人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part B-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:50480).doc

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1、PEP3PEP3 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit4Unit4 ThenThen andand nownow PartPart B B LetLets s talktalk 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课例选自小学英语 PEP 教材六年级下册。教材通过 Mike 、陈杰 和 John 三个小朋友一起看旧照片, 讨论自己的变化让学生感知本课句型 Before, I was.Now, I am.的语义及语用情景,学会运用 Before, I was.Now, I am.等描述他人和自己的变化。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 学生从三年级开始学习英语,至今已有将近四年的时间,掌握了一 定的

2、用英语与人交流的能力,部分学生能够熟练运用日常生活用语及一 般现在时的表达。在该册的第二三单元内容中,学生已经接触过过去时 及相关的表达。今天这节课旨在讲学生学习的现在时态表达及过去时态 表达通过变化这一主题做一个大融合,学生掌握起来略有难度。 三、教学目标及教学重难点三、教学目标及教学重难点 (一)教学目标(一)教学目标 1.语言知识: 学生能够听、 说、 读、 写单词和句子: Before I/he/she was/ wasnt. Now, I/she/he am/is(not). 2.语言技能:学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;在情境中恰 当的运用核心句型 Before I/he/sh

3、e was/ wasnt. Now, I/she/he am/is(not).对自己的变化及他人的变化进行描述。 3.情感态度:学生通过描述自己、朋友及家人的变化,感受自己成 长的历程,感恩父母、教师的教育及小伙伴的陪伴。 (二)教学重难点(二)教学重难点 1.教学重点:1.学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话.能够在情境 中恰当的运用核心句型描述自己及他人的变化。 2.教学难点:熟练运用句型 Before I/he/she was/ wasnt. Now, I/she/he am/is (not).;Before I couldnt . Now, I can. 在情境中的运用。 四、PPT,词

4、卡、图片、学生用纸 五、教学步骤(见下页) 五五、教学步骤、教学步骤 Teachingsteps Teachers ActivitiesSs activitiesNotes Step1:Warm-up 1.Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Today I have gift for you. Can you guess what it is? 2.Free talk Ss: Hello, Olivia. She is We were short. Now you are much 【设计意图:通 过为孩子们送 相册这个礼物

5、, 讨论孩子们的 旧照片导入今 天的新课。为学 生创造在真实 语境中运用语 言的机会,激发 T: Look! Here it is! Its an e-album. Who is she? What did you look like before? What about now. taller.学生学习的兴 趣,引导学生积 极主动学习。】 Step 2. Presentation 1. T: Do you like this gift? Is it nice? Look at you! Youre quite different. T teaches the word “different”

6、 2. Leading in We are different now. So do our friends Mike and John. Lets look at Mikes old S1: Different Ss: Different 【设计意图:教 师与学生谈论 课文中的旧照 片,引导学生对 课文内容进行 预测和合理想 象,发展学生的 思维和想象能 力,激发学生的 好奇心,诱发学 生进一步了解 课文的欲望。】 photos. This photo was took 4 years ago. Mike was in_ He was _ Look at his picture, he is

7、 wearing. What about him now? He is _ He changed a lot . I think. How did he change? 3. Watch and answer How did he change? Mike was_. Now he is _ He changed a lot. How did he change? 4. Listen and repeat. Boys read Girls read Pair work 5. How did John change? Mike was in Grade 3 He was short He is

8、wearing a pink T-shirt. He is much taller. S1: Before he was quiet, now he is very active in class. S2: He liked pink before , but now he doesnt like . SS listen and repeat. Boys read Girls read Pair work 【设计意图:通 过看视频整体 感知对话,确定 话题内容。并回 答问题,Mike 有哪些变化。】 【设计意 图:Before, I 1)Read yourself and underline

9、the answer. Check the answer. 2) T teaches go cycling. T teaches how to pronounce go cycling Boys read and girls read. 3) Read Johns change one by one in your team. 4) Make new sentences. John can do lots of other thing. Lets see what he can do. 5) What about you?Can you share? Ss read themselves an

10、d underline the answer. S1: John was short , he couldnt ride a bike, now he goes cycling every day. Ss Read go cycling one by one. He can use a spoon , he can Before, I couldnt Now , I can was . Now ,I am 这一句是本课 的教学重点,通 过听说等机械 操练,初步理解 感知句式。】 【设计意图:寻 找第二个关键 问题的答案,学 习第二组对话。 通过学生自读 文本, 找出 John 的变化。从自 读

11、、跟读、有意 义操练句型等 多个角度突破 本节课难点。】 Step3. Consolidation and extension 1.Listenandrepeatthe dialogue. (shadow read) Lets do pair work. Who can show? 2. RetellJohnandMikes change in your teams one by one. 3. Make an album. Boys and girls, in 3months, you will graduate. Lets make Ss listen and repeat the dia

12、logue. One group shows their role play. Ss retell the dialogue. Ss show out 【设计意图:设 计巩固课文的 活动,体现读、 表演两个不同 的层次。学生根 据自己的情况 选择任务,为完 成后面的活动 夯实语言支架。 】 an album to memorize our growth. First, lets talk in groups. You are growing up. Youve changed a lot, and the people around you, your friends and your par

13、ents .Now lets talk about in your teams. Then, lets make the album. Group work 4.欣赏视频,提升感情 I d like to share a poem with uas a present. Please cherish the time with your friends with your teachers and with your parents. S1: Before I was short, now I am much taller. Ss discuss in groups. Several stud

14、ents show their changes. Read the poem together. 【设计意图:通 过制作相片纪 念册,巩固今天 学习的语言,记 录自己的成长。 捕捉孩子们对 家长的变化的 语言表达,抛出 今天的情感教 育,引导孩子们 学会感恩。感恩 父母和身边的 人。】 HomeworkTry to read the two stories fluently. Blackboard design BeforeNow I liked pinkI didnt like pink. I was quiet.I am active in class. I was shortI am much taller. I couldnt ride my bike well.I go cycling every day.


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