人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 1 How tall are you -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:203ca).zip

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Unit 1 How tall are you ? PA Lets learn Lets enjoy tallershorter Look and say Tall,taller,Zhang Peng is taller.Short,shorter,Zhang Peng is shorter. Look and say youngerolder Young,younger,Sarah is younger.Old,older,Miss white is older. longershorter Look and say Long,longer,Chen Jies skirt is younger. Short,shorter,Amys skirt is shorter. 49.00kg Im 49 kilograms(千克). How heavy are you ? ( 多 重) weight(体重) ? scale(称) Lets learn 42 kg62 kg Lets learn heavy heavier heavier 辅 字母+y 结尾,变 y 为 i,再加 er 42 kg62 kg Lets learn thinner thin thinner 辅音字母+元 音字母+辅音 字母结尾, 双写最后一 个字母,再 加 er bigger big bigger Lets learn 辅音字母+元 音字母+辅音 字母结尾, 双写最后一 个字母,再 加 er smaller small smaller Lets learn Lets learn He is _. strong He is _ . stronger Lets read Look and say The apple is _ than the pear. bigger The pear is _ than the apple.smaller Look and say Tom is _ than John. John is _ than Tom.thinner heavier Look, ask and answer 10 years old How old is she? Shes 10 years old. Look, ask and answer How tall is he? Hes 1.38 metres. 1.38 m Look, ask and answer Shes 42 kilograms. 48 kg How heavy is she? Name(名字 ):_ Age(年龄):_ Height(身高):_ weight(体重):_ Hobbies(爱好):_ listen and write Name(名字):_ Age(年龄):_ Height(身高):_ weight(体重):_ Hobbies(爱好):_ Amy 25 years old 1.6 metres 48 kilograms playing ping-pang and swimming Bob 16 years old 1.71 meters 60 kilograms playing basketball and reading books Read and fill in the blanks 1.Im 1.46 m. Youre 1.65 m. Youre _ than me. 2.Im 13 years old. Youre 12 years old. Youre _ than me. 3.My leg is 72 cm long. Your leg is 80 cm long. Your legs are _ than mine. 4.I am 46KG. You are 49KG. I am _ than you. taller younger longer thinner Unit 1 How tall are you? PB Lets learn(P7)教案)教案 教学目标教学目标 1语言技能: (1)能够在情境中正确运用以下词汇:smaller, bigger, thinner, heavier, stronger。 (2)能够使用句型“Youre heavier than me. ”,针对“体重、 长度、大小”进行比较。 21 世纪教育网版权所有 (3)能够使用句型“How heavy are you? Im 52 kilograms.”,询问与回复有关“体重”的问题。【来源:21世纪教育网】 (4)能够完成本课时的其他学习任务。 教学重点教学重点 1句型:Youre heavier than me. How heavy are you? Im 52 kilograms.2-1-c-n-j-y 2词汇:smaller, bigger, thinner, heavier, stronger 教学难点教学难点 词汇与句型在情境中的具体运用。 教学用具教学用具 与本课时相关的课件。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1:Warming up 1Greeting. 师生使用英语打招呼,教师点名,确定参与 上课的人数。 2.Lets enjoy.播放课件,播放 Unit 1 的歌曲视频“My small cat” ,学生看视频,欣赏歌曲,在美妙的音乐节奏中,愉 快地开始本节课。 【版权所有:21 教育】 My small cat My small cat, my small cat. My small cat is smaller than yours. Hes smaller and shorter and younger than yours. My small cat. My big dog, my big dog. My big dog is bigger than yours. Hes bigger and longer and stronger than yours. My big dog. 3Look and say. 学生欣赏完歌曲之后教师继续播放课件, 呈现图片,学生看图,说单词,复习 Unit 1 PA Lets learn 的单 词:taller, shorter, longer, younger, older。 Step 2:Presentation 1.Lets learn. 接下来,教师继续播放课件,教师显示一个 体重秤,通过引导学生猜测老是体重的话题引出单词呈现单词 heavy 和句型 How heavy are you? Im 52 kilograms.然后呈现单 词 bigger 和图片,并通过呈现形容词的原形,进一步学习比较 级,学生了解了词形之后,教师播放音频,学生听音频,跟读 单词,将词汇的音义形结合在一起,以同样的方式学习其他四 个单词:smaller, thinner, heavier, stronger。21 教育网 2.Lets read . 学生学习了新词汇之后教师继续播放课件,点 击音频,学生听音频,跟读单词,锻炼听的能力。21cnjy 3. Look and say. 学生认读单词和句子之后,接下来,教师继 续播放课件,呈现图片和文字提示,学生看图,根据文字提示, 补充句子,并把句子读出来,锻炼理解能力与运用新学词汇的 能力。2 4. Look, ask and answer .教师出示课件,学生根据图片进行 对话练习,分别练习句型:“ How old are you?Im 10 years old.How tall are you ?Im 1.61meters.How heavy are you ?Im 48 kilograms. ” Step 3:Practice 1.listen and write.教师用课件播放两段朋友的录音,让学生 分别根据录音填写这两位朋友的基本信息例如:名字、年龄、 身高、体重、爱好,并请学生起来回答。然后运用比较级的知 识将两位朋友的信息进行比较,看谁更高更重。 2.Read and fill in the blanks .填学生阅读句子,补充句子, 进一步复习与巩固词汇,并训练阅读能力。21*cnjy*com Im 1.46 m. Youre 1.65 m. Youre taller than me. Im 13 years old. Youre 12 years old. Youre younger than me. My leg is 72 cm long. Your leg is 80 cm long. Your legs are longer than mine. I am 1.56 m. You are 1.72 m. I am shorter than you. 3Make a summary. 教师引导学生回顾这节课,学习了什 么?请几个学生说一说,教师帮忙总结。 Sentences: How heavy are you? Im 52 kilograms. Youre heavier than me. Words:smaller bigger thinner heavier stronger Step 4:Homework 1、听录音 5 遍,跟读课文 P 7; 2、练习默写 P7 的单词( 每个 6+3 ) ; 3、将 P7 的内容,背诵给组长听; 4、完成练习册的练习题; 5、预习 P8-9,先用铅笔填练习。 教育名师原创作品 人教版(人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册)小学英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you? PB Lets learn(P7)习题 一、按要求写单词。 1heavy(比较级)_ 2thin(比较级) _ 3big(比较级)_4strong(比较 级)_ 5small(比较级)_ 6strong(对应 词)_ 7small(对应词)_ 8heavy(对应词) _ 9Mike(名词所有格)_ 10fish(复数) _ 二、选择。 ( )1You _ stronger than me. AamBareCis ( )2I _ thinner than you. AamBareCis ( )3- How heavy are you? - _ AIm 13 years old. BIm 1.38 metres.CIm 40 kg. ( )4Mikes fish is 13 cm. Sarahs fish is 20 cm. Mikes fish is _ than Sarahs. AlongerBshorterColder 三、按要求改写句子。 1Youre heavier than me.(翻译句子) _ _ 2Im thinner than you.(同上) _ _ 3Im 52 kilograms.(就划线部分提问) _ _ 4is, heavier, who, you, than (?)(连词成句) _ _ 5Mikes fish, smaller, is, Chen Jies, than (.)(同上)21 世纪 教育网版权所有 _ _ Unit 1 How tall are you? Unit 1 How tall are you? PB Lets learn(P7)习题答案
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