人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 2 My favourite season-B-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频)-市级优课-(编号:f0b62).zip

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Revision (The seasons) 常州市西夏墅小学 刘鹏娟 Seasons 店前辅导小学 刘素君 Happy childrenday Listen and guess: What season is it? Revision (The seasons) 常州市西夏墅小学 刘鹏娟 autumncool springwarm summerhot winter cold Whats the weather like in_? Its_. Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Whats the weather like in .? Dear Liu Ming, How are you? This is my picture in Sydney. It is summer here and it is warm now. I usually wear a T-shirt and a shirt .In summer, I like swimming. I swim every day. Thats fun! Will you tell me something about Yuexi now? Whats the weather like in your city? What do you usually do in the season? Please write to me. Love, Mary 1.What does Mary usually wear in summer ? 穿 2.What does she like doing in summer? Dear Liu Ming, How are you? This is my picture in Sydney. It is summer here and it is warm now. I usually wear a T-shirt and a skirt .In summer, I like swimming. I swim every day. Thats fun! Will you tell me something about season in Yuexi now? Whats the weather like in your city? What do you usually do in the season? Please write to me. Love, Mary 1. Whats the weather like in Yuexi now? 2.What do you usually wear in summer? 3. What do you like doing in summer? Homework Write a letter to Mary about the weather in Yuexi. Dear Mary: Yuexi is a beautiful place. _ _ _. With best wishes. Love, _ My Favorite Season 教案设计 一、一、概述:概述: 本课是义务教育课程标准五英语下册 Unit2 My Favourite Season Part B 中的第二课时,新单词有: season、spring、summer、autumn、winter 句型问答:What season is it? Whats the weather like in_? 本课主要从学生兴趣出发,联系学生所 学的 season、summer、autumn 等季节单词,通过 dialogue、talking 等 多种活动,复习旧知,联系新知,丰富学生的词句,训练学生的说听 能力,提高学生的语言运用能力。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生活泼好动,勇于开口模仿,他们接触英语有两三年了,对英语 有一定的基础和兴趣。通过以往的学习,学生掌握了一些基本的句型 和单词,能够进行简单的问候语和对话,学生还能听懂一些课堂用语 和有秩序地进行教学游戏。但学生控制能力差,有些学生基础不好,对 英语没有多大兴趣,因此在单词的学习过程中,我采取的是自己先读, 学生模仿等多种游戏来激发学生的学习兴趣和热情。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、知识目标:学习单词 season、spring、summer、autumn、winter。 使用句型:“what season is it?”和“ whats the weather like in _?”进 行提问,并能根据实际情况回答。 2、能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生小组合作意识,并培养学生善于观察生活、 善于总结归纳的良好习惯,同时让学生珍惜时间努力学习。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 ( (1) 掌握关于季节的 5 个单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season。 (2) 初步掌握句型 What season is it?Whats the weather like in_? 及回答。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1师生示范策略:教师通过和 12 个学生的口语交际,给全班 同学的两两说话训练作示范,让学生清楚两两说话的内容和方式; 2自主听读策略:学生通过自主听读拓展材料,在完成课标要求 的基础上训练听说能力,积累和丰富英语词汇和句式; 3歌曲激趣策略:通过学生的 chant、sing a song,有利于形成宽 松活泼的课堂氛围,同时借助 chant 和歌曲来巩固学过的句型和单 词,在语言运用中学习英语。 六、教学资源六、教学资源 1本课教材; 2拓展资源:一首英文歌曲 if you are happy; 3教学环境:多媒体、幻灯片 七、教学过程七、教学过程 (一)(一)warming up 1、greetings. 2、教师问候:Are you happy? 学生回答:Yes . Because today is Childrens day. 教师:OK. If you are happy, please stand up and sing a song. 3、利用多媒体播放音频,带动课堂氛围。 (简单问候营造轻松学习英语气氛,通过唱歌跳舞的方式导入新课) (二)(二)presentation CAI 课件展示春、夏、秋、冬四幅图片。 1、T says:whatthe weather like today? S says: Its hot. T says: Why is hot? S says:Because its summer. T says: Summer is one of the seasons. 2. T says:Today,we will learn seasons。 How many seasons are there in one year? S says: Four. T says: What are they? S says: They are spring ,summer ,autumn and winter. T says: Look! There are four seasons in a year 。板书呈现单词 seasons 让学生跟随老师读单词 seasons,并拼读单词 seasons。 3、CAI 课件呈现出一幅秋季图然后播放蛐蛐的叫声。 T points to the picture and asks: What season is it? CAI 课件在秋季图下面呈现单词 autumn。让学生跟随老师读单词 autumn,并拼读单词 autumn。然后教师指着秋季图又问: Whats the weather like in autumn? (让单个学生回答:Its cool.) 4、利用 CAI 呈现出夏季图,春季图、冬季图。教师用同样的方法教 授单词 summer、spring 和 winter 以及问答句型:Whats the weather like in summer/spring/winter? (利用声音和图片引入新词很直观,能激发学生学习兴趣) (三)(三)practice 1、教师利用 chant 的方式操练单词 season、spring、summer、autumn 和 winter。 (chant 有助于学习记忆季节单词,同时培养了学生的语感) 2、比赛:以上组为单位,开火车读新单词。 3、(通过炸弹游戏、开火车比赛读和猜季节游戏既可以巩固新知识, 同时激发了学生的兴趣) 4、CAI 课件再次呈现春、夏、秋、冬四幅图,叫两学生对每幅图进 行问答: What season is it? Its_. Whats the weather like in? Its_. (学生两两同学谈论每图时,教师可给学生 5 分钟时间练习说,然后 以大组为单位,点两两同学站起来展示他们的对话,根据各组表现得 小红花) (四)(四)Practice 拓展教学拓展教学. 收到一封来自澳洲朋友的来信。 1.认真阅读来信。 Dear Liu Ming, How are you? This is my picture in Sydney. It is summer here and it is warm now. I usually wear a T-shirt and a shirt .In summer, I like swimming. I swim every day. Thats fun! Will you tell me something about Yuexi now? Whats the weather like in your city? What do you usually do in the season? Please write to me. Love, Mary 2.首先教师创设情景导入对话: T: Do you know what the weather like in Sydney now? 其次,教师出示悉尼的图片然后简要介绍一下悉尼。 然后,教师出师信件内容,学生先听读信件内容 ,然后回答问题。 T says:what the weather like in Sydney now? S says:Its summer. Its warm.(练习固定句型: Its.Its.)板书板书 3. T says: I think this question is a little easy for you. So I have another two questions for you . 1. What does Mary usually wear in summer? 2. What does she like doing in summer? I will read the letter and then answer my questions .Try to read after me , OK? 教师范读课文,学生跟读课文。特别注意强调 Something about 的 读法。 4. 教师抽取个别学生回答刚才的问题,然后以组为单位叫两两同学展 示他们的对话,根据各组表现予以奖励。 5.拓展问题: 1 .What do you usually wear in summer? 引导学生回答:I usually wear.(板书) 2.What do you like doing? 引导学生回答:I like .(板书) (通过师生对话、生生对话来培养学生实际运用语言的能力) (五)(五)Write a letter to Mary. 根据 Mary 提出的三个问题。 1. Whats the weather in Suzhou now? 2. What do you usually wear in summer? 3. What do you like doing in the season? 写一封信给 Mary。(强调信的格式。) T says : Pay attention! This is a letter .So we should write: Dear Sir or Madam: 1 2 3 Love, Your name. (六)(六)Homework Complete the letter to Mary. (作业设计既让学生巩固了新知,还让学生锻炼了写作能力) 板书:板书: Dear Sir or Madam: It is.It is. I usually wear. I like. Love, Liu Ming 八、总结与评价八、总结与评价 本课英语教学的评价主要通过课堂表现和语言知识技能两个方面 来进行。课堂表现的评价主要包括学习态度、学习兴趣、学习策略 和合作精神;语言知识技能的评价主要包括说、听、唱、练和游戏。
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