人教pep版五年级下册英语Useful expressions-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30f4c).zip

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  • 全部
    • One year in two minutes.wmv
    • Useful expressions Unit 2.ppt--点击预览
    • Whats your favourite season .wmv
    • 久石譲 - Summer.mp3
    • 四季气候.wmv
    • 教案30f4c.docx--点击预览
    • 纯音乐 - Kiss The Rain (钢琴).mp3
    • 蝉的叫声.mp3


Useful expressions Unit 2 岳西县中洲小学岳西县中洲小学 李冬红李冬红 Watch a video Ask, look, listen, guess Look and chant Spring, spring, spring is warm. We can go on a picnic. Summer, summer, summer is hot.We can go swimming. Autumn, autumn, autumn is cool. We can pick apples. Winter, winter, winter is cold. We can make a snowman. Choose and say Sing a song Useful expressions Which season do you like best? Why? Because I like summer vacation. Winter. 7 8 Unit 2 My favourite season Read loudly There are four seasons in a year. Spring is sunny and warm. we can plant trees or go on a picnic. In summer, its hot and rainy. I like summer best because I like summer vacation. Autumn is windy and cool. I can fly my kite and pick apples. Its cold and snowy in winter and I can play in the snow and make a snowman. There are four seasons in a year. Spring is sunny and warm. we can plant trees or go on a picnic. Its cold and snowy in winter and I can play in the snow and make a snowman. Autumn is windy and cool. I can fly my kite and pick apples. In summer, its hot and rainy. I like summer best because I like summer vacation. Draw and write Magic of nature China Australia Beijing Sydney Homework 1、 、Read aloud what we learned . 2、 、Say your favourite season. Blackboard design 1 Useful expressions Unit 2 My favourite season 一、教学内容一、教学内容 人教版小学英语五年级下册 Useful expressions Unit 2 二、学情分析二、学情分析 经过第二单元的学习,学生初步掌握了一年四季气候特点以及可以做哪些事情 的的英文表达法。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 知识与能力目标: 1、学生将能够听、说、读、写句型 Which season do you like best? Winter. Why? Because I like summer vacation! 2、学生将能够在情景中运用句型 Which season do you like best? Winter. Why? Because I like summer vacation! 3、学生将能够在图片的帮助下理解描写四季的短文;能够按照正确的语音、语 调、意群朗读短文,并运用句型 I like . best because . 书面表达自己喜欢的季 节及原因。 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标: 1、学生将有兴趣用英语表达自己喜爱的季节及理由。 2、学生将能够注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。 3、学生将增强保护地球,热爱自然的意识。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 生活中用英文描述自己喜爱的季节的理由 五、教学策略五、教学策略 观赏视频,创设情境,大声唱歌,欣赏美景,画写表达. 充分利用信息技术 调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: .( Good morning, Mrs. Li.) 2 2、Watch a video T: First, watch a video carefully, please. . T: How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: . (Four.) T: What are they? Ss: .(Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.) T: Whats the weather like in different seasons? Spring is wam. T and Ss: . ( Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold. ) (设计意图:简单互相问候,拉近师生距离;观看与下面学习内容相关的视频, 激发学生的兴趣和对旧知的回忆。 ) Step 2 Presentation and Practice 1、Ask, listen,look and guess ( 1 ) Make a dialog T: Boys and girls, look out the windows, please. Hows the weather today? S1: . ( Its sunny and warm.) T: Yeah, youre right. Which season is it now? S1: .( Spring.) T: Yes. Its spring at present. What can we do in spring? Ss: . ( We can go on a picnic.) ( 2 ) Listen and say T: Listen. . T: What did you hear just now? Ss: .( 蝉的叫声) T: Yes. We heard the sound of cicadas. The weather is hotter and hotter. Which season is coming? Ss: .( Summer is coming.) T: Yes. I like summer best because of summer vacation. T: What can you do in summer? Ss: . ( Go swimming.) T: I agree with you. Summer is very hot. We can go swimming in a swimming pool like the baby here. ( 3 ) Observe and say T: Look at the picture. Lots of leaves are falling down. Its windy and cool. Which season is this? Ss: . ( Autumn.) T: Yes, its autumn. Many leaves fall down in autumn, so autumn can also be called fall in American English. What can you do in autumn? Ss: . (We can pick apples. ) T: Yes. We can pick fresh apples in autumn. ( 4 ) Do an action T:(师“冻得”全身发抖 Oh, my god. Its too cold. Which season is this? 3 Ss: . ( Winter.) T: What can we do in winter when its snowy? Ss: .( Make a snowman.) T: Youre clever. We can wear warm clothes to play in the snow and make a snowman. 2、Look and chant Spring, spring, spring is warm. We can go on a picnic. Summer, summer, summer is hot. We can go swimming. Autumn, autumn, autumn is cool. We can pick apples. Winter, winter, winter is cold. We can make a snowman. 3、Choose and say T: There are four seasons in a year. Spring is sunny and warm. We can go on a picnic with our family. Its summer after spring. We can go swimming in hot summer. As for me, I like summer best because I like summer vacation. Its cool in autumn. You can pick fresh apples. There is lots of snow in winter. We can make a snowman with our friends. Now, choose your favourite season to talk with your partner. . T chooses two students to talk his/her favourite season. . 4、Sing a song T: Boys and girls, lets sing a song: whats your favourite season? . T: There are spring, summer, fall and winter in a year. My favourite season is summer. 5、Useful expressions T: Summer is my favourite season because I like summer vacation. Whats your favourite season?/ Which season do you like best? S1:. ( Winter.) T: Why? . T: Ask and answer each other . T asks some students to ask and answer each other . (设计意图:由真实情境,听蝉的叫声,观察动态图和老师的动作引入一年四 季的不同特点;让学生看图唱读,选择自己喜欢的季节说一说,唱季节歌曲, 到自然引入这节课重点学习内容。触、听、看、思、读、说、唱、练,每一个 环节之间循序渐进,充分调动学生思维,培养学生思维品格和语言能力。 ) Step 3 Consolidation and Extention 1、Read loudly T:Read together, please . T:Good job! 2、Draw and write T:Boys and girls , take out your paper, please. Draw your favourite season.Then 4 write it down why you like it best. . T asks two students to come to the front to show. 3、Magic of nature T: At last, lets appreciate a video. . T: What do you want to say? . (设计意图:大声朗读短文,语言整体输入;画出自己喜爱的季节,书写出来, 培养学生的想象能力和自学能力;通过短片欣赏大自然的神奇,感受大自然的 魅力。 ) Step 4 Summary 1、Love nature T: Youre excellent. There are spring, summer, autumn and winter in a year on earth. Each season has its own charactristics. When its autumn in China, it is spring in Australia. When it is winter in Beijing, its summer in Sydney. That means in different countries, the season may not be the same. Nature is really magical. Do you love our nature? Ss: . T: What should we do to our earth and nature? Ss: . T: Follow me Protect the earth! Love nature! Ss:. (Protect the earth! Love nature!) 2、Homework T: Todays homework is to read aloud what we learned and to say your favourite season. 3、Good-bye T: So much for today, I have to say good bye. Ss: .(Bye-bye, Mrs. Li.) (设计意图:间接了解不同地区不同季节特点,培养学生的文化品格,激发学 生保护地球、热爱自然的意识;家庭作业要求学生回家大声朗读所学以及说说 自己喜爱的季节,培养学生“用英语做事的能力” 。 ) 板书设计板书设计 Useful expressions Unit 2 My favourite season Which season do you like best? Winter. Why? Because I like summer vacation. 5 课件素材来源课件素材来源 1、四季气候 优酷 2、蝉的叫声 百度 3、Unit 2 Whats your favourite season 英语书 4、纯音乐 - Kiss The Rain (钢琴) 酷狗音乐 5、久石譲 - Summer 酷狗音乐 6、One year in two minutes 优酷 教学反思教学反思 这节课学习内容围绕 “Whats your favourite season?”而展开。我原以为 这节课教学内容浅显,有了精心设计的课件的辅助,学生能轻松享受教学过程。 然而,整节课下来,尽管学生在听、读部分做得比较好,还是存有一些问题。 一、当学生面对问题不知所措时,教师之前的铺垫工作没有做到位和对学 生缺少合理引导和适时鼓励。比如在问答环节,老师一次请两名学生上台展示。 当有学生避而不答或者答非所问时候,老师直接让学生下台引起班上其他同学 哄笑。如果老师之前带学生朗读几遍对话,或者示范一下问答,无疑给学生解 答疑难和心理宽慰。 二、教师对教学内容的拓展不是到位。一年四季不同季节可以做的事情很 多,不仅仅是教材上的。老师课堂上没有引导学生去关注,而仅仅停留在朗读 短文之上。 三、学生学习基础比较薄弱,没有将机械学习内化为意义学习,没能领会一 些英文句子的真实含义而导致课堂上对问题的回答南辕北辙。What can you do in spring? 学生都不知道如何回答。 “Practice makes perfect!”毕竟一周只有两节 英语课,学生太缺少时间接受训练。 四、学生情感比较空乏。一年神奇四季,加上图片佐证地球之大,气候之差 异,应该能引起学生保护地球、热爱自然的意识。可是,学生却不知道说什么, 那行动上又如何做到环保呢?
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