人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 3 At the zoo-A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:933cb).zip

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Unit 3 At the Zoo Lets go to the zoo. Act like a cat. Act like a duck. Act like a panda. Act like a monkey. Act like a rabbit. Act like a dog. Look at that giraffe. Its so tall! /:/ Look at that bear. Its so_! / The giraffe is tall. The bear is . The giraffe is . The pig is . The boy is _ The girl is _. short tall Can you say: .is tall,.is short. Lets find two friends , then tell us “ is tall. is short.” 在班级里找两个朋友,对比一下他们两在班级里找两个朋友,对比一下他们两 个的身高,看一看谁比较高,谁比较矮个的身高,看一看谁比较高,谁比较矮 ,请你用,请你用 “is tall. is short.” 来说说看。来说说看。 Lets try: Look at that pig. Itsfat. Look at that cat. Its fat. Look at that bear. Its . fat Wow! Its so fat. Look at that panda. Look at the monkey. Its thin. / thin fat He is-. He is-. Lets do!DO1.SWF opposite words (反义词) short - fat- tall thin short fat tall thin 习题:3.看图,并根据汉语提示填空,补全句子。 1. The giraffe is _(高的). tall 2. The pig is _ (胖的) . fat 3. The girl is _(瘦的) . thin 4. The deer is _ (矮的).short .Look at that cat. Its fat. Look at that dog. Its thin. Look at that giraffe. Its tall. Look at that monkey . Its short. Hello! Hello! Lets go to the zoo. OK. Look at that_. Wow! Its so _. 1.Finish your sentences. 2.Copy new words 5 times.( 抄写本课新单词,每个单词写抄写本课新单词,每个单词写 五遍。五遍。) Unit3 : At the zoo Part A Lets learn 一 设计思路 本课在复习第一课时 lets talk 学习的 Its so tall; Its short 的基本上,由旧知引入新 知,通过认读表演等多种形式,学会用 tall, short, fat, thin 等形容词来描述喜欢的动物, 并能用 Look at that Its的句型来灵活运用本课所学的形容词,然后进一步通过情景练 习,听力练习指导学生语言知识的迁移及语言运用能力的培养。 二教材分析 本课是 2012 年审定人民教育出版社小学英语三年级下册 Unit 3 At the zoo 第 2 课时的内 容,在第一课时中已初步学习 Its so tall Its short, look at that giraffe 等句型,本课时要 求在此基础上能够熟练运用 tall, short ,fat, thin 等形容词,并运用 Look at that,its后者 itsand来描述看到的动物。 三教学目标 1能听懂会认读准单词:tall, short, fat, thin. 2能用 Look at thatIts的句型灵活应用本课所学的形容词来描述熟悉的动物或者 人物。 3能听懂指令,并边说边完成 Lets do 的内容。 4能树立热爱动物,热爱自然的意识。 四教学重点 1内容 能听懂会认读准单词:tall, short, fat, thin,并在句型 look at thatIts 中灵活运 用。 2解决措施 教师范读,情景认读,句子比较,通过 lets do 加深单词的直观理解,通过情景对话, 作业本中的综合练习灵活应用 look at that,Its的句子。 五教学难点 1内容 thin 的正确发音 2解决措施 教师范读,学生练读,情景对话练习 六教具准备 1.相应形态的单词卡片 2.多媒体课件 七教学过程 Step1 Warm-up/revision T: Boys and girls, do you like animals? I like panda and monkey , how about you ? S : I like (设计意图:复习学习过的关于动物的英语单词) T: Today, lets go to the zoo, OK ? (课件展示动物图片) Lets act like the animals(放三年级上 Lets act 的音乐) S: Act like a cat. Act like a duck. Act like a panda. Act like a monkey. Act like a rabbit. Act like a dog.(边说边做动作) (设计意图:热起来,在边说边唱中活跃课堂气氛) Step2 PresentationLets learn 1学习单词 tall T: How to act giraffe (生模仿长颈鹿的动作) (设计意图:由其他动物的表演自然承接到长颈鹿的表演) T: The giraffe is tall. 引出 tall (拿出一个准备好的高高的 tall) S:Tall(边说边动作演示) T:Follow me :talltall (设计意图:由肢体动作加深对所学单词的理解和运用,为 lets do 教学做铺垫 ) 2.学习句子 Its tall. 由 The giraffe is tall,引出 Its tall.(板书 tall) (师范读,注意指导 Its 的读音。 ) (学生练读 Its tall) 师边说边做: Be tall be tall, be tall , tall ,tall. (设计意图:在肢体动作中更好地理解和记忆 tall.) 4. 学习单词 short (出示一张长颈鹿妈妈和小长颈鹿的对比图片) T:The mother giraffe is tall, what about the baby giraffe ? S : Its short. (设计意图:由 Its tall 引出 Its short, 自然承接。 ) 5.学习句子 Its short. 师拿出准备好的矮矮的单词卡片 short. T: Follow me :short,short S : short,short T: sh , /,short Its short.(板书 short) S: sh,/,short, Its short. (设计意图:教师注意发准/的音) 6.练习做 Lets do 部分的动作 T:Be short be short, be short, short, short.(边说边做) S:Be short, be short, be short, short ,short. 7一起做 Lets do 部分的动作。 T:Be tall, be tall ,be tall, tall, tall Be short ,be short, be short, short, short . S: Be tall, be tall, be tall, tall, tall. Be short, be short ,be short, short short. 8.学习用 Look at thatIts来说句子 T:Lets go to see more animals.(出示长颈鹿和猫的对比图) T: Look at that giraffe; its tall. 生跟读句子 Look at that giraffe, its tall. 自读句子 T:Look at that cat, its ( 引导学生说出 short) (设计意图:Look at 读的时候连在一起) 9. 练习用 look at that Its 说句子 幻灯片出示大象和猴子对比图片 生试着说 Look at that elephant, its tall. Look at that monkey, its short. (设计意图:教师应特别注意让学生读准句子的每一个音,并注意句子中的升降调和重 音。 ) 10.学习 fat 师出示小肥猪的幻灯片 T: Look at that pig , its (板书 fat ) S : Its fat. T:Fat, fat, its fat. S: Fat, fat, its fat. (设计意图:通过学习上述句型,自然承接引出。 ) 11. 学习 thin 师出示小瘦兔的幻灯片 T:Look at that rabbit ,its S: Its thin. (板书 thin) T: follow me : thin S:thin (边说边动作演示) T: /,thin S: /,thin 学生自读,同桌相互读 (设计意图:教师强调 t h 的发音,借助已学单词 three,mouth,thank 和 in 的组合引导学生 正确发音。) 2.一起做 Lets do 部分的动作。 Be fat, be fat ,be fat ,fat ,fat Be thin ,be thin ,be thin ,thin ,thin . Step 3 : practice and say 1opposite words 2lets act (1)师说其中一个单词,台上的生做相应动作 (2)师请学生说其中的单词,台上的学生做相应的动作 (设计意图:通过游戏进一步加深对 tall.short,fat,thin 的理解 3sharp eyes 4习题:3.看图,并根据汉语提示填空,补全句子。 (1)The giraffe is _(高的). (2)The pig is _ (胖的) . (3)The girl is _(瘦的) . (4)4. The deer is _ (矮的). 5Lets chant. Look at that cat. Its fat. Look at that dog. Its thin. Look at that giraffe. Its tall. Look at that monkey. Wow!Its short. 6Make a dialogue. Sarah:Hello! Mike:Hello! Sarah:Lets go to the zoo. Mike:OK. Sarah:Look at that_. Mike:Wow!Its so_.
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