人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:0102e).zip

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绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L My school calendar Part C Story time Unit 3 Fast reaction快速反应 Can you tell the month? _February_ January March? ? _June_ _May_ _July_ _September_ _November_ MayJuly April June August October June August October December Which month is it now? summer vacation The summer vacation is still three months away. Early planning is always good. My summer vacation plan month Plan(计划)(计划) JulyI will read some books. AugustI will go to Xinjiang. I like fruit. The fruit is very famous in Xinjiang. apples (著名的,有名的)著名的,有名的) _ watermelons Hami melons pears There are many grapes in Xinjiang. But I like grapes best. There is a Grape Valley in Xinjiang. The grapes there are very sweet. What can you see from the picture? Questions: 2. Who wants a summer vacation? It is about a summer vacation plan. Zoom. 1. What is the story about(关于)? Which month is it now?It is April now. 1.Where will Zoom go in July? 2. Why? He will go to Xinjiang. Because He will visit his grandparents. He will go to Grape Valley. 1.What will Zoom do in Xinjiang? 2. Why?Because the grapes there are very sweet. Grapes are his favourite fruit. He will go to Huangshan Mountain. 1.Where will Zoom go in August? 2.Why? The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful. 2. Is Zoom happy? 1. What will Zoom have next Monday? He will have a_ _. Oh, my goodness. I forgot. No, he isnt. mathstest Early planning is always good. But we cant only play. We should study hard. 应该应该 Its April now. But Zoom has a _ _ _. He _ visit grandparents. They live in _. I cant make a story(编故事编故事). Can you help me? summer vacation plan Xinjiang will He _ _ to Grape Valley. Because the grapes are very sweet. He_ _to Huangshan Mountain in August. He will have a _ _ next Monday. So he will study hard this _. will go will go maths test weekend summer vacation plan grandparents; Xinjiang Tips: 1. Write the sentences on the exercise book. 造句并把句子写在练习本上。造句并把句子写在练习本上。 2. Retell the story with the sentences. 把句子串联起来复述故事。把句子串联起来复述故事。 Can you tell the story with the given words? 你能用所给单词帮每幅图配句子讲故事吗? Grape Valley; grapes Huangshan Mountain maths test Homework 1. Try to retell the story to your parents at home. 2. Make your summer vacation plan. The end! Thank you! 人教版小学英语五年级下册人教版小学英语五年级下册 教学设计与反思教学设计与反思 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 本课时是人教版小学英语五年级下册 Unit3 My school calendar 中 PartC Story time 部分。本课时的话题是暑 假还未来时,Zoom 就急着向 Zip 介绍自己的暑假计划。主 要是学习如何用 will 表达将来的计划。本课时要求学生能 够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事内容,复习与巩固单元 核心句型以及月份类的单词;能够在教师的帮助下理解并 朗读故事,还能恰当地对故事的内容进行复述,整合学生 已经学过的语言,拓展语言运用机会。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 知识目标知识目标:(1)学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事 内容,复习与巩固单元核心句型以及月份类的单词; (2)学习如何用 will 表达将来的计划。理解单词 famous; Great Valley; maths test; plan; visit grandparents. 能力目标能力目标:能够在教师的帮助下理解并朗读故事,还能恰 当地对故事的内容进行复述,整合学生已经学过的语言, 拓展语言运用机会。 情感目标情感目标:提醒学生需要提早做好合力的计划,而不是盲 目地只贪图享乐,忘记学习。 三、三、 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:重点:学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事内容,复 习与巩固单元核心句型以及月份类的单词;能够在教师的 帮助下理解并朗读故事,还能恰当地对故事的内容进行复 述,整合学生已经学过的语言,拓展语言运用机会。 难点难点:新词 famous; Great Valley; maths test; plan; visit grandparents; still. 四、学情分析及教法设计四、学情分析及教法设计 五年级的学生已经学习了两年多的英语,有了一些英语知 识的积累,对这门课程充满了兴趣,而且五年级的学生具 有好玩、好动、好奇心强的特点。他们爱听故事,所以在 观看动画视频前,我利用交际法让学生描述故事图片。因 为学生英语基础相对较弱,词汇相对比较少,达不到改编 故事的目的。在知识输出部分,我利用任务型教学法,让 学生完成故事填空和造句,从而复述故事。 五、五、 教具准备教具准备 单词卡片,图片,PPT 六、六、 教学过程教学过程 1.1. WarmWarm upup Game: Fast reaction (教学意图):课前复习月份有关的单词,承上启下,为后 面学习扫清障碍。 2.2. lead-inlead-in 1). Q: Which month is it now? To educe sentence “There are still three months away.” 2). To show students my summer vacation plan in order to educe the sentence “Early planning is always good.” To let students know the words “famous, Grape Valley, sweet (教学意图):故事中有一些新单词,课前设置这一环节让 学生产生兴趣的同时,又让学生解决大部分新单词和句子, 以致于学生不会在之后的新授中觉得困难。 3.3. PresentationPresentation 1、To show Ss some pictures and lead them to describe the pictures. 2. Ss watch the video and ask two questions 3、To study the story picture by picture. 4. To read the whole story after the video. 5. Moral education. (教学意图):课前读图,让学生感知学习内容;之后初读 课文回答两个问题,基本了解故事;再后来精读故事,完 全了解课文。最后进行情感教育。 4.4. ConsolidationConsolidation andand ExtensionExtension 1)、Ss fill in the blank. 2)、Ss make sentences with the given word to retell a story. (教学意图):学生经过听说读,最后通过两个巩固环节- 填空,改编故事让学生巩固故事,输出知识。 六家庭作业六家庭作业 1. Try to retell the story to your parents at home. 2. Make your summer vacation plan. 七、七、 板书设计板书设计 Unit3Unit3 MyMy schoolschool calendarcalendar C C StoryStory timetime 1.famous 2.visit grandparents 3.Grape Valley 1.Sounds great! 2.So please study hard. 3.Oh my goodness! I forgot! 4.The summer vacation is three months away. 5.Early planning is always good. 教学反思教学反思 本课时的 Story time 主要要求学生能够在图片和教师的帮 助下理解故事内容,复习与巩固单元核心句型以及月份类 的单词;能够在教师的帮助下理解并朗读故事,还能恰当 地对故事的内容进行复述,整合学生已经学过的语言,拓 展语言运用机会。我在新授课前利用我的暑假计划提前为 学生解决了本课的几个难词和难句。新授课后我利用一个 填空和学生用关键词造句从而编故事这两个活动,让学生 能够将所学知识输出。 本节课内容设计的还是比较多,课容量较大。能够同时锻 炼学生的听说读写各个方面。因为本节课我将重点放在学 生对文本故事的理解上,所以整堂课学生读的成分比较少, 气氛略显沉闷。 My summer vacation plan monthPlan(计划)(计划) JulyI will read some books. AugustI will go to Xinjiang.
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