人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 1 My day-B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:a2f71).zip

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Unit one My day Lets chant clean my room 打扫我的房间 I always/sometimes clean my room on the weekend. clean the classroom clean the blackboard clean the teachers desk clean the floor clean the car go shopping 去购物 My mother often goes shopping . go swimming go+ doing 去做. go fishing go shopping go for a walk 去散步 I often go for a walk with my friends on Sundays. go for a picnic go for a holiday go for a walk 去散步 go for +(a)某些名词 去做某事 去野餐 去度假 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课上舞蹈课 = have a dancing class take a photo/picture take a shower take a trip 照相 洗澡 旅行 often sometimes 经常 有时候 always 总是 事情发生的大致频率 90% 60% 30% often always sometimes I always/often/sometimes.with.on the weekend. He/She always/often/sometimes.with.on the weekend. Little reporter(小记者) What do you do on the weekend? My weekend My name is Sarah. I always get up early in the morning. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. I often read books and go shopping with my mother. In the afternoon, I do my homework. I often clean my room in the evening. Sometimes I cook dinner. 1. Please circle the verb phrases.(请圈出动词短语) 2.Tick or cross. Sarah always gets up late in the morning. ( ) Sarah often goes shopping with her mother. ( ) Sarah does her homework in the evening. ( ) 3. Sarah wants to know your weekend. Can you tell her? Summary Can you make a summary? (你能告诉大家,这节课都学了什么吗? ) 1. 掌握了有关活动的动词短语 clean my room go shopping go for a walk take a dancing class 3. 学会了询问和回答周末做什么的句型 What do you do on the weekend? I always/usually/often/sometimes . 2. 初步了解频率副词如always, often, sometimes的使用。 Homework Make a picture book of My Weekend. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. Text My Weekend My name is Sarah. I always get up early in the morning. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. I often read books and go shopping with my mother. In the afternoon, I do my homework. I often wash my clothes in the evening. Sometimes I cook dinner. 1. Please circle the verb phrases.(请圈出动词短语请圈出动词短语) 2. Tick or cross. Sarah always get up late in the morning. ( ) Sarah often go shopping with her mother. ( ) Sarah does her homework in the evening. ( ) 3. Sarah wants to know your weekend. Can you tell her? My name is_. I always _ _ _ in the morning. I _, and then I _. I often _and _. In the afternoon I_. I _ In the evening. Sometimes I _. PEP 小学英语年级下册小学英语年级下册 Unit 1 Part B Lets learn 一、课时学习总目标:一、课时学习总目标: 1能够听、说、读、写四个关于周末生活的词组:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class 。 2能够熟练运用上述词组,描述周末的活动。 3能够体会和理解频度副词:always,often,sometimes。 二、课时教学详细目标:二、课时教学详细目标: 语言技能语言技能 1.能借助图片、手势听懂简单的话语。| k |B| 1 . c| O |m 2.能根据图片、词语的提示,写出简短的语句。 3.能认读所学短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class 4.能就周末安排做简单对话交流。X 语言知识语言知识 1.词汇:能听、说、读、写 clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class 四个 词汇,并能初步运用这些词汇表达日常活动。 2.能听、说、认读句子:What do you do on the weekend? I often 3.语法:能够体会和理解频度副词:always,often,sometimes 情感态度情感态度 合理地安排日常生活和周末活动。 学习策略学习策略 1.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 2.对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。 3.能够看图捕捉主要信息,从而听音理解大意。 4.运用所学英语进行表达和交流,注意倾听,积极思考。 文化意识文化意识 在学习交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同:国内外孩子周末的不同安排。 3学情分析学情分析 五年级学生已经有两年的英语基础,但是因为是农村学生,听说方面比较薄弱,有待加 强。 4重难点重难点 重点:1能够听、说、读、写四个关于周末生活的词组:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class 2. 描述周末的活动。 难点:1. 动词的三单形式。2. 结合频率副词表达周末活动。 五教学步骤五教学步骤 Step I. Warm-up 1. 全班齐唱 Lets chant,引入话题 What do you do on the weekend? 2. Free-talk 询问学生周末都做了什么, 让学生复习之前学过的动词短语。 Step II Presentation 1. clean my room (1) 教师用动作引入第一个动词短语 clean my room。全班齐读。 (2) Free-talk 教师给出句子 I always clean my room on the weekend. 引入 always 和 sometimes。让学生练习 clean my room 和 always, sometimes。 (3) 拓展 clean,给出动词短语。 2. go shopping (1) 图片引入,升降调进行练习,男女生读。 (2) Free-talk 教师给出句子 My mother often goes shopping.引入 often。让学生练习 go shopping 和 often。并且对动词的三单形式有一定的了解。 (3) 拓展 go+doing 3. go for a walk (1) 教师动作导入,高低声练习。 (2) Free-talk 教师给出句子 I often go for a walk with my friends.引入 with。让学生练习 go shopping 和 with。 (3) 拓展 go+doing 4. take a dancing class (1) 图片引入,学生挨个读。 (2) 复习之前学的 have.class,然后给出 take a dancing class。 (3) 拓展 take,给出动词短语。 Step III Practice 1. 小老师活动 2. 悄悄话游戏,全班分成三组,最快说出句子的获胜。 3. 小记者练习。四人一组,一人采访,或者多人采访,练习 What do you do on the weekend? I always/often/sometimes . with. Step IV Text 1. 一人读文本。 2. 学生自己完成前两个简单的练习,然后教师找同学回答问题。 3. 第三个练习是写自己的周末活动,给学生足够的时间构思。 Step V Summary 1. 学生先回忆本节课的内容 2. 教师给出总结。 Step IV Homework 让学生把自己的周末活动制成一个绘本。
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