湘鲁版六年级下册Unit 2 Is she your mum's favourite singer -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:00449).zip

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    • The Worlds Greatest Mums!.pptx--点击预览
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    • 教案00449.docx--点击预览
    • 课文动画.mp4
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I like coffee, I like tea.I like coffee, I like tea. noodlesnoodlesnoodlesnoodles shopshopshopshop blueblue applesapples The Worlds Greatest Mums! My mum is a teacher. She is very kind and clever. She likes music and she is a good singer. Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite fruit are apples. She is the worlds greatest mum! k k k kind and ind and ind and ind and cleverclevercleverclever My mum is very pretty. She likes dresses and hats. Her favourite colour is red. She is a doctor and works in a hospital. She helps people when they are ill. My mums favourite fruit are bananas. I love my mum! I have the best mum in the world. She helps me with my homework and she is a good friend. She loves oranges and her favourite colour is yellow. She works in a factory. She works very hard. She is always kind to me. I want to be like my mum! Have an investigation.Have an investigation. When is your Mums birthday? My mums birthday is _. Whats your Mums favourite colour? My mums favourite colour is _. Whats your Mums favourite fruit? My mums favourite fruit are _. Whats your Mums favourite star? My mums favourite star is _. I love mumI love mum Try to sayTry to say 第第 2 课时课时 教学目标教学目标 1能用学过的词语和句型谈论和描述母亲。 2能听懂并会用Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite fruit are apples. Is that her favourite fruit? Yes, it is. 等句型进行描述和问答对话。 3培养学生善于和恰当表达对母亲感恩的情感。 教学重难点教学重难点 词汇: greatest hat 句型: Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite fruit are apples. Andys mum likes apples. Is that her favourite fruit? Yes, it is. 教学活动教学活动 分享母爱(Share mothers love) 。将学生分成小组,每个人都谈谈母亲平时为自 己所做的事情,并重点谈谈哪些事情最让自己感动。 课前准备课前准备 教师课前需要准备一块小蛋糕、音频和单词卡片。 教学过程教学过程 Step1. Warm up and greetings. Step2. Lead in. 从 Free Talk 到老师心情好是因为有蛋糕,由 My favorite food is. 到老师 的妈妈爱好的事物,介绍老师的妈妈导入课题。 Step3Teaching process: (1)让学生浏览Listen, read and write的内容,先大致了解内容(描述自己的母 亲) ,知道其大意。来源:学*科*网 (2)向学生布置“任务” ,让学生带着“任务”去听Listen, read and write的录 音,注意分别听到了哪几个人,他们分别怎样描述自己的母亲,并进行要点摘 记。 (要求学生边听边记录,以使他们养成记笔记的好习惯。 )来源:学,科,网 来源:学科(3)在学生基本听懂的基础上,进一步朗读短文内容。朗读可以采 用跟录音读、教师带读、学生齐读,或分组轮流朗读等形式。 (4)在学生熟读基础上,让学生根据短文内容,在表格中分别填写上Andys mum, Amys mum和Wang Lis mum分别喜欢什么水果、颜色和她们工作的地方。 (学生写过后,教师可以让学生对所写内容相互核对。 ) 语言点解释 在英语中,形容词的最高级形式通常是在形容词后加-est或在形容词前加 most构成,如greatgreatest, bigbiggest, importantmost important, beautifulmost beautiful等。 在最高级前面,习惯用定冠词the。例如:She is the worlds greatest mum! Zhou Lin is the cleverest pupil in our class. hat一般指带沿的帽子或礼帽,cap多指前面带帽舌的帽子(如棒球帽) 。 在I have the best mum in the world.一句中,best是good的最高级形式,这是一 个形容词变最高级的不规则变化形式。来源:学科网 like既可以作动词,也可以作介词。例如:来源:Zxxk.Com She likes music and she is a good singer. (like是动词) I want to be like my mum! (like是介词) 2Output: (1)让学生两人一组,仿照Pair work中的句型Andys mum likes apples. Is that her favourite fruit? Yes, it is. 双方轮流进行表述和问答对话练习。 (表述和对话内 容可以适当扩充,所用句型也不必完全局限于Pair work中的句型。 ) (2)将学生分成小组,每个人都谈谈母亲平时为自己所做的事情,并重点谈谈 哪些事情最让自己感动。小组成员彼此谈论母爱、回忆母爱、分享母爱。 教学反思 本节课主要是复习、巩固和扩充前面所学内容,符合“点面结合,不断复 现”的教学指导思想。通过“听” “读” “写” “说”等任务引领学习活动,有 利于学生综合语言能力的培养和提高,能够有效实现教学目标。最后一个情感 陪护,爱妈妈,关心妈妈。
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