堂氛围, ,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。 二、授新二、授新 C.C. LetsLets read.read. T:T: Good!Good! NowNow letslets telltell ourour newnew friendfriend BillsBills storystory together.together. BillBill isis goinggoing toto Canada.Canada. BillsBills stst oryory goesgoes on.on. HeHe arrivedarrived inin TorontoToronto thisthis morning.morning. WhWh atat willwill happen?happen? DoDo youyou wantwant toto know?know? LetsLets talktalk a a boutbout together.together. ( (板书课题板书课题) ) 1 1、课件出示图片,提问:、课件出示图片,提问:WhatWhat cancan youyou see?see? 学生预测阅学生预测阅 读文本的内容。读文本的内容。 2 2、播放录音,让学生整体感知书信大意。、播放录音,让学生整体感知书信大意。 3 3、读一读需要排序的句子,明确阅读任务。、读一读需要排序的句子,明确阅读任务。 4 4、学生独立阅读文本,在文中找出与文后需要排序的句子、学生独立阅读文本,在文中找出与文后需要排序的句子 相关的内容,并画出来。相关的内容,并画出来。 5 5、教师带领学生学习文章,理解大意,并核对答案。、教师带领学生学习文章,理解大意,并核对答案。 A.A. ListenListen andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. / / B.B. LetsLets talk.talk. T:T: BillBill andand JennyJenny metmet again,again, atat BillsBills welcomewelcome party.party. TheyThey talkedtalked a a lot.lot. HowHow oldold areare they?they? WhereWhere d d o o theythey gogo toto schoolschool inin differentdifferent places?places? LetsLets looloo k k atat tasktask 2.2. 1 1、播放录音,让学生熟悉短文。、播放录音,让学生熟悉短文。 2 2、教师带领学生根据录音材料,复述短文。、教师带领学生根据录音材料,复述短文。 3 3、师生核对答案。、师生核对答案。 4 4、引导学生根据短文,回答、引导学生根据短文,回答 B B 部分问题,同桌之间讨论。部分问题,同桌之间讨论。 5 5、选出优秀的学生以问答形式,读给大家听。、选出优秀的学生以问答形式,读给大家听。 6 6、课件出示问题,学生根据提示介绍自己说几句话。、课件出示问题,学生根据提示介绍自己说几句话。 三、作业三、作业 T:T: WeWe knowknow BillBill andand Jenny.Jenny. NowNow introduceintroduce yourseyourse lf.lf. UseUse somesome sentencessentences toto writewrite a a shortshort writing.writing. OK!OK! ClassClass isis over.over. Goodbye.Goodbye.
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