2019新人教版 高中英语 必修第三册同步强化训练 期中考试模块提速练(含答案).docx

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1、考前强化提速练考前强化提速练 . 阅读理解 A There it was. A test of willpower. Im on a special diet with foods carefully selected for balanced nutrition and caloric value. A piece of cheese cake is not an option. So here was my dilemma:Should I not eat the cheese cake, feel dissatisfied and take out my frustration on t

2、he annoyingly skinny physical instructor at the gym? Or should I eat the cheese cake and work off the calories? The latter seemed like a win-win solution. Not only would I get to enjoy the cheese cake, but Id get an exercise session. And then it hit me:a delicate plan to use my cheese cake as an exe

3、rcise incentive. I plated a thin slice of cheese cake and carefully walked it up the stairs and set it on my bedside table with a small fork. I put on my exercise outfit and went downstairs. The appeal of the cheese cake got stronger so I launched my plan:I would run up and down the stairs and then

4、back up again. My reward:one small bite of cheese cake. If I wanted another, Id have to run down and up and down and up again. Off I went. Ah, creamy vanilla goodness without guilt. I wanted another bite so I quickly sprinted through another stair climbing run. Admittedly, it is harder to enjoy the

5、creaminess of the cheese cake when my tongue was dry from over-breathing. I placed a bottle of water next to the cake. Down and up and down and up again. When I struggled over to the cheese cake, my hand bypassed the plate and went for the water instead. I didnt want the cake any more. I wanted all

6、this sweat and effort to do more than cancel the calories from cheese cake. I was exhausted and sure the cheese cake tasted fine but just not good enough to make me run up and down the stairs one more time. My plan worked. Now, any time I felt tempted to indulge in a former favorite, I remembered my

7、 stairs trick. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者非常在意食物的营养和热量值均衡, 面对美味的奶酪蛋 糕时, 作者陷入了两难的境地。后来, 她想到一个巧妙的计划, 用奶酪蛋糕作为锻炼的动力, 通过反复的操作后, 作者感觉奶酪蛋糕的诱惑没有开始那么大了, 不想再吃蛋糕了。现在, 每当她想沉溺于以前的最爱, 她就想起了那个计划。 1What does the underlined word “incentive” in Paragraph 2 mean? AMotivation.BExcuse. CSubstitute.DCompanion. 答案A 解析词义猜测题。 根据第三段中的“M

8、y reward: one small bite of cheese cake. (我的奖励是: 一小口奶酪蛋糕)”可推知, 画线词所在句意为“然后我突然想到了一个巧妙的计划:用奶 酪蛋糕作为锻炼的激励”。故选 A。 2What do we learn about the authors plan? AIt involved much energy consumption. BIt rid the cake of the pleasant taste. CIt changed the authors preference for food. DIt was exhausting and cau

9、sed suffering. 答案A 解析细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段中的“I wanted all this sweat and effort to do. . . . the stairs one more time. (我希望所有的汗水和努力不仅仅是抵消奶酪蛋糕的热量。我筋疲力尽了, 肯 定奶酪蛋糕味道不错, 但还不足以让我再一次在楼梯上跑上跑下)”可知, 作者的这个计划, 消耗了她很多热量, 把她累坏了。故选 A。 3What may be the best title for the passage? AA Costly Dilemma. BAn Evil Cheese Cake.

10、CATrick That Worked. DA Sweating Experience. 答案C 解析标题归纳题。 根据第二段中的“And then it hit me: a delicate plan to use my cheese cake as an exercise incentive. (然后我想到了一个巧妙的计划:用奶酪蛋糕作为锻炼的激励)”及最 后一段中的“My plan worked. (我的计划奏效了)”可知, 作者主要介绍了自己面对饮食诱惑 时想到的一个巧妙的计划。由此可知, C 项(一个有效的窍门)适合做本文最佳标题。故选 C。 B Imagine possessing

11、 something that you loved so much. Imagine what it would feel like if you lost it. While that item may be something as simple as a toy, you would still feel very upset, but you could replace it with a new one. Now imagine losing something that you depend on for survival and cannot be replaced. That

12、is what it would be like if we lost the natural environment around us. Firstly, I believe the environment should be protected because it supports human life. One of the largest examples is that we get all of our food and drinks from the environment. If the environment were to be destroyed beyond rev

13、ival, then the human race would be over in months. Scientists have to find another planet with similar conditions to the Earth, and if its found, we dont have the technology to get to that planet in time. Secondly, I believe that the environment serves as an amazing educational tool for students. Wh

14、en I was in second grade, I had an absolute interest in animals. When we had a field trip to the Daggerwing Nature Center, I was very excited. When we got there, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a bridge to get to the main building, and under the bridge was a small swamp(沼泽) with

15、turtles, fish, and my personal favorite, alligators. I was so surprised that I almost ran into the tour guide. We walked into the building and saw various animals in their habitats. I was so inspired by this visit. Six years later, I have taken an animal behavior class for three weeks. Meeting by ch

16、ance with the environment can inspire people, and if preserved, it will continue to inspire people. In conclusion, the environment is so valuable because it cant be replaced, keeps us alive, and serves as a great educational tool. 语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。作者用最心爱的东西比喻环境的重要性, 接着从两个方面来论 述环境的重要性:环境是人们生存的保障, 是无法取代的;

17、环境也是一个很有价值的教育工具。 4The first paragraph leads to the theme of the text by. Adescribing a process Bpresenting differences Canalyzing causes Dshowing similarities 答案D 解析推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后两句可知, 作者用失去最心爱的东西来比喻我们失 去赖以生存的环境。因此判断出作者是以比喻类似的东西来引出话题的。故选 D 项。 5The underlined word “revival” in Paragraph 2 refers to

18、“” AhealthBrecovery CrangeDsurvival 答案B 解析词义猜测题。根据画线词后半句“then the human race would be over in months”可知, 前半句意指“环境遭到极为严重的破坏, 无法恢复”。因此可以推测, beyond revival 意思为 “无法恢复, 不可挽回”, revival 意思为“恢复”。故选 B 项。 6Whats the function of Paragraph 3? ATo express the writers absolute interest in animals. BTo introduce t

19、he Daggerwing Nature Centers scenery. CTo show the environment can inspire and educate people. DTo prove the subject he has chosen is promising. 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知, 作者讲述了自己二年级时到自然中心实地考察的 经历。正是这次实地考察让作者深受鼓舞, 后来选修动物行为课。作者认为环境对学生来说 是一个神奇的教育工具。因此判断出在第三段中作者表明环境可以教育、激励人们。故选 C 项。 7Which of the following

20、 can be the best title for the text? AWhy the Environment Is So Important? BWhich Planet Can Replace the Earth? CHow People Should Protect the Environment? DWhat People Can Do to Stop Pollution? 答案A 解析标题归纳题。根据文章最后一段内容可知, 作者认为环境是如此珍贵, 因为它是不可 替代的, 是人类生存的保障, 并且是了不起的教育工具。因此作者是在论述环境的重要性。 文章标题应为“环境为什么很重要?

21、”故选 A 项。 . 七选五 Here are some easy steps for you to stay safe and secure on the Internet. 1Never give out your full name, address and phone number, unless it is a safe site or it is a well-known site. Protect your money. Do not give out your card information unless it is a secure site. You can tell i

22、f the site is safe by looking at the lower pan of your screen.2If it is locked, the site is secure. “Unlocked” means that you should not give a card number. Dont believe “Get Rich Quick!” If it sounds too good to be trueit is! If you get an e-mail that says you can make thousands of dollars in a few

23、 days, it isnt true. Most likely it will cost you in the end.3 Agood virus scan(杀毒软件)Update your virus scan.4When you buy a virus scan, it may have been on the shelves for months, so you need to update it frequently. 5Do not open e-mail attachments(附件) that are programs. Receiving these programs in

24、e-mail is harmless, but opening and running them can be dangerous. AThere is a small lock. BStay away from these offers! CNew viruses come out daily. DThere are always some unsafe sites. EProtect yourself from dangerous e-mail viruses. FDont give out personal information. GKeep your main e-mail addr

25、ess private. 语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章提供了几条安全上网的建议。 1答案F 解析根据空格处后一句“Never give out your full name, address and phone number”可知, 作者建议不要随意公布自己的全名、住址和电话这些个人信息。故选 F。 2答案A 解析根据后半句“If it is locked, the site is secure. Unlocked means that you should not give a card number. (如果它被锁定, 则站点是安全的。“解锁”意味着你不应该给卡号)”可 知, 在屏幕下方有

26、个锁定图标。故选 A。 3答案B 解析根据前文“If you get an e-mail that says you can make thousands of dollars in a few days, it isnt true. Most likely it will cost you in the end. ”可知, 不要相信快速致富的工作邀约, 这些很有可能会让你有所损失。所以应该远离这些邀约。故选 B。 4答案C 解析根据前一句“Update your virus scan. ”可知, 作者建议更新杀毒软件, 由此推测新病 毒是每天都会出现的。故选 C。 5答案E 解析根据后文“R

27、eceiving these programs in e-mail is harmless, but opening and running them can be dangerous. ”可知, 打开某些电子邮件的附件是很危险的, 应远离这些危险的电子邮 件病毒, 故选 E。 . 语法填空 RealCine is unlike an ordinary film. The technology 1.it is virtual reality. When you see the film, it 2.(excite) all your five senses. It can make you f

28、eel you are a character in the film. When you see the film 3.(set) in the Himalayas, you can not only feel every step of climbing a mountain 4.also experience the cold, smells, sights, and sounds of the 5.(surround) environment. In order to make you feel that you are actually in the film, special he

29、adsets 6.(design) to enable you to see the whole world of 3D animation and hear the sound clearly. The direction 7.you want to go is indicated by the movements of the headset. And these movements are monitored 8.(continue) as you move around inside the film. Smells are given out 9.the small opening

30、in the headsets. Both the headsets and the gloves 10.(connect) to computer network in the VR studio. 语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了 Realcine 电影背后的科技应用, 使得观众有身 临其境的感觉。 1答案behind 解析考查介词。句意为:它背后的技术是虚拟现实。分析句子可知, 空前为名词, 空后为 代词, 中间缺少介词。结合句意可知, 应用介词 behind。 2答案excites 解析考查动词时态和主谓一致。分析句子可知, 所填空应是句中的谓语, 结合文章时态应 是一般现在时,

31、 主语“it”为第三人称单数, 谓语应用第三人称单数形式。故填 excites。 3答案set 解析考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知, 所填空应是之前名词 the film 的后置定语, 与之为 被动关系, 应用过去分词形式。be set in 以为背景;以为场景。故填 set。 4答案but 解析考查连词和固定句式。句意为:当你看以喜马拉雅山为背景的电影时, 你不仅能感受 到登山的每一步, 还能感受到周围环境的寒冷、 气味、 风景和声音。 not only. . . but also. . . 不 仅而且。故填 but。 5答案surrounding 解析考查词性转换。所填空应是形容词, 修饰之

32、后的名词 environment。故填 surrounding。 6答案are designed 解析考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:为了让你感觉你真的在电影里, 特制的耳机被设计 出来, 让你能看到整个 3D 动画世界, 并清晰地听到声音。 所填空应是句中的谓语, 时态为一 般现在时, 且与主语“special headsets”之间为被动关系。故填 are designed。 7答案where 解析考查定语从句。此处是定语从句, 先行词在从句中作地点状语, 用关系副词 where 引 导。 8答案continuously 解析考查词性转换。此处是副词作状语修饰谓语“are monitored”。故填 continuously。 9答案through 解析考查介词。句意为:气味通过耳机上的小孔散发出来。分析句子可知, 所填空之后为 名词短语, 结合句意可知应填介词 through“通过”。 10答案are connected 解析考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意为:耳机和手套都与 VR 工作室的电脑网络 相连。分析句子可知, 所填空应是句中的谓语, 时态为一般现在时, 并与主语之间为被动关 系, 且主语为复数。故填 are connected。


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