人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 2 My favourite season-B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:3549d).zip

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Read and match go on a picnic 吃冰激凌 go swimming 摘苹果 pick apples 植树 make a snowman 去野餐 play in the snow 种花 plant flowers 去游泳 eat ice cream 堆雪人 plant trees 在雪地里玩 二二. 选选出出每每组组单单词词中中不不同同类类的的一一项项。 ()1. A. spring B. summer C. season ()2.A. picnic B. autumn C. winter ()3.A. sunny B. weather C. rainy ()4.A. white B. green C. snowman ()5. A. which B. like C. why C A B C B 三三.阅阅读读对对话话,选选择择合合适适的的句句子子。 A: Hello,Mike. B:1._ A: 2. _ B: I like autumn best. A: 3. _ B: Because its cool and windy.4._ A: No,I like summerbest. B: 5._ A: Its very hot insummer. I often go swimming. A. Why do you like autumn? B. Do you like autumn? C. What do you do in the summer? D. Which season do you like best? E. Hello, John. E D AB C Lets sing Sun Chunying Unit 2 My favourite season B. Lets learn There are four seasons in a year. 一年中有四个季节。一年中有四个季节。 Spring is green. 春季绿茵茵春季绿茵茵 Summer is sunny. 夏季好晴朗夏季好晴朗 Autumn is golden . 秋季金灿灿秋季金灿灿 Winter is white . 冬季白茫茫冬季白茫茫 学学 习习 目目 标:标: (1)能听、说、读、)能听、说、读、 写单词写单词picnic, pick, snowman和短语和短语go to a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman. (2)能熟练运用句型:)能熟练运用句型:Which season do you like best? I likebest. Why? Because I can/often.进行口语交际训练。进行口语交际训练。 (3)情感目标:享受每个季节,热爱生活)情感目标:享受每个季节,热爱生活 。 听录音,看视频。听录音,看视频。 第一遍,认真听。第一遍,认真听。 第二遍,认真听,小声跟读第二遍,认真听,小声跟读 。 第三遍,认真听,大声跟读第三遍,认真听,大声跟读 。 检检 测测 Look and say. go on a picnic go swimming pick apples pick pears pick oranges make a snowman Ask and answer Pair work .同桌同桌 一人一人A,一人一人B,两两 人对话交流。人对话交流。 spring summer autumn winter go swimming make a snowman A: Which season do you like best? B: I like _ best. A: Why? B: Because I can _. go on a picnic Pick apples Spring, spring, warm day, go on a picnic, he and she. Summer, summer, hot day, go swimming, go swimming in the sea. Autumn, autumn, cool day, pick, pick apples, you and I. Winter, winter, cold day, make a snowman, we and they. Lets chant InIn eacheach seseason,son, WeWe cancan dodo manymany things.things. 在在每个季每个季节节里里,我们我们能做能做 很很 多多事情。事情。 play basketball play the piano fly a kite play ping-pong go shopping watch TV listen to music play the pipa read books play football do kung fu plant trees go for a walk go boating pick grapes go fishing plant flowers Ask and answer with your partner go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice cream A: Which season do you like best? B: I often play in the snow/ . / I can. . B: Winter/. . A: Why? plant trees (讨论一下你最喜欢的季节,在这个季节都干些什么讨论一下你最喜欢的季节,在这个季节都干些什么) Pair work My favourite season I like spring best. It s warm and windy. I can fly kites. I can go on a picnic. Spring, spring I love you! Read a poem about your favourite season. (读一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。读一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。) Enjoy every season 享受每享受每一一个季个季节节 Happy every day 快乐每快乐每一天一天 Read and match go on a picnic 吃冰激凌 go swimming 摘苹果 pick apples 植树 make a snowman 去野餐 play in the snow 种花 plant flowers 去游泳 eat ice cream 堆雪人 plant trees 在雪地里玩 二二. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. spring B. summer C. season ( )2.A. picnic B. autumn C. winter ( )3.A. sunny B. weather C. rainy ( )4.A. white B. green C. snowman ( )5. A. which B. like C. why C A B C B 三三.阅读对话,选择合适的句子。阅读对话,选择合适的句子。 A: Hello, Mike. B:1._ A: 2. _ B: I like autumn best. A: 3. _ B: Because its cool and windy.4._ A: No, I like summer best. B: 5._ A: Its very hot in summer. I often go swimming. A. Why do you like autumn? B. Do you like autumn? C. What do you do in the summer? D. Which season do you like best? E. Hello, John. E D AB C 1.Copy the words eight times . 2.Talk about your favourite season and draw a picture of the season. 人 教 版 PEP 小 学 英 语 五 年 级 下 册 Unit 2 My favourite season B. Lets learn 教学设计 一教学目标: 1. 学生能听,说,读,写四个动词词组:go on a picnic ,go swimming ,pick apples , make a snowman。 2 . 学生能熟练运用句型进行对话交流:Which season do you like best? I like (季节) best. Why? Because I can/often . 3. 情感目标:教育学生要享受每个季节,快乐每一天! 二教学重点: 1. 学生能听,说,读,写四个动词词组:go on a picnic ,go swimming ,pick apples , make a snowman。 2 . 学生能熟练运用句型进行对话交流:Which season do you like best? I like (季节) best. Why? Because I can/often . 三教学难点:Which, swimming 和 apples 三个词的发音要多强调。 四教学准备:单词卡片和多媒体课件 五教学过程: 1. Warm up: a. Free talk: Whats the weather like? Its . What day is it today? Its . b. Lets sing Whats your favourite season? 2. Presentation a. 出示并板书课题。放课件:师生共说句:There are 4 seasons in a year. They are: spring, summer, autumn,winter。 (抽学生说并贴季节词卡)Spring is green. Summer is sunny. Autumn is golden. Winter is white. b. 出示教学目标: (1)能听、说、读、 写单词 picnic, pick, snowman 和短语 go to a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman. (2)能熟练运用句型:Which season do you like best? I likebest. Why? Because I can/often.进行口语交际训练。 (3)情感目标:享受每个季节,热爱生活 c. Open your English book, Turn to page 18. 学生查生词音标并上台写音标。 d. 放 Lets learn 视频:听录音,看视频。第一遍,认真听。第二遍,认真听, 小声跟读。第三遍,认真听,大声跟读。 e. 检测:抽个别学生根据音标读词卡上的生词和词组,句子。 (贴动词词组卡) f. 检测:学生看课件,个别和全班读今天所学词组。 (pick pears, pick oranges) g. Pair work .同桌一人 A,一人 B,两人对话交流。放视频,跟读对话的句子。 h. 生生对话:A: Which season do you like best? B: I like _ best. A: Why? B: Because I can _. 板书句型。 i. Lets chant: Spring, spring, warm day, go on a picnic, he and she. Summer, summer, hot day, go swimming, go swimming in the sea. Autumn, autumn, cool day, pick, pick apples, you and I. Winter, winter, cold day, make a snowman, we and they. 拓展巩固:In each season, We can do many things. 学生齐说词组:(play basketball, play the piano, fly a kite,play ping-pong, go shopping, watch TV, listen to music, play the pipa, read books, play football, do kung fu, plant trees, go for a walk, go boating, pick grapes, go fishing, plant flowers.) j. Ask and answer with your partner (讨论一下你最喜欢的季节,在这个 季节都干些什么) A: Which season do you like best? B: Winter/. . A: Why? B: I often play in the snow/ / I can . 3. 拓展延伸:Read a poem about your favourite season. (读一首小诗:最喜欢的 季节。) My favourite season I like spring best. It s warm and windy. I can fly kites. I can go on a picnic. Spring, spring I love you! 学生读后自编小诗,并给全班同学朗读。读的最好的全班掌声加语言鼓励:Good, Good, Good! You are very good! (竖起大拇指) 4. 情感教育:Enjoy every season,Happy every day! 5. sum-up:今天我们学得词组有:go on a picnic ,go swimming ,pick apples , make a snowman。句子是:Which season do you like best? I like (季节) best. Why? Because I can/often . 6. 课堂练习:1. 英汉连线。2. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。3.阅读对话, 选择合适的句子。 7. Homework:1.Copy the new words eight times . 2.Talk about your favourite season and draw a picture of the season. 六板书设计: Unit 2 My favourite season B. Lets learn A: Which season do you like best? B: I like _ best. A: Why? B: Because I can _. 七教学反思:
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