人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 1 My day-B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:766a2).zip

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Unit 1 My day Unit1_My_weekend_歌曲动画.swf Part B Read and write When do you .? I .at .oclock a.m./p.m. What do you do on the weekend? always often usually sometimes with.on Saturdays. Sundays. the weekends. Read and write Robins play Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him. My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins. letter信件 Play 剧本 island 岛屿 cave 山洞 Read and write Robins play Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him. My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins. 1. 1. WhereWhere doesdoes RobinsonRobinson live?live? 2.2. WhosWhos RobinsonsRobinsons friend?friend? 3.3. WhatWhat doesdoes RobinsonRobinson dodo onon anan island?island? HeHe liveslives inin anan island.island. HesHes Friday.Friday. GetGet up,up, washwash hishis face,face, eateat breakfast,breakfast, cleanthecleanthe cave,cave, gogo swimming,swimming, playplay sports.sports. Tick or cross. Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning. ( ) Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays. ( ) Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon. ( ) Write a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often do every day. Dear Robinson, My name is _. I live in_. I often_ and _. In the afternoon , I_ with _. I hope you can get off your island soon. Yours, _ Lets Play 由一人阅读课文,另一 人扮演Robinson,在读 者的引读下利用道具还 原Robinson在孤岛上的 生活状态。 Bye ! Boys & girls ! 1 / 7 Unit1 Read and wrie 教学设计教学设计 一、一、目标依据目标依据 依据新课标,要求小学四年级学生能对 英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据 教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情。 能做简单的角色扮演;对所学内容能主动复 习和归纳;积极运用所学英语进行表达和交 流;敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误;能体会 到英语学习的乐趣;积极与他人合作,共同 完成学习任务。 二、教材分析教材分析 这是本单元的第六课时中的 read and write 部分。重在复习本单元重点内容:表示 日常活动的短语动词;询问并回答他人日常 活动与安排,自主理解短文内容。 2 / 7 三、学情分析三、学情分析 在本单元前五课时中,学生已经学习了 表示日常活动的短语动词及如何询问并回答 他人日常活动与安排,本课时重在复习、练 习并检测重点内容。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1. 能够在图片和语境的帮助下读懂信件,并 且能够以信件为基础,运用本单元所学重点 内容。 2. 能听、说、认读单词“play”, “letter”, “live”, “island”, “always”, “cave”, “win”和词组“go swimming”。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 1. 重点:能熟练地运用本单元所学词汇、句 型进行交流。 3 / 7 2. 难点:读懂信件并回信。 六、教学评价六、教学评价 1. 通过图片及语境的帮助认读重点句子,并 进行口头表达。 (检测目标 1 的达成情况) 2. 通过语境及教师讲解听、说、认读单词。 (检测目标 2 的达成情况) 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1. 师生相互问候; 2. 教师播放本单元歌曲“My weekend”,学生 跟唱; 男女生比赛唱歌曲。 Step 2:Presentation 1. 出示本课 A Lets learn/B Lets learn 情景图 片,复习单词。 2. 通过师生问答及介绍复习重点句型。参考 4 / 7 重点句型: When do you .? I at a.m./p.m./At oclock. What do you do on ? I often/usually/always/sometimes . Step 3:Practice 1. 介绍短文背景:Do you remember Robin? He is a robot. Now Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him. Lets read the letter and know something about his play. (3) 教师播放本部分录音,学生了解信件的 大致内容; (4) 请学生自己读信件,找出不认识的单词 和词组,教师在课件上出示新单词“play”, “letter”, “live”, “island”, “always”, “cave”, 5 / 7 “win”和词组“go swimming”,播放录音,学 生跟读并稍作讲解。 (5) 教师再次播放本部分录音,学生根据录 音内容,判断书上句子正()误()。 Answers: (6)Write a letter to Robinson. 学生根据课本上所给的提示,给鲁滨孙写 一封信,介绍自己每天经常做的事情。 学生先在小组内阅读自己写的信件,然后 教师请一两位小组代表阅读信件,其他学生 点评。 (7)Lets play 以三个学生为一组,一人扮演旁白,一人扮 演 Robinson,另一人扮演 Friday.在旁白的导 6 / 7 读下,完成 Robins Play 的喜剧表演。 Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本单元所学的词汇和句型, 鼓励学生提出问题。 Step 5: Homework 1. 登陆优教同步学习网,观看课文动画,能 按照正确的语音、语调朗读表演课文对话。 (所有学生) 2. 运用 Lets talk 中的重点句型与朋友对话。 (基础较好学生) 3. 登陆优教同步学习网,在“同步学习”下 预习 Unit 2 A Lets talk。 (所有学生) 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit1 When do you .? 7 / 7 I at a.m./p.m./At oclock. What do you do on ? I often/usually/always/sometimes .
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