人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:905b1).zip

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Unit 4 Then and now C Story time What did they do last weekend? What were there in the park? There were many forests and a river. There are many forests and buildings. What are there in the park? washed the dishes went fishing went cycling read a story did many things watched TV saw a film What else did you do? What do you think it talked about? cavemen cooking house robot earth whales human The first reading Watch the viedo , answer the questions. 1. Where can you read this story?_ A. In a magazine. B. In an art book. 2. Choose a title for the story. _ A. Changes. B. Heal the world! A A The second-reading Did the cavemen cook their food? Who will help you in 2050? Is it a good change or bad change? What were there on the earth ? What are there on the earth ? How beautiful the earth is! What can we do to protect the earth? Think and tick. Q: What should we do to protect the Earth? (A)Save water. (B)Save energy. (C)Save trees. (F)use too much plastic. We should (E) throw rubbish. We shouldnt What is it like? whale Who did live on the earth first? Are there many whales now? What should we do to protect them? Dont throw rubbish and plastic into the sea. The third reading (Jigsaw reading) Read in groups, fill out the table and retell the story. Item In the past NowIn the future Cooking The Earth Whales They lived on the earth first. There are many things to help you cook. There are more and more buildings. There are not many whales. House robots will cook and wash the dishes. Birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green. They and humans will have a bright future. Cavemen didnt cook. There were many trees and clean river. Dubbing show Design a poster to invite your friends to join your club according to the three parts of the story . Lets design! 1.Cooking club. 2.The earth club. 3.Whales club. Tomorrow will be another day! 1. Tell the story to your famliy and friends. 2. Write a letter to CEPA(中国环境保护 协会)to tell them your advice about protecting the earth. 3.Finish your poster. 4.Read“Protect the earth” again. 学生导学稿 1.Read the passage.(划出如何保护地球的信息)(划出如何保护地球的信息) Protect the earth Save (节省)(节省)water Water is useful.We drink water and use water to clean things every day.In many places,there is not much water.We should not waste(浪费) water.We should reuse (再一次利用)and save it. Save energy Most of our energy(能源)comes from coal (煤)and oil(油).There is not much coal or oil on Earth.We should save energy.We should drive so much because cars use a lot of energy. Save trees Wood(树木) comes from trees.We use wood to make tables,chairs and many other things.We should not cut down(砍伐) too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Dont use too much plastic(塑料塑料) We use plastic to make bags and bottles,but too much plastic is bad for the Earth.We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.We should use paper bags and glass (玻璃)bottles. 2.Read in groups, fill out the table and retell the story. Item In the past NowIn the future CookingCavemen didnt cook. The Earth There were many trees and clean river. Whales 3.Lets design.参考下面模板设计三个俱乐部的海报。参考下面模板设计三个俱乐部的海报。 A.Title(题目): _ Cavemen often _raw meat.They_cook their food. I think it is _for healthy. Now there_many things to help you cook.My friend Robin will cook,clean and _the dishes.Thats very cool.Will you come to join us? Contact ways(联系方式):_(比如 Call Amy 15156231169,) B.Title: _ I am the earth. I was very beautiful. There_many_and_on me .Now,there_more and more_.I am sad. My chidren birds_no homes. Please help me, the birds _have homes and the forests will_ green and _again. Contact ways:_ C. Title: _ I am a whale.I lived _the sea.Now,there _many whales.If humans can protect us,we _have a bright future. Contact ways:_ 4.Ticking time. Ticking time I can understand the story. I can retell the story. I can design the posters. 教学设计教学设计 教学课题教学课题Unit4 Then and now Part C Story time 教材版本教材版本人教版(PEP) 授课年级授课年级六年级下册 课课 时时第六课时 教学内容分析教学内容分析 词汇 cavemen/raw meat/house robots/do the dishes/more and more/earth/human/whale/bright future 句型1、There were 2、There are 3、They will 教学内容教学内容 文本 教材分析教材分析 1、 本故事是六年级下册第四单元最后一个部分,是一般过去时、一般现在、一 般将来时的三种时态的有效运用,使学生能串联本单元知识进行语言输出。 2、 本故事语境是 Zoom 和 Zip 在看杂志,边看边进行交流。故事主要通过人类 烹煮方式、地球环境以及鲸鱼古今未来的变化,复习巩固并拓展本单元所学 的核心语言,同时补充一些跨学科的历史、生物知识,培养学生保护环境的 意识。 学情分析学情分析 1、 经过前面三个单元的学习,学生已经掌握了一般过去式的核心句型,并能在 语境中理解过去发生的事物。 2、 经过四年的英语学习,学生已经有基本的语言词汇、英语思维、阅读技能, 教师在教学时注意以学生为主,以旧引新、注重知识的综合运用。 整体设整体设 计思路计思路 读前活动读前活动 读中活动读中活动 读后活动读后活动 语言能力 1、 学生通过阅读趣味故事复习巩固本单元所学的语言。 2、 增加语言的输入。 3、 学生能够复述、表演故事,对语言进行综合输出。 文化意识 1、 教育学生爱护地球、保护环境、珍惜现在的美好生活。 2、 教育学生要树立正确的世界观、价值观和人生观。 教学目标教学目标 思维品质 学生能够探索变化的前因后果,了解事实和观点的不同,继而培养学 生的逻辑思维、分辨性思维、理解性思维、应用性思维、交际性思维、 创新思维。 2.谈话导入故事内容 1、复习相关词组,激发学生学 习兴趣。 1.看故事动画,初步理解故事。2深入理解故事。 3分组阅读故事、核对信息、 学习故事、复述故事。 4.理解故事内容,给故事配音。 2. 结合自我感受,升华故事主题。 1.制作保护地球的海报。 3、图片阅读:预测、质疑。教授相关词汇,为本文的 学习扫清语言障碍。 学习能力 1、 能在教师的帮助下阅读文本,理解故事大概意思。 2、 能理解并朗读故事。 3、 能根据教材及相关课外知识把三种事物古今未来的变化编成三个 小语段介绍。 4、 能掌握阅读策略和阅读技巧。 教学重点教学重点能够理解故事内容。 教学难点教学难点1、 能根据图片进行解说。 2、 能够根据故事的三个部分设计海报。 教学方法教学方法设疑教学法、任务型活动途径、情境教学法。设疑教学法、任务型活动途径、情境教学法。 教具准备教具准备PPT、Wordcards 教学流程教学流程 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学目的教学目的 1. Greeting What did they do last weekend? (用自己带学生上周旅游的照片 引起话题) 看图片,回答问题 师生之间良好的沟通有 助于缓解紧张气氛。 Step1 Warm-up 2. Free talk. 看图片,回答公园里以前有什么 现在有什么。 Answer the questions. 1、 激活 There were There are为下文学 习做好铺垫。 2、 教师用思维导图的 方式帮助学生回忆单 词,介绍自己周末干 了什么,导入新课 Step2 阅读前阅读前 Show the story. (出示没有文字的故事,让学生 猜故事内容。) T:What can you see? Please guess what happened? 猜故事内容 1、检测学生不认识的 单词,为下文学习 做好语言铺垫。 2、激发学生学习兴趣, 培养学生的口语表 达能力、交际性思 维和创新思维。 1.The first reading. Watch the viedo again and answer the two questions. 1. Where can you most probably read this story?_ A. In a magazine. B. In an art book. 2. Choose a title for the story. _ A. Changes. B. Heal the world! 看故事动画,加深理 解。 看故事动画有利于学生 更好地感知故事,加深 对故事的理解,问题的 设计也从整体出发,培 养学生概括总结的能力。 2.The second reading. a.呈现故事第一部分,设计两 个问题。 b.Did the cavemen cook their food? Who will help you in 2050? c.呈现故事第二部分,设计两 个问题。 What were there on the earth ? What are there on the earth now? How to protect the earth? d.出示 whales 图片,让学生描述 whales,并看一则小海豚被环境 污染致死的视频,询问原因。 e.呈现故事第三部分,设计三个问 题。 Who did live on the earth first? Are there many whales now? How to protect the whales? 1.看、听故事第一、 二、三部分,思考回 答问题。 (学生阅读译林版六 年级上册的 Protect the earth,思考如何 保护地球) 2.看海鲸图片和视频, 思考原因,并想想怎 么做? 1.从故事内容猜测导入 故事第一部分故事,再 由诉说其他改变导入故 事的第二部分内容最后 由大家导入第三部分内容。 2、每个部分设计了两个问 题,检测学生对文本理解的 程度,同时培养学生理解性 思维、逻辑推理能力、分辨 性思维。 3看海鲸的图片,更能激 起学生内心想要拯救地球的 情感,渗透环境保护的教育。 3.The third reading . 拼图式阅读,分三组开展阅读, 填写表格,复述故事。 小组活动,填写表格, 复述故事 有利于学生快速找出答 案,降低难度,复述故 事,培养学生的语言表 达和概括总结的能力。 Step2. 阅读中阅读中 4.Dubbing show (选择角色配音) 1 根据角色分为三 组集体配音。 2 根据角色单独配 音 1. 培养学生的读书兴趣。 2. 代入角色更能体会故 事的意义。 Step3. 阅读后阅读后 1.Design three posters。 根据故事的三个部分分为三组设 计海报,把保护地球、保护环境 的意识落实到实际上来并进行展 示介绍. 2.Ticking time. 分为三组设计海报, 展示介绍海报,完成 自我评价。 根据故事内容设计海报, 一是培养学生动手设计 能力。 二是培养学生写的能力 和应用性思维。 三是渗透环保意识。 自我评价有效检测学生 的掌握程度。 作业设计作业设计 (学以致用) 板书设计板书设计
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