人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -B-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:b0e44).zip

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Eat, eat, the bear is eating. Drink, drink, the tiger is drinking. Climb, climb, the monkey is climbing. Sleep, sleep, the tiger is sleeping. Jump, jump, the rabbit is jumping. Play, play, they are playing. Ask and answer What is it/he/she doing? Is it/he/she ? What are they doing? Are they ? The“excited” means_. A. 兴奋的 B.害怕的 They are at the zoo. Robin is excited. A What animals is Robin looking at? Step1 Listen, skim and answer.(听,略读并回答) What are the animals doing? dancing eatingrunningwalking climbingflyingswimming The is/are Step2 Scan and answer.(仔细阅读并回答) ? Look and match. a b c d e f g 1 2 3 4 5 6 Robin is flying like a bird. He says: “I like flying”. The second “like” means_ A. 喜欢 B. 像一样 A Step3 Answer and write. 1.Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at_. 2.What are the animals doing in the story? The bear is_. The rabbits are_. The tiger is_. The elephant is_. the zoo dancing running eating walking 1.Listen.(注意语音语调) 2.Follow the tape. 3.Role play A school trip Today is a sunny day. We have a school trip with our parents. Look, Dong Zimeng is riding a bike, she is so cool. Wang Huihong is climbing. Do you like climbing mountains? Gao Zixuan is jumping, he is excited. Wang Qianhui is cooking in the kitchen. He is helpful.We have a nice day! Xia Yinxuan and Xia Zixuan are drawing.Tao Haowen is picking strawberries. Do you want to eat? 1. What are they doing? Write four sentences. _is_. _is_. _is_. _are_. 2. What are you doing there? Write and say. _. Homework: 1.Listen and read. 2.Act like other animals and say. PEPPEP 五年级下册五年级下册UnitUnit 5 5 WhoseWhose dogdog isis it?it? ReadRead andand writewrite 一 教学目标 1.1.知识与能力目标知识与能力目标 (1) 学生能够在图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事,并 能按正确的语音,语调朗读故事。 (2) 能够运用核心句型:Theis来描述动物正在 做的事情。 (3) 能够理解重点句型:Im looking at a/an 及 Imlike a/an并且表演,运用。 (4) 能够理解生词 excited 和 like 在语境中的意思。 (5) 能够在单线上正确,规范地书写句子。 2.2.学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1) 能够在小组合作学习中理解并运用重点句型表 演故事。 (2) 能够通过自主观察体会现在分词的变化规则。 3.3.情感态度目标情感态度目标 课文中提到了许多动物,培养学生爱护动物的意识。 二 教学重,难点 1.教学重点教学重点:理解句型:Im looking at a/an及 Imlike a/an并且运用,表演。运用句型: Theis来描述动物正在做的事情。 2.教学难点教学难点:区分课文中出现的 like 的不同含义,正 确理解并运用重点句型:Im looking at a/an及 Imlike a/an 三 课前准备 1.Robin 和 Sarah 以及文本中出现的动物头饰。 2.Robin 的头像以及 excited 词卡。 3.电子课件。 四 教学过程 1.Warm-up (热身) (1) Free talk. (2) Lets chant. 2.Review (复习旧知) Ask and answer.运用问答的形势快速激活旧知,复 习现在分词及相关句型。 3.Presentation(新课呈现) Pre-readingPre-reading: (1) 介绍人物并且运用猜的方式引出故事场景。 (2) 在真实的情境中利用句子 Robin is excited.让 学生理解 excited 的含义。 设计意图设计意图:在开始阅读前介绍文本主要人物,并 且运用猜的方式引出故事场景能激发学生强烈的好 奇心。并且通过真实自然的句式“Robin is excited”让学生在一道选择题中突破本课的生词。 While-readingWhile-reading: (1) Listen, skim and answer. 听,略读并回答问题:What animals is Robin looking at? (2) Scan and answer. A. 仔细阅读并回答问题:What are the animals doing? 引导学生用句型: The is/are描述动物正在做的事情。 B. 让学生观察找出特殊变化形式的现在分词。 C. Look and match. 教师介绍 Robin 正在模仿动物园里的动物, 让学生观察图片找出 Robin 是怎样模仿动 物的,进行连线练习。 D. Act like Robin. 通过扮演 Robin 模仿动物练习核心句型: Im looking at a/an和 Imlike a/an E. 在完成模仿动物之后,教师问学生:Does Robin want to swim like a fish? 帮助 学生理解文本最后一幅图的含义。 F. 教师说:Robin is flying like a bird. Does Robin like flying? 引出文中 Robin 所说“I like flying.通过选择题 帮助学生区分文中出现的两个 like 的含义。 设计意图设计意图:本环节通过问答的形式,让学生能 运用重点句型:The is/are描述动物正 在做的事情。并且让学生在已经了解了现在 分词的变化规则的基础上自主观察,总结文 本中出现的特殊变化形式。其次,通过连线 和表演的方式让学生体会 Robin 正在模仿动 物,并且练习核心句型:Im looking at a/an和 Imlike a/an为阅读后的表 演做铺垫。最后,呈现两个句子“Robin is flying like a bird.”和“I like flying.”更加直观的帮助学生区分两个 like 的不同含义。 (3) Read it again, answer and write. 完成课本中阅读后的练习。 After-readingAfter-reading (1) Listen.听并且注意语音语调。 (2) Follow the tape.注意模仿 Robin 机器人的 发音。 (3) Role play.请学生运用所学句型演绎文本故 事。 4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展) 请学生阅读一篇描述同学们真实生活中春游的文本, 写出课文中出现的同学以及自己春游时正在做的事 情。 设计意图设计意图:拓展的文本贴近同学们的真实生活,让 学生感兴趣,乐于写出自己当时春游所做的事情。 也能很好的巩固本节课所学的重要句型。 5.Homework (1) Listen and read. (2) Act like other animals and say. 板书: Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Read and write Im looking at a/an Robin 头饰 Imlike a/an excited 教教 案案 课题:课题:PEPPEP 五年级下册五年级下册 UnitUnit 5 5 WhoseWhose dogdog isis it?it? ReadRead andand writewrite
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