人教pep版五年级下册英语Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:1001c).zip

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Seasons in Canada Recycle 1 ski (滑雪) watch the flowers grow Task 1 Look, listen and answer Tips: 快速浏览全文,画出关键词。 (Read quickly, underline the key words.) Task 2 Read and tick ()or cross(). Tips: 遇到生词,可以联系上下 文猜测意思。 (Try to guess new words) 1、Whats this passage about? (文章谈论了什么话题?) 2、Where is Mike from? Task 1 Look, listen and answer ( ) 1、Mike can swim in the sea in summer. ( )2、 In Canada it often snows in spring. ( )3、 Its hard to plant flowers in the rain in spring Task 2 ReadRead andand ticktick ( ()or)or cross(cross(). ). I love summer! In summer, the weather is usually hot, and I can swim in the sea. Spring is beautiful, but in Canada it often rains. And it is hard(难的) to plant flowers in the rain. I love my garden! It is so nice to watch the flowers grow(生长). In autumn I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn “fall” ? It usually snows in winter in Canada. Sometimes it snows here in Beijing, too. When it snows, I can ski. I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do. Task 3 ReadRead andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. Im Mike. Im from Canada. In autumn, I can (1) _ apples and watch the leaves (2)_. In winter, I can (3)_. I love four (4)_. They are all (5)_. Task 3 ReadRead andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. pick fallski beautifulseasons Task 4 ReadRead,answeranswer andand writewrite What can Mike do in the four seasons in Canada? He can swim in summer. He can watch the flowers grow in spring. He can pick apples and watch the leaves in fall. He can ski in winter. TIPS: 根据问题,画出文重点句根据问题,画出文重点句型。型。(Find key sentences with the question.) Task 5 Group work: Design the cards of our seasons. _ in Anqing Tips: Enjoy the seasons! Enjoy our life! (享受四季,享受生活!) Homework:Homework: CollectCollect photosphotos ofof youryour ownown aboutabout differentdifferent seasons.seasons. TalkTalk aboutabout them.them. (收集你自己不同季节的照片,用收集你自己不同季节的照片,用 学过的句型说一说。学过的句型说一说。) ThankThank youyou forfor youryour listeninglistening ! ! See you ! 1 PEPPEP 5B5B RecycleRecycle 1 1 SeasonsSeasons inin CanadaCanada Teaching Plan 2 Read the school report on the seasons by Mike. 教学设计 课文标题:Seasons in Canada (Read and Write) 自选课题 Seasons in Canada I love summer! In summer, the weather is usually very hot, and I can swim in the sea. Spring is beautiful, but in Canada it often rains. And it is hard to plant flowers in the rain. I love my garden! It is so nice to watch the flowers grow. In autumn I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn “fall”? It usually snows in winter in Canada. Sometimes it snows here in Beijing, too. When it snows, I can ski. I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do. 3 教材版本:PEP Primary English 授课年级:Grade 5 一、整体设计思路 本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经开始接触英语短文的阅读,大部 分学生具有初步的听、说、读、写能力,但还不能独立完成较长语篇的阅读。 我探索着在教学中运用多种教学方法,如情境教学法、整体语言教学法、任务 型教学途径等,帮助学生逐渐理解短文。本课我根据教学内容和学生的年龄特 征、认知规律,主要设计了六个任务,由浅入深、由易到难培养学生的思维能 力和阅读能力。本课的教学思路为:激趣导入激趣导入-整体阅读整体阅读-分步阅读分步阅读-回归整体回归整体-拓拓 展延伸展延伸。 二、教学目标 1情感目标:激发学生热爱四季、享受生活的美好情感。 2知识目标:能够用英语介绍四季中所开展的活动。 3能力目标: 1)灵活运用句型表述自己在不同季节可以做的事情。 2)培养学生自主学习和小组合作的能力。 三、教学重点难点 重点:运用句型 In I can 难点:能正确表达在不同季节可以做的事情。 四、教学过程 StepsActivitiesPurposes 4 1. Greetings.拉近师生距离,导入新课。 Pre-reading 2. Brainstorm. Draw some pictures to review the seasons. Then talk about them. Board design: spring watch the flowers grow summer swim autumn pick apples (fall) watch the leaves fall winter ski 通过简笔画创设情境,采 用情境教学法,复习季节, 引导学生谈论四季的天气 和四季中开展的活动 (brainstorm,培养学生发 散思维能力) ,自然导入短 文中的生词,为后面的短 文阅读做好铺垫。 Task 1: Look, listen and answer. Answer the questions. Q1: Whats this passage about? Q2: Where is Mike from? TIPS: 快速浏览全文,画出关键 词。(Read quickly, underline the key words.) 通过听、看文本的方式, 整体感知,巧妙利用任务 一“问答” ,出示课题,渗 透阅读技巧,帮助学生掌 握阅读策略。 Task 2: Read the first two paragraphs. Then tick or cross. TIPS: 遇到生词,可以联系上下文猜测 意思。(Try to guess new words.) 从总到分,让学生自主阅 读一、二自然段,通过任 务二“判断练习” ,检查学 生对文章的理解程度,引 导学生自主思考问题。 While-reading Task 3: 阅读三到五自然段,通过 5 Read from the third to the fifth paragraph and fill in the blanks. 任务三“填空” ,检查学生 掌握情况。 Task 4: Read, answer and write: What can Mike do in the four seasons in Canada? TIPS: 根据问题,画出文重点句 型。(Find key sentences with the question.) 由分到总,让学生再次阅 读整篇文本,完成任务四, 通过任务四“回答问题” , 让学生再次巩固对文本的 理解,开发学生思维。 Task 5: Enjoy the seasons of Anqing. 放映图片,让学生欣赏家 乡安庆四季美景,培养学 生热爱家乡的情感。在听 的基础上提出两个问题, 发展学生的理解能力。 Task 6: Design the cards of our seasons. _ in Anqing 结合本课内容和学生生活 实际,设计任务:分组制 作介绍安庆四季的卡片, 学以致用,培养学生动手、 动脑的能力和小组合作的 能力。激发学生热爱四季、 享受生活的美好情感。 Post-reading Homework: Collect photos of different places about different seasons. Talk about them. 将话题延伸到课下,通过 作业巩固所学内容,培养 学生在生活中运用英语的 能力。 板书设计:板书设计: 6 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课我在 Pre-reading 中本着以旧引新的英语教学原则,通过复习四季的 天气和季节词,让学生运用句型:In I can 来复习在四季可以做的事情。 由此顺理成章的学习新的活动词组。在 While-reading 环节,对课文的处理是以 读为本,通过默读默读、精读精读、听指读听指读、学生自由读学生自由读和示范读示范读来处理的,在读的环 节中渗透阅读策略。最后 Post-reading 通过分组制作介绍各地四季的卡片,综合 了所学句型,学以致用,培养学生动手、动脑的能力和小组合作的能力。让学 生在活动中学习,既能使学生复习新知,又使学生感受到完成任务后的喜悦。 也能将课堂气氛推向了高潮。整节课的设置环环相扣,过渡自然,较好的完成 了教学目标。 在本节课中,我结合五年级学生的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,运用了多种教学 方法,巧妙的设计了一系列教学活动,让学生在玩中学,学中用,快乐的体验 和运用所学语言。整节课主要体现了以下几个特点: 1 1联系生活实际,注重情景创设,开展丰富多彩的活动联系生活实际,注重情景创设,开展丰富多彩的活动 本节课利用简笔画创设情境,用猜一猜、读一读、说一说等活动开展教学。 学生在宽松、浓厚的英语学习氛围中,参与到活动中,完成了教师预设的教学 任务。较好的达到了教学目标,具有实效性。 2 2体现任务型教学,学生为主体,教师为主导体现任务型教学,学生为主体,教师为主导 在这节课中,设计 6 个任务,让学生发挥学习主动性。课文中出现的新词 组我并没有全部在呈现部分讲解,而是让学生在阅读的问题中体会、理解、掌 握新词。这样就实现了“被动学”到“主动学”的转变。 3 3密切联系生活,注重情感教育密切联系生活,注重情感教育 7 最后 Post Reading 中通过欣赏黄山美景,设计各地四季卡片,到收集不同 地区四季照片,激发学生热爱四季、享受生活的美好情感。把情感教育和教学 有机结合起来。 我在本节课努力体现“兴趣开路 任务推进 学会学习”的英语学习方式,主 张英语学习兴趣优先,学习活动化,活动生活化,变学会为会学,主动发展, 促进学生 Read for fun,read for information,read for writing。
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