人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 1 My School-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:532e6).zip

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first floor I can see many teachers here. first floor second floor I can read books here. I can water the flowers here. next to I can play football here. playground Do you have a computer room? Yes, we do. Where is the computer room? Its on the second floor. first floor second floor Do you have a music room? Yes, we do. Where is the music room? Its on the first floor. second floor first floor Do you have an art room? Yes, we do. Where is the art room? Its on the first floor. second floor first floor gym We dont have a gym. Where is the gym? second floor first floor Do you have a gym? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. Do you have a lunch room? Yes, we do. Where is the lunch room? Its on the first floor. first floor second floor Where is the classroom .? Its on the second floor. first floor second floor Hide and seek Lets do Go to the computer room ,have computer class. Go to the art room , draw some pictures. Go to the music room ,sing a song. Go to the lunch room , eat some food. Go to the gym , play basketball. Do you have a/an .? Yes/No, . Its on the. Where is the .? Welcome to Wenan School ! 例:例:We have a , its on the . We can eat lunch here, its very clean ! 介绍一下你的学校吧!介绍一下你的学校吧!(小组讨论小组讨论2分钟,选择一个场所进行介绍。分钟,选择一个场所进行介绍。) 用赢得的素材一起设计一个心目中的学校,用赢得的素材一起设计一个心目中的学校, 然后一起将新学校展示出来吧!然后一起将新学校展示出来吧! We have a new school. This is . . , its on the . . floor. . . Love your school and enjoy the school life! (热爱你的学校并且尽情享受校园生活吧!)(热爱你的学校并且尽情享受校园生活吧!) Homework UnitUnit 1 1 MyMy schoolschool 教学设计教学设计 Part B Lets learn 教学目标教学目标 1、能够听、说、读、写 playground, computer room, art room, music room;能够听、说、认读 gym,lunch room. 2、能够运用句型:Do you have a/an. .? Yes,we do./No,we dont. 3、培养学生热爱学校和校园生活的情感。 教学重点教学重点 新词汇 playground, computer room, art room, music room,gym,lunch room 的学习和句型 Do you have.?Yes, we do./No, we dont.的运用。 教学难点教学难点 能运用本课所学介绍自己的学校。 教学准备教学准备 教学过程中所需要的图片、视频和课件; 教学方法教学方法 情境法、小组合作法 教学过程教学过程 一、热身(Warn-up) 1、Sing a songOur school 2、介绍问安小学一些有趣的功能室和场所 3、Review 出示问安小学的一栋教学楼,让学生根据提示猜猜 Where is it? (设计意图:通过热身环节让学生对新老师的学校有一定的了解和产生一 定的兴趣,然后通过猜猜看的游戏复习之前 A 部分学过的词汇和句型) 二、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、问安小学教学楼里还有许多功能室没有介绍,引领学生一起去看看这些功能 室到底是什么。 (Lets learn 新知学习) a. 出示一台电脑的图片,问学生“Do you have a computer?”,学生回答 “Yes, I(We )do./No, I(We) dont.”接着引导出 computer room,问学生 “Do you have a computer room?”,学生回答“Yes, we do./No,we don t.”然后猜一猜 computer room 在问安小学教学楼的几楼。 b. 出示问安小学学生在音乐教室参加合唱和舞蹈社团活动的照片,引导出 music room,问学生“Do you have a music room?”,学生回答“Yes, we do./No,we dont.”然后猜一猜 music room 在几楼。 c. 出示我的学生画的画,引导出 art room,问学生“Do you have an art room?”,学生回答“Yes, we do./No,we dont.”然后猜一猜 art room 在几楼。 d. 出示学校体育馆的照片,引导出 gym,让学生猜一猜 gym 在几楼,最后 老师回答“No, we dont have a gym.” 。再问学生问学生“Do you have a music room?”,学生回答“Yes, we do./No,we dont.” e. 出示学生们排队去食堂进餐的照片,引导出拓展词汇 lunch room,问 学生“Do you have a lunch room?”,学生回答“Yes, we do./No,we don t.”然后猜一猜 lunch room 在几楼。 f. 最后还剩两个房间,让学生猜猜会是什么。最后出示教室的照片。问学 生“Where is the classroom 1/2?” (设计意图:在情境中教授词汇,学习词汇时做到词不离句,避免学生机械记 忆,教授新内容的同时还渗透了 A 部分刚学过的楼层词汇和句型,做到新旧知 识结合。 ) 三、趣味操练(Lets practice) 1、Lets play. Can you find me? 2、Chant and do. 3、运用句型“Do you have a/an.?”,“Where is .?”向新老师提问 4、Group work: 给新老师介绍一下你的学校吧!每个小组选择一个场所进 行介绍。 (设计意图:新单词和新句型综合操练) 四、巩固与扩展(Consolidation and extension) 一起用赢得的景物素材设计一个新的学校,然后小组成员一起进行展示。 展示之后,其他小组可以进行提问。 (设计意图:展示和提问中,学生不仅可以运用这节课所学,还可以运用其他 已掌握的词汇和句型进行拓展延伸。 ) 5、小结(Summary) 展示学生他们自己的校园生活照片,引导他们要热爱自己的学校和校园生 活。 六、布置作业(Homework) 1、抄写本课新学单词 3 遍 2、把你设计的新学校用本课所学介绍给你的家长或朋友 板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 1 1 MyMy schoolschool Do you have a/an ? Yes, we do./No, we dont. playground computer room art room music room gym lunch room
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