人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 4 When is Easter -A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:70010).zip

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小学英语PEP五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter? Part A Lets try&Lets talk When is Easter? What will people do ? Think and discuss Do you know any other special days? Which special day are they talking about? A、Childrens Day B 、sports meet C、Tree Planting Day D、 maths test Listen and answer When is sports meet this year ? A、April 4th B、April 5th C、May4th D、August7th Listen and answer Q1: When is April Fools Day? Q2: When is Easter this year? When is Easter? Its usually in _. April Sometimes its in _. March DateYear Apr. 5th2015 Mar. 27th2016 Apr. 16th2017 Apr. 1st2018 Apr. 21st2019 Apr. 14th2020 Q: What will Mr Jone do on Easter? Mr Jones: Mr Jones: There are some special days in There are some special days in April.April. Zhang PengZhang Peng: : What are they?What are they? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter. April Fools Day and Easter. Zhang PengZhang Peng: : When is April Fools Day? When is April Fools Day? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: Its on April 1st. Its on April 1st. Zhang PengZhang Peng: : And Easter?And Easter? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: Its on April 16th this year Its on April 16th this year Zhang PengZhang Peng: : What will you do on EasterWhat will you do on Easter? Mr Jones: Mr Jones: We will make Easter eggs andWe will make Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. meet the Easter Bunny. Zhang PengZhang Peng: : Wow! Thats funny. I love April. Wow! Thats funny. I love April. Listen and read Mr Jones:Mr Jones: There are some special days in April.There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng Zhang Peng: : What are they?What are they? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter. April Fools Day and Easter. Zhang Peng Zhang Peng: : When is April Fools Day? When is April Fools Day? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: Its on April 1st. Its on April 1st. Zhang Peng Zhang Peng: : And Easter?And Easter? Mr Jones:Mr Jones: Its on April 16th this year Its on April 16th this year Zhang Peng Zhang Peng: : What will you do on EasterWhat will you do on Easter? Mr Jones:Mr Jones:We will make Easter eggs andWe will make Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. meet the Easter Bunny. Zhang Peng Zhang Peng: : Wow! Thats funny. I love April. Wow! Thats funny. I love April. Read in roles Read the dialogue in group and act it. There are some special days in April.They are April Fools Day and Easter. April Fools Day is on April 1st. Easter is on April 16th this year. We will make Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny on Easter. Retell the passage Retell the passage Think and discuss How many special days in May? What are they ? Lets watch Time: May 30th this year We can: make Zongzi eat Zongzi watch dragon boat races have a big dinner memorize Qu Yuan drink wine Dragon Boat Festival Group work 1 、You can make a diague with Ana. 2、You can make a short passage with Ana. Homework: Introduce Chinese special days to Ana with Wechat. eg: Mid-autumn Day Dragon Boat Festival Spring Festival Double ninth Day Enjoy your festivals! Enjoy your life! 享受节日,快乐生活 Thank you! 1 / 4 Unit4 When is Easter? A Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 【课课 题题】新人教版 PEP 五下 Unit4 When is Easter? 【课课 时时】第 1 课时:A Lets try. Lets talk. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 这是本单元的第一课时。Lets try 为与本课主题相关的听力练习。Lets talk 为交际对话,通过 Mr Jones 和张鹏就四月份两个特殊的日子愚人节和复活 节日期进行对话的情景,来学习如何询问并回答某节日的日期。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 五年级的学生已形成一定的英语学习习惯和行为习惯,对英语的学习兴趣 浓厚,具备了一定的听说读写能力。在五年级下册 Unit3 中,学生已经对复活 节的文化有了初步的了解,并学会了 When is.句型的表达和使用,为本课的学 习打下了基础。 3、目标定位目标定位 语言能力语言能力 1.学生能够在动画,图片和教师的帮助下理解 Mr Jones 和 ZhangPeng 的对话大 意; 2.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能替换任务进行角色表演。 3.能够在情景中运用核心句型 When is .? Its on . 4. 学生能够在情景中运用句型 There are some special days in April.表述某月有多 少特殊的日子。 思维品质思维品质 通过对复活节的学习,培养学生跨文化交际意识,通过给外教介绍中国传统节 日,传承中国文化,增强学生综合语言能力的发展。 教学方法教学方法 任务教学法和交际教学法 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greetings : Introduce myself and greet with students. 2.Sing a song 2 / 4 (设计意图:接近学生,拉近感情.通过歌曲活跃气氛,进入主题) Step 2:Review Free talk 1 Talk about Easter : When is Easter? What will people do on that day? 2 Talk about the special days the students kown. (设计意图:由歌曲谈论复活节,进而复习其他学生们已知的节日,激活旧知。 ) Step 3:Lead in 1. Lets try (1) 教师出示本部分图片,请学生猜测 Which special day are they talking about? (2) 教师第一次播放教学录音,学生听录音,完成听音选月份的练习,师生核对 答案。 (3) 教师第二次播放教学录音,学生再听一遍录音,回答 When is the sports meet this year? (设计意图:通过猜的方式进入 Lets try ,设计信息差,激发孩子们的兴趣;设计 了两个有层次性的问题,让学生感知重点句型,抓住核心) Step 4:Presentation Lets talk (1) 由 Lets try 的谈论承上启下,他们在四月份还有哪些特殊节日,让学生猜: Which special days are they talking about? Ss: Theyre talking about April Fools Day and Easter. 学生听对话后回答问题 When is April Fools Day? When is Easter this year? Ss: Its on April 1st. / Its on April 16th this year. Easter changes every year.(渗透文化差异) (2) 教师播放本部分动画,请学生看完后,回答问题:What will you do on Easter ? (3) Listen and follow to read by roles . (4) Read by themselves. (5) Act out this dialogue. (6) You are Mr John. Tell Ss the special days in April . (设计意图:让孩子们转换思维,进一步透彻的理解与内化文本,为后面的产出 做铺垫) 3 / 4 Step 5:Consolidation 1. Watch the video about Ana and let ss know what does she want to know. 2.Let ss discuss how many special days in May. 3.Discuss what will people do on the special days and make a dialogue with Ana or give a short report to her. (设计意图:充分利用身边的资源,用微信的形式让孩子们给外教 Ana 介绍中国 的节日,可以对话形式呈现,也可以短文方式介绍,真正的让孩子们讨论参与, 调动孩子们的积极性,发散孩子们的思维。 ) Step 6: Summary 教师引导学生总结本课所学重点句型,鼓励学生提出问题。 Step 7: Homework Wechat with Nick about the special days in China. 【板书设计板书设计】 4 / 4 我的解读我的解读 1,教材 本节课我上的是人教版吴欣主编 PEP 五年级下册 Unit4 PartALets try and Lets talk,本课通过 Mr Jones 和张鹏就四月份两个特殊的日子愚人节和复 活的学习,达到如何询问并回答某节日的日期。文中的复活节因为是每年变化 的,所以我对文章稍作了改编,把日期改为了今年的 4 月 16 号,而且增加了人 们在这个节日里的活动,让文本稍加丰富起来。 2,学生 五年级的学生已形成一定的英语学习习惯和行为习惯,对英语的学习兴趣 浓厚,具备了一定的听说读写能力。在五年级下册 Unit3 中,学生已经对复活 节的文化有了初步的了解,并学会了 When is.句型的表达和使用,为本课的学 习打下了基础。 二、我的思考二、我的思考 结合以上的分析,我对本课有了自己的思考,本课的主要目标就是让学习学 会谈论各月的节日,最后与外教谈论 5 月份的节日,运用到实际生活中。 我的效果 3、我的定位我的定位 语言能力语言能力 1.学生能够在动画,图片和教师的帮助下理解 Mr Jones 和 ZhangPeng 的对话大 意; 2.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能替换任务进行角色表演。 3.能够在情景中运用核心句型 When is .? Its on . 4. 学生能够在情景中运用句型 There are some special days in April.表述某月有多 少特殊的日子。 思维品质思维品质 通过对复活节的学习,培养学生跨文化交际意识,通过给外教介绍中国传统节 日,传承中国文化,增强学生综合语言能力的发展。 我的设计我的设计 围绕着本课的目标我的设计就开门见山,通过一首歌曲来谈论 Eater,进入主题。谈论学生 们已知的节日,进而过渡到文本。通过对文本的学习设计了听说读的练习,层层递进,让 每次学生都加以内化,通过对文本的表演和文本的复述转化为自己的语言,也为后面的产 出做好铺垫。最后设计介绍节日,特别是中国的传统节日给我校外教 Ana 来检测学生们是 否学以致用,达到本课最终的学习目标。 Lets try Which special day are they talking about? Childrens Day sports meet Tree Planting Day maths test Lets talk Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: When is April Fools Day? Mr Jones: Its on April 1st. Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: Its on April 16th this year. Zhang Peng: What will you do on Easter? Mr Jones: We will make Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. Zhang Peng: Wow! Thats funny. I love April. April 1st 4 月月 1 日日 愚人节愚人节 April 16th 4 月月 16 日日 复活节复活节 Talk about the holidays with your partner. Childrens Day April Fools Day Chinas National Day New Years Day January 1st April 1st June 1st October 1st When is Chinas National Day? Its on October 1st
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