人教pep版五年级下册英语Useful expressions-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:70911).zip

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Useful expressions 红兴隆管理局局直第二小学红兴隆管理局局直第二小学 李莉莉李莉莉 gogo onon a a picnicpicnic singsing a a songsong make a snowman warmwarm winterwinter springspring pickpick applesapples coldcold coolcool Can you read? well井 The sky is very small. The sky is very big. The seasons are beautiful. The sky is so small. The sky is very big.The seasons are beautiful. How beautiful the seasons are! Spring is green with flowers and songs. Weather? Colour? There are- Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Because there are beautiful_. The weather/colour is _. I can_. Why? I can go swimming in the sea . weather? I can eat/ drink - with my friend. Summer is hot and the days are long . I can play games outside . weather? colour? pick up leavesI can with my -. Do you like autumn? Because I can - with my -. Why do you like autumn? Autumn is golden and farmers are busy . I can go skating . weather? colour? Winter is white and the year is gone . Which season do you like best? I like summer/autumn/winter best. Why? Because the weather is _. I can_.(I like summer /winter vacation,too.) Spring is green with songs and flowers. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone. What will Mr Frog say? Lets sing a song to Mr Frog! My Favourite Season Hello, Mr Frog. My name is _. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer ,_and winter. My favourite season is_. The weather is _. I can_. Intoduce your favourite season to Mr Frog Lets sing a song to Mr Frog! lets ask Mr Frog : Whats your favourite season? If you are Mr Frog. Which season do you like best? Tell me. Write a letter. Read and guess! Which season is it ? Its warm .The flowers come out. Its green . We can fly kites and go hiking. Which season is it ? Its very hot .Sometimes its rainy . We can swim. Which season is it ? Its yellow . You can eat many fruits in this season . Which season is it ? Its not warm . Its white. You can play with snow. Which season is it ? 1 新新 PEPPEP 5 5 年级下册年级下册 Unit2Unit2 MyMy FavouriteFavourite SeasonSeason - UsefulUseful expressionsexpressions 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Unit 2 My Favourite Season Useful expressions(79 页) 课型课型 口语交际 与运用 备课时间备课时间2018 年 3 月 21 日 授课授课 人人 上课班级上课班级5 年 1 班上课时间上课时间2018 年 3 月 27 日 课课 标标 要要 求求 分分 析析 本课时的教学内容对应的是英语课程标准二级要求中:能在教师的帮助下表 演小短剧。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。理解和运用有关 季节话题的表达形式。它有三项内容。 第 1 项维度目标是技能目标,行为动词是表演,学习水平是掌握。学习内容 是小短剧。其他重要信息是在教师的帮助下。 第 2 项维度目标是技能目标,行为动词是写,学习水平是模仿。学习内容是 语句。其他重要信息是能根据图片、词语或例句的提示。 第三项维度目标是知识目标,行为动词是理解,运用。学习水平是掌握。学习 内容是有关季节话题的表达形式。 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课是 5 年级下册第 2 单元,季节话题的一个内容,学生在 4 年级下册接触 过有关天气,能做的事这两个话题的内容,如 sing,dance,the weather is cold,cool 等。这些为本课时的教学做了很好的铺垫。在掌握天气,能做的事话 题的基础上,本单元将围绕 season 这一话题,理解和运用表达四季话题的句子 Which season do you like best?I like -.Why? Because I can-.本节课 通过 season 这一话题的句型综合运用,提高学生的英语口语表达能力,和英语写 作能力。为今后的英语学习奠定基础。 学学 情情 分分 析析 优势: 5 年级学生有一定的英语学习能力,活泼好动,好表现自己,乐于参与课 堂活动,如角色扮演,说唱,合作等课堂活动。语言的习得上优于 3,4 年级的学 生。另外,5 年级学生已经掌握一定的英文书写习惯。 劣势:经过前一阶段的书写单词,已经掌握一定的英文书写习惯。但学生们对 于语法意识与习惯还不强。如 I like to go on a picnic.很多学生会不加 to。 2 教教 学学 重重 点点 英语课标要求:能在教师的帮助下表演小短剧。理解和运用有关季节话题的表 达形式。教材分析中指出本单元将围绕 season 这一话题,理解和运用表达四季话 题的句子 Which season do you like best?I like -.Why? Because I can- 根据课标和教材分析确定重点:重点: 学生能够理解运用有关季节话题的句子。 教教 学学 难难 点点 英语课标要求:能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。学情分 析中提出 5 年级学生经过前一阶段的书写单词,已经掌握一定的英文书写习惯。 但学生们对于语法意识与习惯还不强,如 I like to go on a picnic.很多学生会不加 to. 根据课标要求和学情分析确定难点难点: 1. 学生能正确书写 My Favourite Season 作文。 2.I like 用法。 学学 习习 目目 标标 1.通过打地鼠游戏,学生复习有关天气,能做的事话题词句。 2.通过 Mr Frog 的小故事教学情境,学生能看说四季的喜好,表达对四季的热爱。 3.通过编演对话活动,学生能灵活运用表达有关四季话题的句子 Which season do you like best?I like -.Why? Because I can-.I like-. 4.通过合作,看动画的方式学生能唱 2 首季节话题的英文歌。 5.通过图片、词语、例句的提示,学生能正确书写 My Favourite Season 作文。 6.通过书写作文,学生能掌握英语小作文的基本技巧。 教具教具1.课件 2.电子笔 3.青蛙小鸟头饰 4.英语作文填空纸 教教 学学 流流 程程 教学流程: 一 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)5 分钟 1 打地鼠游戏复习:四季 spring summer autumn winter 天气 cold cool sunny and warm 能做的事动词短语:make a snowman , go on a picnic,pick apples (设计意图:我以打地鼠游戏活动复习四季,天气类词汇,轻松的语言氛围缓解学 生课前的紧张情绪,为新授课做铺垫(完成教学目标 1) 二 呈现(Presentation and practice)23 分钟 T:Today I will tell you a story.课件展示青蛙,井,小鸟等图片,用英语描 述井底之蛙的故事。 3 Mr Frog:The sky is so small. Bird:The sky is big.there are beautiful seasons in a year. (设计意图:本环节,利用井底之蛙的英语故事做情境.青蛙和鸟的不同观点,学生 更赞同哪一个呢,设问来引起学习兴趣,为完成教学目标 2,教学重点做铺垫) 学生们都同意小鸟的观点。 T:Lets help the frog come out.See the four seasons. 出示春天图片 T:Whats the weather like in spring ? S1:The weather is warm. T:What colour is spring? S2:It is green. T:What can you see in spring? S3:There are beautiful flowers everywhere. S4:There are green trees in spring. T:What are they? SS:they are birds. T:What can the birds do? They can sing a song. T:lets ask the bird.Bird bird ,which season do you like best? 教师引导学生问 Bird bird ,which season do you like best? 板书 Which season do you like best?出示同义句 whats your favourite season?同时将课题贴于黑板。 教师模仿鸟儿的样子答:I like spring best. 学生继续问:Why? T:Because I can sing a song. 边说边板书:Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Why? Because I can sing a song. T:what can you do in spring? 4 S1:I can plant trees. S2:I can fly a kite. T:We can give a sentence for spring.Spring is green with songs and flowers. (设计意图:通过描述春天的样子,感受,学生能够表达对四季的喜好。完 成教学目标 2.和教学重点) ) Now its your turn to make sentences.教师师范,学生两人一组做对话。 Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Why? Because I can -. (设计意图:通过编演对话的方式,学生能够运用表达四季话题春天的句子 Which season do you like best?I like -.Why? Because I can-.完成教学目标 3 和教学重点) 同理完成 summer,autumn,winter 的练习。 T:Mr Frog has seen all the seasons,what will Mr Frog say. S:Maybe wow,beautiful/great. T:lets sing a song to Mr Frog. 教师放歌谣动画,师生共唱 The Four Seasons (设计意图:通过合作,看动画的方式学生唱季节话题的英文歌。完成教学目标 4. 学生通过唱歌,在愉快的课堂氛围中巩固四季话题内容,巩固完成教学目标 2 及 教学重点) 三Extention 8 分钟 T;Good job.Just now we talk to Mr Frog ,How beautiful the four seasons are! Now let us write something to Mr Frog,OK? 教师出示作文填空内容。配以四季能做事的图片及天气图。 My Favourite Season Hello, Mr Frog. My name is _. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer ,_and winter. My favourite season 5 is_. The weather is _. I can_.I like _. 教师示范,学生填空。到投影仪处教师现场批改。最后一句可能出错几率大些, 注意。 I like 后接动词的用法。 (设计意图:通过图片、词语、例句的提示,学生完成英语小作文,I like 后接动 词用 ing 或 to do,学生易出错,教师现场改正。完成教学目标 5,6 和教学难点 2) 四 Summary T:we have talked ,wrote ,we dont know which season does Mr Frog like best? Lets sing a song to Mr frog. Whats your favourite season? 教师放歌谣动画,师生拍手共唱 Whats your favourite season? (设计意图:通过唱歌,学生在愉快的课堂氛围中巩固四季话题内容,巩固完成教 学目标 2,4) 五Homework 2 分 1. If you are Mr Frog. Which season do you like best? Tell me. Write a letter. 板书 Unit2Unit2 UsefulUseful expressionsexpressions WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite season?season? Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Why? Because I can sing a song. 反反 本节课是 PEP 小学 5 年级下册 Unit 2 Useful expressions的教学内容。考 虑到学生的好奇心及求知欲我设计了角色扮演,唱英文歌,巩固写作等活动。下 面我就结合这节课谈一谈自己的一些做法和体会。 1. 导入轻松 自然 小学生对新事物总是充满着好奇,所以热身环节利用打地鼠游戏复习天气, 季节类词汇,活跃课堂气氛。 2 多种方式 理解运用核心句型与短语 6 思思 本课对于 season 话题句型的运用,我下了不少功夫,通过多种形式的课堂活动, 如角色扮演,唱英文歌,巩固写作等活动,学生们通过合作完成角色扮演,唱季 节话题英文歌,让每位学生都有练习和操作的机会。联系天气和能做的事,感受 英语学习与实际生活的关系,激发学生的学习情趣。 但是我在以下几点做得还不够: 1. 课堂评价语单一。缺乏及时鼓励。 2.英语作文当中可以适当扩展,鼓励学生独立增写 1-2 句话,给学生发展空间。 今后的教学中应注意以上几点,扬长避短,应更多的考虑学生的接受能力,争 取更大的进步。
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