人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 4At the farm-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f26c1).zip

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Unit 4 At the farm Part B Lets talk Learning goals 区分those,these和 they一般疑问句的回答 Those are . These are . FARM 对话练习:同学们,参 照老师的例子,小组练习一 下对话吧! Are those? Are these? Are they? Yes,they are./No,they arent. Yes,they are./No,they arent. Yes,they are./No,they arent. FARM Bye! PEP 小学英语四年级下册 Unit 4 At the farm B Lets talk 教学设计 一、教学目标: 1、学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语言、语调朗读对话;能 够在情景中恰当运用句型 What are those ?Theyre 问答物品名称; 能运用句型 Are these?/Are those?/Are they?Yes, they are./No, they arent.确认是否为某种物品。 2、帮助学生理解 these 与 those 的异同。 3、通过多种活动形式,培养学生大胆开口说英语的习惯。 4、了解与动物有关的英语习语 二、教学重点:能够在情景中恰当运用句型 What are those ?They re 问答物品名称;能运用句型 Are these ?/Are those ?/Are they?Yes,they are./No,they arent.确认是否为某种物品。 三、教学难点:these 与 those 的区别。 四、教学准备:PPT 五、教学过程: 1、Warm-up: 1)Greeting . 2)Revision.复习句型 What are these ?Theyre How many can you see ?I can see (设计意图:通过句型的操练,复习已学的知 识,让学生激发旧有的知识,为过渡到本节课的学习内容打下铺垫。 ) 2、Presentation. 1)、课件呈现一个农场,教师说:I have a lot of hens. 教师问: Where are hens ?Lets go and see .课件画面中出现了一些动物,分 别写着 Those are . .和 These are . 教师引导学生拼读 those,并 比较 those 与 these 的区别,判断并选择句子。教师点着课件中近 处的动物,引导学生说:These are hens . 2)、教师手指远处的动物问:What are those ?Are they cows/pigs ?Lets see .用上述句型进行操练。 T:Are they cows ? S1:Yes , they are . S2:Are they pigs ? S3:No, they arent . S2:What are those? S3:Theyre (设计意图:通过火眼金睛的活动,激活学生 的思维,引起学生极大的兴趣,能取得预期的教学效果。 ) 3) 、Listen and answer questions T: Mike and Sarah are in Old Mcdonald farm .Lets see what they are talking .But before you watch ,please think of the questions. a、What does Mike see on the farm ? b、How many horses ? c、What does Sarah see on the farm ? 课件展示课文内容,播放录 音。 (设计意图:让学生带着问题听录音,有助于集中学生听的注 意力,提高听的效果,提高课堂实效。 ) 4) 、教师播放动画,学生跟读。 5)、学生在小组内分角色朗读,要求尽量模仿原文人物的语言语调, 然后抽查几组表演。 3、Consolidation and extension: 1)、I remember: Mike: Wow! You have _ animals! What are _? Mcdonald: They re _. Mike: Cool! How many _ do you have? Mcdonald : Mmm_. Sarah: What are _? Are they _? Mcdonal : No, _ .Theyre _. (设计意图:通过挖空对话中的关键词给学生一个支架一步一步引 导学生说出本对话内容,而非在课堂上让学生死记硬背出来。 ) 2)、Make a dialogue: 师生示范 T:Listen, this is my farm in my mind. Welcome to my farm .Do you want to know what are on my farm? You can ask me .You can use sentences . T:Welcome to my farm . S1:What are those ? T: Theyre S1:How many do you have ? T: S1:Are they ? T: Yes, they are ./No ,they arent . (设计意图:示范学 生与教师的对话,为下面的生生对话做铺垫。 ) 生生对话。 T:Now boys and girls ,please talk your farm in your mind each other. Use the sentences:“What are those ? They are . Are they ?Yes , they are .No ,they arent .”to make your dialogue with your friends . (设计意图:通过在一定情境下的交流, 学会综合运用新旧句子,检查学生的句子综合运用能力,训练学生 的口头表达能力,训练学生的思维能力,交际能力,提高学生的语 言交际能力。 ) Act the dialogue. 教师抽查 2 组学生进行表演。 学生对话完毕后 再问其他学生 What can you see on her/his farm ?检查学生是否有 认真听刚才学生的表演。 (设计意图:激活学生的知识背景,让学 生多说、多运用。让学生利用已学过的知识,结合新学知识进行创 造性的语言整合及输出,激发学生的创新思维,充分体现教学的层 次性,让学生在活动中体验学习成功的快乐。 ) 4、Summary: 1)、总结本节课的核心句型。 (设计意图:对本课的教学内容进行 归纳总结,让学生通过比较说出规律,帮助学生掌握语言知识。 ) 2)引导学生说一句与动物相关的习语。 Animals are our friends. 5、Homework. 1)Read the dialogue in your partner . 6、板书设计: Unit 4 At the farm B Lets talk What are these/those ? They are Are these/Are those/Are they ? Yes , they are . No, they arent .
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