人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 6 How many -C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:600be).zip

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人教版英语(PEP) 三年级下册 One, two ,three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six,seven,eight,nine,ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. One, two, three ,four, five Let sing 1.Listen and tick ( )or cross() 2.Listen and number Story time 2.What do they see? 1.Who are they ? 3.What are they doing? 4.Who wins? Zoom and Zip So many apples Have a race Zip Zoo m: Zip: Wow! So many apples! Lets have a race. Good idea! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17. 18 19 20. Look,I have 17!How many apples do you have?Oh, no! I have only three. I won. Zoom: Zoo m: Zoom: Zip: Zip: Zip: Zip: C Story time Can you act 1.Act out in pairs 2.Make a new story in your group Teaching summary Practise the sentences“How many do you have? I see”to make and act out a story. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework You can make a new story and act out with your friends. (小小启发): Advice Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye! 1 P PE EP P 三三年年下下册册U Un ni it t6 6 H Ho ow w m ma an ny y? ?P Pa ar rt t C C 教教案案 教教学学目目标标: 1.能听懂“Lets check”部分录音,完成相关听力练习。 2.能够听、说、认读数词11 到20 并掌握他们的用法。 3.能读懂“Story time”故事, 能灵活应用 “How many? ”进行问答操练谈论生活。 教教学学重重点点: 1.能听懂“Lets check”部分录音,完成相关听力练习。 2.能够应用数词1120 进行交流。 教教学学难难点点: 1.能读懂“Story time”故事. 2.能灵活应用句型 “How many?”自编小故事进行交流。 教教学学用用具具: 水果模具,头饰,多媒体 课件 教教学学过过程程: S St te ep p 1 1: : W Wa ar rm m u up p 1.sing the song:One,two,three,four,five S St te ep p 2 2: : e ev ve ei iw w 1.完成“Lets check”部分巩固问答。 (1)即: “How many do you have /see? I have/see” , 首先听第一遍,初步感知所提到物品的数量,然后观察实质物品 的数量,作出初步的判断,再听第二遍录音检查自己判断是否正 确,最后说出自己的判断结果。 2 (2)完成 “Listen and number”部分的练习。请同学 们 听录音,请同学们录音顺序标号, 并把答案公布于众。 S St te ep p 3 3: : P Pr re es se en nt ta at ti io on n 1.完成“Story time” (1)出示相关问题,同学们带着问题去欣赏故事。 Who is in the story? What do they see? What are they doing? Who wins? (2)播放 PPT 课件,欣赏故事内容,结合课件图片思考并 回答以上问题。 (3)跟老师读文中句子,然后学生提出不理解的地方,老 师帮助解决疑问。 (4)播放课件学生一齐跟读文中句子,然后学生分角色跟 读文中子。 S St te ep p 4 4: : C Co on ns so ol li id da at ti io on n a an nd d e ex xt te en ns si io on n (1)模仿文中 Zoom 和 Zip 两一组进行表演小故事 (2)在小组内进行创编小故事尝试表演一下。 S St te ep p 5 5: :T Te ea ac ch hi in ng g s su um mm ma ar ry y R Re ev vi ie ew w t th he e s se en nt te en nc ce es s“H Ho ow w m ma an ny y d do o y yo ou u h ha av ve e? ? I I h ha av ve e”t to o a ac ct t o ou ut t a a s st to or ry y. . 3 S St te ep p 6 6: :H Ho om me e w wo or rk k Y Yo ou u c ca an n m ma ak ke e a a n ne ew w s st to or ry y a an nd d a ac ct t o ou ut t w wi it th h y yo ou ur r f fr ri ie en nd ds s. . B Bl la ac ck kb bo oa ar rd d Unit 6 How many? C Story time have a race ZipZoom 1.结合所听的故事回答下面问答: ( )1.Zoom and Zip look at_. A. so many apples B. one apple ( )2. Lets have a _ . A. race B. rest ( )3.How many apples do you have, Zip? I have _ A. seventeen B. three ( )4.How many apples do you have,Zoom? I have only _! A. three B.thirteen ( )5. Who is the winner? A. Zip B . Zoom . 2.课堂小练习 (1)How many birds do you see? I see_(展示图片15 只鸟) (2) How many balloons do you see? I see_(展示图片18 只气球) (3) How many fingers do you have? I have_(结合实际) (4) How many books do you have? I have_(结合实际)
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