人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c06ca).zip

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Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part A Lets spell 说课和教学反思 我讲授的是 pep 教材五年级下册 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?课中 Part A Lets spell,内容是字母“ng”和字母“nk”在单词中的发音,本 课要求学生归纳总结字母组合“ng”和“nk”在单词中的发音规则。 根据发音规则读出含有 ng,nk 的单词,并且能根据读音拼读出单词。 整节课我设计的是情景教学贯穿始终,从臭鼬和国王的故事开 始,我们要一步一步帮助臭鼬坚持完成自己的梦想,最终在我们的 帮助下,臭鼬完成了自己变成小男孩的梦想。 在整节课堂中,孩子们对 ng 和 nk 的发音掌握的很好,但是在 单词中拼读的时候却有时遇到难题,掌握不准单词的发音。所以, 我应在以后的语音教学中多加指导和练习。在板书的设计上,我采 用的是八大思维图示之一的树势思维图式,让学生对整节课的内容 有一个系统性的、整体的感知,方便学生以后的复习和记忆。在学 习 nk 发音是我运用了尝试教学法,让学生自己学 nk 字母的发音, 让学生自己去总结字母在单词中的发音规则,学校的效果很好。在 以后的课堂中我可以继续尝试让学生自己去学习,自己去总结学习 方法。 在语音教学这堂课中我和孩子们一起成长,一起学习,总结出 了更好更多的实用性教学方法,我会和孩子们一起努力。让每一节 课都是生动有趣并且特别有收获的课。 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part A Lets spell 教学设计 一 Greeting Good moring boys and girls.lets begin our English journey. 二 Warm-up Lets sing a song. 三 Lead-in Look!This story is about skunk,ring,king and catsle. Can you guess whats story? 四 Presentation Look at these words ,can u find the same? 1. ng (1)watch the video ,listen and feel the sound. (2)Watch the picture ,teach and say sound. (3)Lets chant. (4)Read by yourself Lets contine the story. 2. nk Look at these words ,can u find the same? (1)spell words with your partner(find the “nk”s sound) (2)watch the video ,listen and feel the sound. (3)Watch the picture ,teach and say sound. (4)Lets chant. (5)Read words and spell in your book. (6)Pass the board and help the skunk. 五 Practice Lets relax . 1. lets chant. 2. lets help the skunk make a wood bridge(boys read “ng”words and girls read “nk” words) 3. Sorts out of the word in Page 50 4. Watch the video 5. Listen and circle the words with “ng”and”nk” 6. lets read the story and act the story 六 Expansion Put the words card on the blackboard. 七 Homework 1. Find the words have “ng”& “nk” 2. Write these sentence by yourself (P50) 3. Act this story with your friends Unit5Unit5 WhoseWhose dogdog is is it?it? A A LetsLets spellspell (part1)Long long ago,there was a King,he lived in a castle,he likes singing songs.He had a magic bling bling ring. He loves animals. Lets find the same. Long long ago,there was a King, he lived in a castle, he likes singingsongs. He had a blingblingring. Tips:Tips:找到标注单词的共同点找到标注单词的共同点 They have “ng” all. ng / ng / ng / ng ng / / / Lets chant. Lets read. -ng ings ng i r ngol nguyo Manyanimalsbesidethecastle. thing bring song cling rong Tips:帮助动物认出自己身上的单词帮助动物认出自己身上的单词. strong (part2) Beside the castle,there was a skunk, he was very stink.He likes pink,he can write with ink,He always think to see the Great King. Beside the castle, there was a skunk, He was very stink. He likes pink, He can think. Letsfindthesame. Tips: 找到标注单词的共同点 /k/ Tips:拼读单词找出:拼读单词找出nk的发音的发音 nk ink i-nk ink pink pi-nk pink think i-nk ink th-ink think trunk nk u-nk tr-unk trunk They have “nk” all. nk /k/ nk /k/ nk /k/ nk nk /k/ /k/ /k/ Lets chant. trunk hank tank blink ink Passtheseboard,theskunkcangotothecastle. Tips:正确读出单词,臭鼬才能到达城堡正确读出单词,臭鼬才能到达城堡 blank dink fink Lets chant. (part3)The skunk heard the king had a magic ring, he has a dream that become to a boy! He comes to the castle meet the King,King said: “ you must help me to finish two things” NO.1 make a new wood bridge; NO.2 sort out of “ng & nk”words trunk long thank pink drinkthing thinkring song moring bank Tips:想要实现愿望,:想要实现愿望, 必须帮国王搭一座木桥。必须帮国王搭一座木桥。 准确读出单词帮助准确读出单词帮助skunk塔桥。塔桥。 -nk -ng bank thank pink long thing ring song moring trunk drink think sing Tips:想要实现愿望,:想要实现愿望, 我们必须帮我们必须帮skunk准确归类单词。准确归类单词。 Lets watch. skunk 臭鼬 stink 臭味 drink 饮料 wink 眨一眨 blink 眨眼 ink 墨水 ring 铃声 king 国王 sing 唱歌 song 歌曲 swing 秋千 Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can sing a song. You will like it. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can make a drink. You will like it. “ Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can wink a blink. You will like it. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. “Go away, skunk! You stink! ” “But I can play ping-pong. I hope you like me and help me. Theskunksdreamcometrue. Thankyou, theGreatKing. Homework Find the words have “ng”& “nk” Write these sentence by yourself (P50) Act this story with your friends. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can play ping-pong. You will like it. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can make a swing. You will like it. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can write with ink. You will like it. Ding Dang Dong. The skunk rings the king. Go away, skunk! You stink! But I can make a a stinky stink . You will like it. Lets chant. Lets act. banktankhank blinkdinkfink Notic:nk放在词中,词尾的时都发/k/。 放在词尾时多数属于一个音节,放在词中 时则属于两个不同的音节。 monkeydonkey Tips:刚才读的这些单词nk发音都一样吗? Lets look for the different. Lets look for the different. hahangng li lingng bliblingng cliclingng strostrongng oraorangnge e E Engnglishlish / d/ / g/ Notic:当ng放在词尾时大部分发/, 当ng放在词中时,发音则不同 。 Tips:讨论刚才读的这些单词ng发音有什么不同. Enjoy
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