人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:c0e7e).zip

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    • Unit 2 Lesson 10.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案c0e7e.doc--点击预览


Unit2 There is a park near my home. Lesson 10 Warm up Review Look and say Where is the bookshop? Lead-in Xiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop. Where is it? Look and say Can you help him? Presentation Look, read and say First, he should .go down this street. Presentation Look, read and say Then, turn right at the traffic lights. Presentation Look, read and say The bookshop is on the left. Presentation Look, read and say But he must He can get to the bookshop. cross the street. Look and say Practice Magic fingers Gam e1 go down this street turn right at the traffic lightson the left cross the street Practice Whats missing? Gam e2 NANJING ROAD BEIJING ROAD GUANGZHOU ROAD BOOKSHOPWUHAN ROAD HARBIN STREET HANGZHOU STREET HAINAN STREET Practice Lets play Wheres the park?You can /Go Wheres the clothes shop? You can Consolidation go down this street turn right at the traffic lights on the left cross the street 12 3 4 Look and match Practice Lets sing 1.本课的重点词汇: go down this street turn right at the traffic lights Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. on the left cross the street 2.本课的重点句型: Summary Homework 1.Listen1.Listen toto thethe recordingrecording 2.Read2.Read thethe sentencessentences Lesson10 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与分析一、教学内容与分析 1. Just practise 本部分是基于学生问路、指路这一话题的语言巩固课。旨在让学生在此语 境中强化需要听、说、认读的短语:cross the street,以及听、说、读、写的短 语:go down this street, turn right at the traffic lights, on the left,复习巩固通过 be 动词,祈使句和情态动词 can 对地点的询问及回答,通过师生、生生之间的问 答和讨论等活动,激励学生主动感知、模仿、学习和体验,引导学生能够就主 要功能句进行描述,在真实语境中进行交际。 主要目标语言: Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. 2. Just write 本部分重点教学词汇和句型。通过问路、指路的真实语境,学生能够听、 说、读、写一下词汇、短语和句型:street, turn right/left, on the right/left, minute, Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left.并能把词汇 融入句子中进行学习、操练,在对话交流的过程中完成目标词汇的学习和运用。 3. Lets play 本部分设计了一个以问路、指路为主题的活动,学生通过教材上给出的地 图给别人指路,比一比谁指出的路能够最快捷地到达目的地。学生可以以小组 为单位进行比赛。地图上空白的地方,学生可以写上设施名称。此项活动旨在 让学生在交流的过程中进一步巩固本课主要词汇和目标语言,突出“问路”这 一主题,培养他们的观察力、表达力和乐于助人的积极情感。 4. Lets chant 本部分设计了一首有节奏的 chant,学生在学习并说唱歌谣的过程中,自然 感悟字母组合 cl 在单词 Clare, clean, clever,clear 中的发音,并总结出 cl 在单词 中的读音规律。学生可以通过创编新歌谣的活动,归纳出符合读音规则的更多 含有 cl 的单词,以达到在歌谣说唱中自然运用单词的目的。 二、课前准备二、课前准备 1. 准备本课一、三项图片、本课录音、课件。 2. 准备类似本课第一项图片中的小图画,作为评价卡片,以备在趣味操练 环节使用。 3. 准备乐于助人奖状,作为评价小组活动的奖励。 4. 网上查找 Where are you going?歌曲录音或视频,以备演唱时使用。 三、教学步骤与建议三、教学步骤与建议 1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1) 歌曲热身,愉悦课堂 师生共同演唱 Where are you going 歌曲,引领学生迅速进入愉悦的英语学 习氛围,并有意识地引导学生复习 Where are you going? Im going to句型,歌 曲演唱过程中,教师可以有意只将 Im going to改编为 I want to go to,引导 学生理解回答同一问句可以有不同形式进行回答。 2) 游戏导入,激发兴趣 师生共同玩“我说你做”快速反应游戏,此次游戏可以增加做相反动作的 项目,做错者被淘汰,胜利者获得小图片奖励。发出如下指令: Turn right. Turn left. Move to Stand behind the chair. Put your pencil in front of the book.等。 通过游戏帮助学生复习本单元重点词汇,同时也激发了他们的学习兴趣, 使他们积极地投入到本课的英语学习之中。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) 1) 交代主题,导入新课 教师交代今天主题 To be a volunteer,做一名志愿者为不识路的人指路。此 主题活动能够激发学生的兴趣,在活动中培养乐于助人的情感。 T: Every day we can get a lot of peopled help, such as our mothers, fathers, teachers, friends, and some other peoples help. But today well learn to be volunteers to help people on the street. Do you want to do it? 2) 利用图片,逐一讲解 将本课第一项练习中的主人公设置为第一个需要帮助的小朋友,通过图片 进行指路功能句的学习、复习和巩固。本项四个短语中三个已经在第 9 课中出 现,学生较为熟识,因此更注重其拼写,cross the street 第一次接触,教师应利 用图示着重讲解。 T: Xiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop. Where is it? S: Go down this street. (Picture 1) S: Turn right at the traffic lights. (Picture 2) S: The bookshop is on the left. (Picture 3) T: Yes. But Xiaogang must cross the street. He can get to the bookshop. (Picture 4) 视听结合,检验结果 将四幅图连在一起,通过课件演示,形成完整指路固 答。学生尝试做完整表达。 3. 趣味操练(Practice) 1) 快速反应,指认图片 利用第一项中四幅图片,教师快速出示其中任何一幅图片,学生快速说出 短语;或者教师说短语,学生快速指认出图片 在学生熟悉后,每位同学拿出本课获得的评价卡,以小组为单位,在小组 内做游戏。获得评价卡多的小组游戏更有趣。 2) 模仿第一项练习中的四幅图,教师制作另一组图片,学生来尝试指路的 简单表达。一位同学扮演迷路男孩,一位同学为其指路,进行对话表演。对话 过程中注意礼貌用语的使用。对话表演较好者可获得乐于助人奖状。 S1: Can I help you? S2: Thank you. I want to go to the hospital. Where is it? S1: Go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. Then you can see the hospital on 1 the left. Cross the street, you can get there. S2: Thank you very much. S1: My pleasure. 板书设计: Lesson 10 Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. Unit2 There is a park near my home. Lesson 10 Warm up Review Look and say Where is the bookshop? Look and say Lead-in Xiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop. Where is it? Look and say Can you help him? Presentation Look, read and say First, he should .go down this street. Presentation Look, read and say Then, turn right at the traffic lights. Presentation Look, read and say The bookshop is on the left. Presentation Look, read and say But he must He can get to the bookshop. cross the street. Practice Magic fingers Gam e1 go down this street turn right at the traffic lightson the left cross the street Practice Whats missing? Gam e2 NANJING ROAD BEIJING ROAD GUANGZHOU ROAD BOOKSHOPWUHAN ROAD HARBIN STREET HANGZHOU STREET HAINAN STREET Practice Lets play Wheres the park?You can /Go Wheres the clothes shop? You can Consolidation go down this street turn right at the traffic lights on the left cross the street 12 3 4 Look and match Practice Lets sing 1.本课的重点词汇: go down this street turn right at the traffic lights Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. on the left cross the street 2.本课的重点句型: Summary Homework 1.Listen1.Listen toto thethe recordingrecording 2.Read2.Read thethe sentencessentences
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