人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 5My clothes-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a00f4).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 5 My clothes_A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a00f4)
    • A-Lets-learn&lets-do.ppt--点击预览
    • Colour song.flv
    • Lets do.swf
    • Lets learn 1.swf
    • 教案a00f4.doc--点击预览
    • 购物清单模板.docx--点击预览


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg a-e i-e o-e ir ur 课前三分钟 新新PEP小学英语四年级下册第五单元小学英语四年级下册第五单元 Unit 5 My clothes Part A Lets learn & lets do 郁南县千官镇中心小学郁南县千官镇中心小学 谢东梅谢东梅 clothes I like those . clothes hatI like that . blue What do you like? cap cap前面有沿。 hat周围有边。 英语小知识 Its very_. your hat. hot Take off Its very . your hat. cold Put on Put on your .shirt I like that .skirtgreen Wash your skirt . Amy shirt g I like that _skirt . I like that . dress skirt red Hang up your dress. I like that _ . pant 1 2 I like _ _ . A. that B. those ant s Put away your pants. black pants I like those _ pants . blue Are you faster than the computer? practi ce Say quickly! Ready? Go! clothes clothes clothes pants pants pants Ready? Go! pants pants hat hat hat pants Ready? Go! skirt skirt dress dress dress skirt Ready? Go! skirt skirt dress dress dress skirt Ready? Go! dress dress dress pants pants pants First. listen and do Second, say and do with the vidio. Third, group work. One says and the others say and do. red dress We should treasure our clothes and keep them clean. 我们应该爱护衣服。保持衣服整洁。 Homework: 1、用单词本抄写用单词本抄写P49 Lets learn 5个单词,个单词,2X6 写上中文意思。写上中文意思。 2、今天之内到组长处背诵今天之内到组长处背诵P49 Lets do(做动作),组长签名。(做动作),组长签名。 明天检查。明天检查。 一、教学内容分 析 本课是新人教版四年级下册第五单元第二课时 Part A Let s learn and Lets do 部分。本单元的主题是服装,本节课主要学习的内容是如 何表达对某件衣服的喜好。而三年级的时候学生就学习过如何表达喜好以及颜 色单词,前后知识的衔接很紧密,关联度大,并贴近学生生活。因此,我要多 给学生搭建平台,给他们提供表现自我的机会。 二、学情分析 衣服多种多样,每位学生对衣服的喜好也各不相同。四年级学生学习兴趣 浓厚,积极性强。此学期,教师要求学生提前预习新学内容,因此,学生对要 学内容已有所了解。四年级学生口语薄弱,教师将把课堂还给学生,让学生通 过大量的口语练习,提高口语技能。 三、教学目标 知识技能目标: 1.学生掌握有关服装的单词,能听说认读 clothes hat pants skirt dress 和句型 I like that/ those. 2.学生能够运用句型 I like that/ those.表达自己对服装的喜好; 3.学生在教师的引导下能区分 that 后跟单数名词和 those 后跟复数名词; 4.复习有关颜色的单词:red green blue purple 等。 情感目标: 培养学生表达对服装的喜好;爱护衣服。 四、教学重点、 难点 重点:学生能掌握单词 clothes , skirt , dress, hat , pants 形、音、义。 难点:1、单词 clothes 的发音 2、能运用本节课内容表达自己对衣服的喜好 能够区分 that 后跟单数名词和 those 后跟复数名词。 五、教学策略与 方法 TPR 、游戏教学法 、交际法、情境法、多媒体辅助法和小组活动法 六、教学准备多媒体课件、音频文件、视频文件和学生练习材料 七、教学过程教师活动预计学生活动设计意图 1、 导入 课前一分钟 Review the letter sounds Warm up: 1) 用英语师生相互打招呼 Good morning. Boys and girls. Whats the weather like outside? 2)趣味歌曲,激发兴趣 Ss clap and say 1)Greeting Good morning, Miss Xie. Its sunny 2)Sing a colour song 课前复习与这节课新 单词相关的字母发音, 有助于学生用自然拼 读法拼读新词。 给学生创造一个开放 宽松环境,使学生心 情愉快,营造和谐的 英语学习氛围。使学 生怀着轻松愉快的心 情投入学习, “Colour song”复习 颜色,为新内容做准 备。 2、新授 We have sung about so many colours, and these colours make our clothes more beautiful. Look at my clothes, What colour is it? Yes. I like my green dress. Look at his/her clothes, what colour is it? Great. I like that purple dress. We have so many colourful clothes. Do you like colourful S:Its green. Its purple/red/ blue Yes, we do . 通过 ask &answer 引 出 clothes,让学生先 有意识进行新单词和 句子输入,并复习颜 色词 情景导入主题,激发 clothes? Lets go (做动作) Good. Lets go and see more colourful clothes. 一clothes 1. Spell cl-o th-es 2. Game :High and low voice 3. I like those . 2hat 1. Whats that ? What colour is the hat ? Yes. Its a blue hat. I like that blue hat . Hat, hat , go ( 板书) 2. Spell -Who can spell this word? Find some students to spell. 3. 区分 cap &hat (图片) 4.Look, whats the wether like ? Yes, its very hot.(动作)I need to put on my hat or take off my hat ? 5.Good. I need to take off my hat. Follow me, take off my hat . (TPR) 6.T say the order (pratice) 7.Look, is it hot ? Whats the weather like ? I need to .(动作) 8.Look at Wu Yifan, He puts on . Spell sh-ir-t 3 skirt 1. What that? What colour is the skirt ? Yes, I like that green skirt . ( 板 书) 2.Spell sk-ir-t ( k 在 s 后发成 g 音) 3.Group work . Spell it one by one. 4.Wash your skirt . 5. Pair work: E.g.I like that red skirt . What about you? 四dress 1. Is that a skirt? and see. 一 1.Spell 2. listen and read 3. clothes 二 1. Its a hat./帽子。 Its blue. Ss: Hat hat h-a-t , I like that blue hat. 2.S1,S2 h-a-t (加手 势) 3. cap 前面有沿,hat 前面有边。 4. Its very hot. Take off your hat. 5. Read and do. ( twice) 6. Big group listen, read and do . 7. No, it isnt. Its cold. put on your hat. 8. the shirt . Ss spell. 三 1. Its a skirt . / 女裙。 Its green . Spell s-k-i-r-t 2. Ss try to spell first. 3. Group work and show. 4. follow 5.Pair work ( choose and share) 四 1. No,it isnt. Its a dress./ 连衣 裙。 2. spell 3. look and read 学生的学习兴趣,并 让学生能为自己最后 制作购物清单与表达 自己喜好埋下伏笔。 拼读让学生读音更标 准 大小声趣味操练,更 快掌握 clothes 发音 通过问答为学生进行 语言输入,拓展句子。 让学生用已学字母发 音来尝试拼读单词。 图片直观区别 cap 和 hat 引导学生联系实际, 并通过动作记忆,小 组操练巩固新词。 由 put on your hat 引 出 do 里的 Put on your shirt, 并通过拼 读和 TPR 让学生进行 动作记忆。 由 shirt 的拼读过渡 到 skirt ,能达到区分 效果, 强调 k 在 S 后的读 音,学生便能避免发 音错误。 把单词联合 do 中句 子来教,通过 TPR 让 学生更好识记。 利用 skirt 引出 dress,做一个直观区 分。 提示学生如何拼读, 并让学生总结拼读规 Whats that ? 2. Spell dr-e-ss 3. Magic hand game (practice) 4. Hang up your dress. (action) 5. T says the order (group pk) 五Summary 1. use sentences to review the new words. 2. Group work : choose one or two clothes they like and share 3. Find some Ss to share 六pants 1. Whats that ? Spell the ant . Where is the ant ? Good.The ant is near the pants. 2. Spell the pant 3. Look, we can see one pant, two . 用数字直观提示 pants 时复数 4. I like black pants. A. that B. those 5. find Ss to sepll the pants 6. Put away your pant. (action) 7. Game (剪刀石头布游戏) T and one student make a model first . (三局两胜) 8. Let Ss to show up. 七1.Follow the computer twice 2. sumarry the new words 3. What are they ? 4. Spell and write. 4. follow and do 5.big group listen ,read and do 五 1. Ss 根据图片说句 子 I like that yellow hat/pink skirt/ white dress 2.group work 3. Ss say what they like 五 1. Its an ant . a-n an-t Its near the pants./ 在裤子旁边。 2. Spell 3. pants 4. B those 5. Ss spell 6.follow 7. Ss play and prctice AB: pants pants 输者说句子 I like those pants. 七1.Follow and number 2.look and say 3. They are clothes. 4. spell 律,提高拼读能力, 并通过机械操练单词。 Do 来巩固。 学习三个单词后进行 一次小总结,以避免 学生遗忘快,并让学 生通过语言输出来操 练句型与单词。 培养学生大胆说英语。 由 ant 引出 pant, 在 发音拼读上,学生便 能自行总结,再通过 裤腿,让学生更容易 了解 pants 是复数。 再次区分 that 和 those “剪刀石头布”游戏 不仅能迅速调动起学 生的兴趣,还能提高 句子与单词的输出和 操练。 复习巩固本课新词 3、操练 1Chant and practice the words 1.Look at the blackboard and chant Hat hat I like that blue hat 2. Group read the words and sentences. 3. Game Look and say (pictures) 4. Game Read as fast as the computer (words) 二Lets do. 1. Put on your . Hang up your . 一 1. Look and chant 2. Read 3. Look and say. 4. Read quickly. 二 1. shirt ( say and do) Dress 达到正音,弱化难点的 目的,还可以培养学生 朗读的节奏感和韵律感, 吸引学生的注意力,增 添操练的趣味性。 用两个小游戏检查学生 学习情况,还能快速让 学生把单词的音形义联 系起来。 通过 TPR 巩固所学单词, 2. Listen to the vedio 3. Listen again and do 4. T says the order 5. Group work: one says and the others say and do 6. find some groups to show up . 2. listen and do 3. Ss listen, say and do 4. Ss do 5. Group work 6. show 活跃课堂氛围。 通过游戏培养小组合作 的能力,互学互用。 巩固运用新知 4.Consolidation & Extension 一. Make a shopping list 1. Let Ss read the words 2.T make a model first : Colour the dress red and say I like that red dress. 3.Let Ss share in group 4.find some Ss to share their shopping list in class (投影) 5. remotion education 6. Let Ss to summary What they have learned. 7. Look at the blackboard and chant. 8. Extension I like this/those/his/her dress 一 1.Read 2. Ss 拿出预习已涂好颜 色的纸条,完成句子 3. Share 4. Ss stand up and read out their sentences. 5. Look at the pictures and know they should treasure their clothes 6. Summary 7.Chant again 8. listen and know 拓展学生思维,提高读 写与表达能力,并学会 互相分享自己喜欢的衣 服,进行语言输出,也 能为在实际生活中使用 打下基础。 通过一些贫困山区儿童 的着装,教育学生要懂 得珍惜,并要有爱心, 可以不需要的衣服捐献 给有需要的人。 让学生自行交流,归纳 所学内容,更方便学生 记忆,再拓展句子表达。 Homework 1. Copy the new words and make a sentence . 2. Recite lets do today and do the action . 3. Find more colourful clothes you like and express after class. 板书设计: 预习:购物清单预习:购物清单-先选三件喜欢的衣服涂色。先选三件喜欢的衣服涂色。 预习:购物清单预习:购物清单-先选三件喜欢的衣服涂色。先选三件喜欢的衣服涂色。
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