人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 2What time is it -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:30c2a).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 2 What time is it _C_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:30c2a)
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PEP 小学英语四年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timetime isis itit? (PartPart C C StoryStory timetime)评测练习题)评测练习题 一、根据图片,补全句子。一、根据图片,补全句子。 ItsIts 7:307:30 a.ma.m .Its.Its timetime to-.to-. ItsIts 6:256:25 a.ma.m .Its.Its timetime to-.to-. ItsIts 7:007:00 p.mp.m . . TimeTime for-.for-. ItsIts 9:009:00 p.mp.m . . TimeTime to-.to-. ItsIts 6:256:25 a.ma.m .Time.Time for-.for-. 二、单项选择。 ( )1.Look my clock . Its nice . A at B to C for ( ) 2. When is April Fools Day ? A April 1st B March 1st C May 1st ( ) 3. Wake up ,its six thirty a.m .Its time to -. A go home B go to bed C get up ( ) 4. What time is it ? A Its an English book. B Its under the desk. C Its nine twenty . ( ) 5. Its four oclock.Its time - PE class. A to B for C at 三、根据情境,选择正确的答案。 ()1.马上就要上课了,你催促同学快点!可以说:- A Wait. B Time to go home. C Hurry up. ()2.你没戴手表,想知道现在的时间,你可以这样问同学:- A Excuse me ! What time is it ? B Excuse me ! Do you have a watch ? C It s six oclock. ( ) 3.你今天早上上学迟到了,你会这样对老师说:- A Excuse me ! B Good morning ! C Im sorry ! Im late for school . ( ) 4.早上妈妈叫你起床,你不想起床,赖在床上说:- A I want to sleep . B It is a clock. C Time to go to bed. ( ) 5.现在是早上 8 点 40 分,是上英语课时间,你是这样对同学 说的:- A Its eight forty. Its time for English class. B Its eight thirty. Its time for maths class. C Its eight oclock . Its time for Chinese class. Unit Two What time is it ? (C Story time ) Lintong Railway Primary School Luo Yonghua Its time to sing an English song. Watch the flash and answer the question. Q1: Who can you see in the flash ? Q2: Where are they ? Its time to watch the story . Its time to answer the question. Q1: Who can you see in the flash ? Q2: Where are they ? Look at the picture and think. Whats the date in the picture ? What time is it ? What is Zoom doing ? What does Zip want to do ?(Zip 想干什么?) Wake up , Zoom. Its time to get up . Mmm . I want to sleep. Lets listen and imitate ! Its time to get up now. Lets look ,listen and imitate ! Zip is changing the time. Where is Zoom now ? Lets look ,listen and imitate ! Look ! What time is it ? Its eight oclock . Oh dear !Im late for school. Is Zoom really late for school ? Is it really eight oclock ? Wait ! Wait ! Zoom , look at that clock . Lets look ,listen and imitate ! Because Zip changed the time. Its seven oclock ? April Fool ! Lets look ,listen and imitate ! It is April Fools Day. Zip plays a joke on Zoom . When is April Fools Day ? What do People do on April Fools Day ? is on People play a joke on others on April Fools Day. We can hear a lot of jokes and see a lot of smiling faces on April Fools Day. Our story about April Fools Day Attention : Put them order in pairs.(两人一组排序) Zip : Wake up , Zoom. Its time to get up . Zoom : Its seven oclock ? Zip : April Fool ! Zip :Wait ! Wait ! Zoom , look at that clock . Zoom : Its eight oclock . Oh dear !Im late for school. Zip : Look ! What time is it ? Zoom : Mmm . I want to sleep. Zip : Its time to get up now. Zip : Wake up , Zoom. Its time to get up . Zoom : Its seven oclock ? Zip : April Fool ! Zip :Wait ! Wait ! Zoom , look at that clock . Zoom : Its eight oclock . Oh dear !Im late for school. Zip : Look ! What time is it ? Zoom : Mmm . I want to sleep. Zip : Its time to get up now. 7 :00 get up 7 : 20 breakfast 7 : 40 go to school 8 : 30 maths class 9 : 30 Chinese class 10:40 music class 12: 00 lunch 2 : 30 art class 3 :40 play football 4 : 40 go home 5 : 10 do homework 6 : 30 dinner 7 : 00 CCTV news 8 : 00 read books 9 : 00 go to bed Help Zoom and Zip design(设计) a meaningful Tuesday! Please remember : Time is fair to everyone. (时间对于每个认识公平的) Time is money (一寸光阴一寸金). Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today(今日事今日毕). Cherish time (珍惜时间) Love Life (热爱生活) Grow healthily and happily( 健康、快乐成长) Homework 1. Show the story to your parents. 2. Design a meaningful Weekend for you.(设计一个有意义的周末) 教学设计教学设计 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timetime isis itit? PartPart C C StoryStory timetime 教学内容教学内容:PEP 小学英语四年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timetime isitisit? (PartPart C C StoryStory timetime) 教材分析:教材分析: 本课 PEP 小学英语四年级下册 Unit 2 What time is it?主要内容是 学习时间的表达及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。学习内容贴近学 生的生活实际,深受学生欢迎,让学生乐学易学。本课是本单元 Part C Story time 的教学。通过本课的学习,复习巩固本单元的核 心句子,理解 Zip 和 Zoom 在愚人节发生的故事,学习一些相关的新 短语和句子,了解愚人节的文化,增强学生的时间观念. 学生分析:学生分析: 四年级的孩子经过一年多的英语学习,具有了一定的英语知识储 备,可以进行简单的相互交流;这个阶段的学生思维正处于由形象思维 过渡的时期,能进行一定的抽象思维,他们对英语学习有着充分的 兴趣, 上课的表现欲望很强烈,希望得到老师和同学的表扬和认可, 学习开始从被动的学习主体向主动的学习主体转变,思维能力有了明 显提高,知识增长速度明显加快。作为这个时期的英语教师,要注意培 养学生学习英语的积极性和保护孩子学习英语的自尊心,同时还要让 学生通过非富多彩的教学活动体验到英语学习的快乐,感受成功的乐 趣,教师还要帮助孩子们形成良好的英语学习习惯和引导和激发学生 的自主学习能力. 教学目标 1). 语言知识与能力目标: a. 复习巩固句型 What time is it? Its time to/for . 以及 go to school, go home 等短语. b. 能在图片和视频的帮助下,理解新短语和句子:wake up ,I want to sleep ,Im late for school ,wait, April Fool ,April Fools Day;能在图片和 视频的帮助下,读懂故事;能模仿录音正确朗读故事;能在图片和教师 的引导下简单地表演故事。 c. 能结合本单元所学的知识,制定合理的时间作息表。 2).学习策略目标: 为学生营造一个宽松、自然的学习氛围,创设真实的情境, 通过 pairwork,groupwork 等活动引导学生积极观察、思考、探索,完成 教师设计的丰富多彩的教学活动,感受英语学习的乐趣。. 3).情感态度目标 通过学习培养学生的合作意识,增强学生的时间观念,了解 April Fools Day 的文化,从而培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强自信心。 教学重点:教学重点: 能在图片和视频的帮助下,理解新短语和句子:wake up ,I want to sleep ,Im late for school ,wait, April Fool ,April Fools Day. 能在图片和视频 的帮助下,读懂故事;能模仿录音正确朗读故事. 教学难点:教学难点: 能在图片和教师的引导下表演故事。 教法教法: 示范法 谈话法 学法学法: 小组合作交流法 讨论法 教具准备:教具准备: 句型卡片;多媒体课件;头饰,故事表演相关道具 教学过程教学过程: Step 1. 情景创设与热身活动 1.Creating situation . (English class is on .The leaders are organizing the class .The teacher is entering the classroom in a hurry.) T:Oh,boys and girls ? What time is it now? L:Its eight forty .Its time for English . T:Im sorry ! Im late for school .(引入 late) L:Thats OK ! T:Thank you . Im ready for class . Are you ready ? T:OK!Lets start our English class. First,lets sing an English song . 2、Singing an English song “Time ” The leads lead students to sing the song with actions. (设计意图:创设贴近学生生活实际的情景,激活学生的背景知识, 从 而激发学生的学习兴趣,营造轻松和谐的英语氛围,为新课的讲授做好 铺垫。 ) Step 2 Before reading (story). 1)The teacher shows a clock to the class and review the key sentences pattern“What time is it ? Its . Its time to/for” according to changing the time ”. (设计意图:通过改变时间让学生谈论自己在不同时间应该做的事情 以复习巩固本单元的核心句型“What time is it ? Its . Its time to/for” ,同时进行合理安排时间的情感渗透) 2)Play the video and lead into the story. The teacher leads students to imagine why the teacher are late for school and show the sentence card “Im late for school.” Then play the video(The teacher is waking up the daughter to get up ) and show the sentence card “Wake up ! I want to sleep .Its time to get up .”Finally ,educate students to be on time in the daily life and lead into the story. (设计意图:通过播放教师与女儿真实的起床视频,让学生在真实的 语境中感知将要学习的故事中的重点句子,为新知学习奠定基础, 为学生理解故事扫清部分语言障碍,同时通过女儿赖床这一情境对 学生进行守时的情感教育并导入故事) Step 3 While reading . 1) Play the flash of the story and answer the questions. Q1: Who can you see in the flash ? Q2: Where are they ? (设计意图:以 flash 的形式播放故事,让学生整体感知,生动形象。 ) 2)Show the pictures without the sentences in the story to students and lead students to understand the story according to some questions and discussions, and then listen to the sentences in the story and follow them . Picture 1:Whats the date in the picture ?(Show the card“April 1st”) How many clocks can you see ? What time is it ? What is Zoom doing ?What about Zip ? Picture 2:What does Zip want to do ?(Zip 想干什么?) Picture 3 and Picture 4: Whats in Zips hand? What time is it ? The teacher leads students think “Is it really eight oclock ? Is Zoom really late for school ?” Picture 5 and picture 6:Why is the time different ? Why did Zip change the time ? (设计意图:出示挖空句子的图片,教师以问题和谈话交流的方式引 导学生观察图片发散学生的思维,让学生了解故事的人物、事件等主 要内容,层层深入,帮助学生理解故事。) 3)Through the story ,the teacher introduce April Fools Day to the students and let students know a lot about April Fools Day ,and then show the sentence cards “April Fools Day , April Fool ,play a joke ”,and then let students watch our story about April Fools Day ,finally, the teacher gives students a suggestion“We can play jokes on others but not too much on April Fools Day!” (设计意图:教师以 Zip 在愚人节这一天戏弄 Zoom 的事件来引入介绍 愚人节的文化,让学生了解这一节日的时间,并通过学生表演的愚 人节故事明白人们愚人节的活动,并温馨提示学生愚人节可以开玩 笑,但不能过火。) Step 4 After reading ( story) 1) Put the pictures order in pairs. (设计意图:通过排序了解学生对故事的理解程度。) 2) Lets listen and imitate. (设计意图:让学生模仿语音语调,为下面的角色表演打基础。) 3)Its time to show the story. (设计意图:学生正确朗读故事,通过合作练习和在具体的情景中表 演、展示增强学生的自信心,满足学生的表现欲望,使得学生学习英 语的兴趣得以提高。 ) Step 5 Expansion 1.The teacher show the timetable of Big Bear and asks students watch it ,and then work in groups to help Zoom and Zip design(设计) a meaningful Tuesday. 2.Share the timetable . 3.The teacher gives students three sayings of time . (设计意图:让学生欣赏熊大的时间安排,并在小组中帮助 Zip 和 Zoom 制定一份周二的活动安排,让学生感受到做事情要有时间观念, 用时间名言师生共勉,向学生渗透时间意识和珍惜时间的好习惯) Step 6 Homework 1.Show the story to your parents. 2. Design a meaningful weekend for you.(设计一个有意 义的周末) (设计意图:为学生学习英语营造氛围,实现语言的输出和检测学生 的语言综合运用能力) 教学反思教学反思: : 本课是 PEP 教材四年级下册 Unit 2 What time is it ? Part C story time 的教学。在本节课的教学中,教师先创设了一个自己迟 到的真实情境,在交流中激活语言,以英文歌“time”引出 clock,交流复习核心语句“What time is it ? Its . Its time to/for” ,并对学生进行守时教育;已发散思维的方式引 出教师早晨叫女儿起床的视频,引出故事中的重点和难点句子, 让学生在真实的语境中感知语言,理解语言,并再次进行守时教 育并成功导入到故事教学,同时为故事的学习和理解扫清语言障 碍。在故事教学中,教师出示挖空句子的图片,以问题和谈话交 流的方式引导学生观察图片,发散学思维,让学生了解故事的人物、 事件等主要内容,层层深入,帮助学生理解故事;在理解故事中 引入愚人节这一文化,让学生在交流讨论交流和故事欣赏中感知 这一文化,同时教师温馨提示学生愚人节开玩笑不可过火。在学 生对故事的理解之后,教师通过两人合作排序,模仿跟读,表演 等方式对故事的理解和输出,增强学生自信心,满足学生的表现 欲,最后,让学生在小组合作中完成一份时间活动表,并全班分 享,让学生感受到做事情要有时间观念,并用时间名言师生共勉, 向学生渗透时间意识和珍惜时间的好习惯。 整个教学活动中,教师创设了真实的语境,设计了丰富多彩 的教学活动,极大地增加了学生学习的积极性,学生的学习兴趣浓, 参与度高,课堂气氛特别活跃,学生们在轻松愉悦的教学环境中很 享受英语学习,本节课的教学达到了预期的效果。当然,在今后的 教学中还应注意教学时间的严谨。
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