人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 1 Welcome to our school!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:9014a).zip

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      • 10 Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 11 Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 12Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 13Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 14Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 15Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 16Are You Lost, Zob?_clip(1).mp3
      • 3Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 5Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 6Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 7 Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 8Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • 9 Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • a lets talk.mp3
      • a lets talk_clip(1).mp3
      • a lets talk_clip(2).mp3
      • a lets talk_clip.mp3
      • Are You Lost, Zob?_clip(1).mp3
      • Are You Lost, Zob?_clip.mp3
      • first floor.mp3
      • lqf.wmv
      • MIke 录音tts_2018-11-11.mp3
      • MIke 录音tts_2018-11-11_clip(1).mp3
      • MIke 录音tts_2018-11-11_clip.mp3
      • second floor.mp3
      • SJ00045691丽声北极星分级绘本第二级下左伯迷路了.pdf--点击预览
      • tts_2018-11-07 (1).mp3
      • tts_2018-11-07.mp3
      • tts_2018-11-08.mp3
      • tts_2018-11-12.mp3
      • UFO声音.wav
      • Zob 的话语.mp3
      • 下课铃声.wav
      • 走路声音.wav
      • 飞碟1.wav
      • 飞船飞行的声音.wav
    • PEP lesson1 课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案9014a.docx--点击预览


We have . Mikes new school first floor second floor Where does Mike want to go? A. The teachers office. B. The library. Listen and choose ( ) first floor Is this the teachers office? Classroom1 first floor Is this the teachers office? Classroom1Classroom2 first floor Is this the teachers office? Classroom1Classroom2Music Room Watch and answer Where is the teachers office? Music Room Library Classroom1Classroom2 Library second floor Music Room Library Classroom1Classroom2 Library The teachers office is next to the library. Teachers Office second floor Music Room Library Classroom1Classroom2 LibraryTeachers Office . is next to the . . Computer Room second floor Watch and say Why does Mike go to the teachers office? Read and imitate intonation 语调语调 gesture 动作动作 Act it out Excuse me.Wheres the .? Its on the . floor. OK.Thanks. Hi.Is this the teachers office? No,it isnt.The teachers office is . the library. Hi.Miss White! Heres my homework. Thank you,Mike. Bye,Miss White. Act it out Excuse me.Wheres the .? Its on the . floor. OK.Thanks. Act it out Hi.Is this the teachers office? No,it isnt.The teachers office is . the library. Act it out Hi.Miss White! Heres my homework. Thank you,Mike. Bye,Miss White. Act it out Excuse me.Wheres the .? Its on the . floor. OK.Thanks. Hi.Is this the teachers office? No,it isnt.The teachers office is . the library. Hi.Miss White! Heres my homework. Thank you,Mike. Bye,Miss White. Act it out Excuse me.Wheres the .? Its on the . floor. OK.Thanks. Act it out Hi.Is this the teachers office? No,it isnt.The teachers office is . the library. Act it out Hi.Miss White! Heres my homework. Thank you,Mike. Bye,Miss White. Hi.Im Zob. outer space (太空太空) He never gets lost. On Monday,he comes down to Earth and goes to school. Where? Todays lesson is maths. Zob is very good at maths. He finishes first. He has to get a new maths book from the teachers office. Where? What? Jen shows him which way to go. Billy helps. 1F Ground floor LIBRARY LANGUAGE ROOM Zob goes up to the first floor, past the library, past the language room, and then turns left. Now where? No. This is the . . Hi.Is this the teachers office? 1F Ground floor COMPUTER ROOM Zob starts again. He goes up to the first floor, past the library, past the computer room, and then turns right. Work in pair Wheres the. ? No.This is the . . Hi.Is this the teachers office? Its next to the science lab. When Zob gets back to class, maths class is over. Why did he get lost? Read quietly and carefully.(安静仔细地阅读。安静仔细地阅读。) If you were Jen and Billy,what would you say to Zob? Zob,. Zob,. Homework Make your school map and introduce your school to all the visitors. Read the whole book with your parents. 全国小学英语自然拼读与绘本阅读教学比赛教学设计全国小学英语自然拼读与绘本阅读教学比赛教学设计 姓名姓名 学校学校 年级年级四年级 教材名称教材名称PEP(三起)小学英语四年级下册、 丽声北极星绘本 Are you lost,Zob? 课题名称课题名称Unit1 My school 课型及主题课型及主题绘本与主教材整合课/学校场馆名称及相应位置 设计思路设计思路 本课选自 PEP 小学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册第一单元 My school A lets talk。本单元学习的主题是学校教室、场馆名称及相应位置。本节课教材内容通过 Mike 找教师办公室的情景,让学生感知重点句型,能够运用重点句型询问并回答学校设施的 位置。本节课整合的绘本为丽声北极星绘本第二级下册 Are you lost,Zob? ,该绘本 的主题为学校设施,以与教材相似的情境:Zob 去老师办公室拿数学书,可惜拿错地图, 没有找到办公室的故事情景,呈现了寻找路线中学校的一些场馆。 因此,根据教材与绘本的特点,本节课通过授课教师本人第一次来温州瓦市小学授课, 请学生以主人公的身份说一说自己的学校,然后介绍 Mikes new school,在学校中通 过与 Mike 一起寻找教师办公室的活动让学生感知 Where is the .? Its on the first floor/second floor.Its next to the . .Is this the .? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.重点句型的语义及语用场景。然后师生在与 Zob 一起寻找教师办公室的情 景活动中巩固,运用重点句型;学生能在第二遍自读绘本的过程中,发现 Zob 迷路的原 因:由于粗心拿错地图而迷路没有找到数学老师办公室,从而能够表达自己相应的一些 看法。 文本分析文本分析 1.文本内容(话题与主题): 本节课教材主题为学校里的场馆名称及相应位置,学生能够初步使用 Where is the .? Its on the first floor/second floor.Is this the .? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.等句型询问场馆的位置并做出回答。绘本主题同样为学校设施,通过 Zob 寻找教 师办公室的过程来呈现学校里的场馆及位置。但是却由于他拿错了地图而迷路了的现象, 向学生传递了做事需要细心的道理。因此,教材与绘本在本节课的整合点体现在了三个 方面:一、主题一致中语言知识的呈现、感知与巩固。二、相同情境不同结果带来的学 生的思考。三、从教材更多关注语言知识到绘本关注语言意义的过渡。 2. 文本组织形式: 主教材以对话的方式展开,绘本为故事叙述背景,插图中配有人物对话语言。 学情分析学情分析 1. 基本情况: 本节课为该单元的第一课时与绘本进行整合。四年级学生对于谈论学校这个生活中 熟悉且重要的地方,非常感兴趣,表达欲较强,贴近学生生活。同时,学生在四上的教 材中已经学习了关于学校教室的物品以及相应的方位介词。因此,对于本节课中要求学 生能够初步感知并询问学校场馆位置并回答打下了一定的基础。 2. 存在问题与可能原因: 四年级的学生能够基本表达学校场馆的具体位置,但是对于方位以及行走路线的表达 是困难的。PEP 教材中对于问路与指路的内容为六年级学生的学习内容。本节课的绘本 中 Zob 寻找教师办公室的方式是以描述行走路线的方式呈现的,因此出现了:go up to the.floor,past.,turn left/turn right 等较难的表达,而且绘本中出现了较多的 陌生场馆以及名称的表达,这些都为学生在绘本的学习中造成了一定的困难。 3. 拟采取的解决措施: 根据四年级学生的特点以及学情,本节课弱化绘本中学生对行走路线的表达,紧紧围 绕和 Zob 一起寻找教师办公室的任务活动,尝试使用重点句型来询问场馆的位置,体会 故事语言背后的意义。 教学目标教学目标 1. 能够在寻找教师办公室的活动中,说出相关场所名称,如:teachers office,library,language room,art room,computer room,music room,science lab; 能认读、理解单词 first/second floor、next to,并能够正确表达出场馆的相应位置。 2.能够在帮助别人寻找教师办公室的活动中,运用句型:Where is the .? Its on the first/second floor. Its next to the . .Is this the .? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.寻问办公室位置。 3. 能够从故事中明白做事要细心的道理。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 能够使用重点句型询问并回答学校的场馆及相应位置。 2. 教学难点 能够理解绘本,明白做事要细心的道理。 教学资源教学资源 1. 丽声北极星分级绘本 第二级下 Are you lost,Zob? (含音频) 2.PEP 小学英语四下课文教材(含音、视频) 教学过程教学过程 教学步骤与时间安排教学步骤与时间安排教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 1. Warm up 1.拉近与学生的 (3-5minutes) 2.Present and learn the text (20minutes) 3.Present Zob and learn the picture book (15minutes) Watch a short video of Washi primary school. Students introduce their school to teacher:We have . . Introduce Mikes new school and teach : first floor and second floor. Listen to the tape and choose. Q:Where does Mike want to go? (Present and teach the sentence:Is this the teachers office? No,it isnt.) watch and answer. Q:Where is the teachers office? (learn and understand “next to”) watch and say. Q:Why does Mike go to the teachers office? Watch and imitate. (pay attention to the intonation and gesture.) Read in pair. Act it out. 距离,让学生体 验作为小主人翁 的感觉。 2.从“学校”的 大环境入手,通 过和 Mike 一起 寻找教师办公室 的任务活动,感 知、体验所学语 言。 4.Homework Introduce Zob and his background Read the story with students ,using various methods. A. Q1:Where is Zob going? /What is he going to do? B. From P8 to P11, try to use key sentences to find the teachers office. C. Students read the book by themselves and find out:Why did Zob get lost? D. Discuss:If you were Jen and Billy,What would you say to Zob. Make a short summary of this lesson. Read the whole book with your parents. Make a school map and introduce your school to all the visitors. 3.通过多种方式 调动学生的感官 体验,能够帮助 低段学生对于英 语故事的理解, 使学生融入故事 情境中,并能够 尝试使用所学语 言解决问题。 板书设计板书设计 U1U1 MyMy schoolschool WhereWhere isis thethe .?.? ItsIts onon /next/next toto thethe . IsIs thisthis thethe .?.? No,itNo,it isnt.isnt. 学习效果评价设计学习效果评价设计 根据四年级学生的年龄特点,以及本节课的主题,为学生提供了各种场馆以 及学校活动的 stickers。通过课堂的及时评价与奖励调动学生的积极性,最 后学生能够使用所获得的 stickers 制作简单的 school map,为 B 部分的 Lets talk 的学习做准备,同时拓展了相关的学校场馆词以及相应的活动 短语。 课后反思课后反思 second floor first floor Are you Lost, Zob? 左 伯 迷 路 了 外研社英语分级阅读外研社英语分级阅读 第2级 电话:010-88819761 网址:http:/ 微博:http:/ FLTRP Childrens Publishing .少儿出版中心 学校设施 School Facilities (英)Jane Langford 著 (英)Coral Walker 绘 丽声北极星分级绘本 分级 绘本 第二级下 王蔷 主编 Are You Lost, Zob? The Angry Dragon Eek, Spider! The Village Show World Book Day Saras Medicine 扫码直接收听本书音频 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 2-32018/9/7 21:41:04 Key Words teachers office, way, first floor, library, language room, art room, computer room, next to, science lab, music room, class Sentence Structures Where is the .? Is this the .? Its next to . 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 42018/9/5 13:55:04 Are you Lost, Zob? 外研社英语分级阅读 北 京 BEIJING 左伯迷路了 分级 绘本 第二级下 王蔷 主编 (英)Jane Langford 著 (英)Coral Walker 绘 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 52018/9/5 13:55:28 Zob travels across space in his spaceship. 2 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 22018/9/5 13:55:35 He goes from planet to planet and never gets lost. 3 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 32018/9/5 13:55:38 On Monday, he comes down to Earth and goes to school. 4 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 42018/9/5 13:55:41 Todays lesson is maths. Zob is very good at maths. He finishes first. 5 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 52018/9/5 13:55:42 He has to get a new maths book from the teachers office. 6 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 62018/9/5 13:55:46 Jen shows him which way to go. Billy helps. 7 Where is the teachers office? 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 72018/9/10 8:34:59 Zob goes up to the first floor, past the library, past the language room, and then turns left. Now where? 8 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 82018/9/5 13:55:49 Is this the teachers office? No. This is the art room. 9 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 92018/9/5 13:55:49 Zob starts again. He goes up to the first floor, past the library, past the computer room, and then turns right. 10 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 102018/9/5 13:55:51 Is this the teachers office? No. This is the music room. Its next to the science lab. 11 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 112018/9/5 13:55:53 When Zob gets back to class, maths class is over. Did you get lost? Yes. 12 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 122018/9/5 13:55:54 “But I travel across space and never get lost,” says Zob. Which way did you go? What happened? 13 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 132018/9/5 13:55:55 Zob shakes his head sadly. I just followed the map. 14 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 142018/9/5 13:55:58 15 The school map is here! But thats a space map, Zob! 15 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 152018/9/5 13:55:59 16 Zob travels across space in his spaceship . Retell the Story The end. 4-1Are You Lost Zob.indd 162018/9/5 13:56:10 图书在版编目 (C P) 数据 左伯迷路了 : 英文 / 王蔷主编 ; ( 英 ) 简兰福德 (Jane Langford) 著 ; ( 英 ) 科拉尔沃克 (Coral Walker) 绘. - 北京 : 外语教学与研究出版社,2018.8 (丽声北极星分级绘本. 第二级. 下) ISBN 978-7-5213-0383-4 . 左 . 王 简 科 . 英语儿童读物 . H319.4 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2018) 第 203550 号 出 版 人徐建忠 策划编辑许海峰 刘秀玲 责任编辑刘秀玲 责任校对边洪芹 装帧设计许 岚 出版发行外语教学与研究出版社 社 址北京市西三环北路 19 号(100089) 网 址http:/ 印 刷北京华联印刷有限公司 开 本8109201/16 印 张6 版 次2018 年 10 月第 1 版2018 年 10 月第 1 次印刷 书 号ISBN978-7-5213-0383-4 定 价58.00 元(全套定价) 购书咨询: (010)88819926电子邮箱: 外研书店:https:/ 凡印刷、装订质量问题,请联系我社印制部 联系电话: (010)61207896电子邮箱: 凡侵权、盗版书籍线索,请联系我社法律事务部 举报电话: (010)88817519电子邮箱: 法律顾问:立方律师事务所刘旭东律师 中咨律师事务所殷斌律师 物料号:303830001
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