人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 3Weather-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:05cf9).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 3 Weather_B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:05cf9)
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六安市城北小学 方小毛 人民教育出版社小学英语第四册四年级下 How do you feel? (warm/cool/hot/cold) (头脑风暴) (头脑风暴)(头脑风暴) Harbin cold Its_in_. Shanghai cool Shenzhen warm Beijing hot weather reporter Do you want to be a weather reporter? (你想成为天气播报员么?你想成为天气播报员么?) 完成挑战,你就是完成挑战,你就是weather reporter world Sydney Singapore Moscow London Beijing Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Whats the weather like in London? Rainy, rainy. Its rainy. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Windy, windy. Its windy. Whats the weather like in Sydney? Sunny, sunny. Its sunny. Whats the weather like in Singapore? Cloudy, cloudy. Its cloudy. Whats the weather like in Moscow? Snowy, snowy. Its snowy. Lets chant Lets play This is _. Its_and_. sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy Heres the world(世界)weather. Its rainy in London. TO be a weather reporter! Hello! This is the weather report. Its _in_. Its _ in _. Its _in _. Thank you! Luan (六安六安) Hefei (合肥合肥) Bozhou (亳州亳州) Anqing (安庆安庆) Huangshan (黄山黄山) Heres the Anhui(安徽安徽) weather. Homewor k Read the five words and watch the weather report on TV. (认读单词,观看天气预报) To be a weather reporter, talk about the weather to your parents. (扮演天气预报员,给父母播天气。) Sydney What the weather like in _? sun sunny Its _. Sydney A: Q: Singapore cloud cloudy Q: A: What the weather like in Singapore? Its cloudy. snowy Moscow snow Q: A: What the weather like in Moscow? Its snowy. London rain rainy Q: A: What the weather like in London? Its rainy. Beijing wind windy Q: A: What the weather like in Beijing? Its windy. Luan (六安六安) Hefei (合肥合肥) Bozhou (亳州亳州) Anqing (安庆安庆) Huangshan (黄山黄山) Heres the Anhui(安徽安徽) weather. Unit 3 Weather Part B Lets learn 教学目标: 1. 能够听、说、认读 rainy, snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy. 2. 学生能够听懂、会说:Whats the weather like in Sydney? Its hot and sunny. Heres the world weather. Its in ; 3.了解有关天气预报常用符号。 4.能够看懂、听懂天气预报并用英文表达天气情况。 教学重难点: 1. 重点:学习单词:rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy, sunny. 2. 难点:世界几个著名城市的英文发音。 教学准备: 1. 与本课配套课件。 2. 城市卡片。 3. 教师用 dice 和学生用 dice。 教学过程 先播放歌曲“Thunder”,学生跟唱。 Step 1 Greeting T:Hello boys and girls! Ss: Hello Miss Fang! T: Do you like the kind of this weather? The weather is terrible! You cant play on the playground , you cant walk in the park, you cant go outside. But, you can have English class, an interesting class. You can sing , you can play , can learn to say English and also can look around the world. Now, lets have a funny class. Step 2 Warm-up Lets chant (Please act it out) Brrr, its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. Cold, bye- bye! Mmm, its warm. Its warm inside. Take off your shoes. It can feel so nice. Step 3 Revision 1. Brain Storm Pay attention to me! Heres the Brain Storm! How do you feel like? PPT 出示一些和 warm, cool, hot, cold 相关的图片,让学生快速用这些单词 读图。 2. 出示 Harbin(cold), Shanghai(cool),Beijing(hot),Shenzhen(warm)的图片,让 学生用 Whats the weather like in ? It_in_.进行问答。 Step 4 Presentation 出示 weather reporter 图,T:Do you want to be a weather reporter? 出示闯 关图,示意通过挑战就可以成为 weather reporter。 挑战一:了解不同城市的天气,并能说出这些城市的天气。出示挑战路线。 1.点击城市 Sydney。带读城市名称。出示太阳 sun。学生说出 sun 这个词, 师板书 sun。T:Heres the Sydney weather. Its sunny. 加上 ny,带读 sunny。引 导学生问 Whats the weather like in Sydney?并回答 Its sunny. 2. .点击城市 Singapore。带读城市名称。出示太阳 sun。T:Whats the weather like now? Ss:Its sunny.出现云朵图。What can you see? We can see cloud.板书 cloud. Now, its cloudy.加上 y,带读单词。引导学生问 Whats the weather like in Singapore?并回答 Its cloudy. 3. 点击城市 Beijing。播放风声特效,出示太阳 wind。T:Whats the weather like now? Ss:Its windy.师加上 y,带读单词。引导学生问 Whats the weather like in Beijing?并回答 Its windy. 4. 点击城市 London,根据图片说出 rain,板书 rainy,带读引导学生问 Whats the weather like in London?并回答 Its rainy. 5. 点击城市 Moscow。出示雪 snow。学生说出 snow 这个词,师板书 snow。T:Heres the Moscow weather. Its snowy. 加上 y,带读 snowy。引 导学生问 Whats the weather like in Moscow?并回答 Its snowy. Step 5 Practice 挑战二:Say as I show. 快速读出天气符号。 挑战三:Chant Whats the weather like in London? Rainy, rainy, its rainy. Whats the weather like in Moscow? Snowy, snowy, its snowy. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Windy, windy, its windy. Whats the weather like in Singapore? Cloudy, cloudy, its cloudy. Whats the weather like in Sydney? Sunny, sunny, its sunny. 一遍唱过之后,老师拿出城市卡片和天气符号任意组合,学生 chant. 挑战四:Weather Dice 老师先用 big dice 示范。在把小的 dice 发给每一组学生,让他们练习, 最后展示。 挑战五:Weather Show 五个同学手持城市卡片,像模特一样走秀,走到规定位置,摆 pose 并介绍这个城市的天气。 Step 6 Consolidation and extension 1. 播放 Lets learn 动画 2. 挑战六:To be a weather reporter 完成每一个挑战,可以登上一级台阶。最后登顶可以成为 weather reporter。 Step 7 Homework 1.认读单词,观看天气预报 2.扮演天气预报员,给父母播天气。
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